Medical Center Santagostino Loreto

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Medical Center Santagostino Loreto

Via Saverio Mercadante, 16, 20124 Milano MI, Italy
Livio Ventura on Google

Purtroppo, la media delle recensioni rispecchia la verità, nel tempo ho provato diversi servizi, ma in tutti gli ambiti servizio pessimo, in ultimo laboratorio analisi, risultati a dir poco “ curiosi “ e smentiti da successive analisi rifatte in altro laboratorio…esperienza pessima, per nulla attendibile.
Unfortunately, the average of the reviews reflects the truth, over time I have tried different services, but in all areas bad service, in the last analysis laboratory, results that are nothing short of "curious" and denied by subsequent analyzes redone in another laboratory ... very bad experience, not at all reliable.
Stefania Cerea on Google

Metto una stella, ma la mia esperienza non ne meriterebbe nemmeno una. Oggi mi sono recata al centro per una visita ginecologica. Ho superato i 40 anni e di ginecologhe ne ho frequentate. Mai avute esperienze spiacevoli. Quella di oggi, invece, si può definire solo squallida. Il disagio provato è difficilmente descrivibile. Tornata a casa ho pianto. La ginecologa in questione (di cui non credo di poter fare il nome in questo contesto, ma che ho già segnalata al Centro), si è rivolta a me per tutto il tempo con tono da maestrina saccente. Mi ha riempita di domande senza darsi la pena di farmi terminare le risposte. Ha minimizzato ogni questione che le ho posto. Ha dato uno sguardo veloce ai referti degli ultimi tre anni, aggiungendo che non poteva giudicare l'operato di un'altra collega (cosa che non le avevo chiesto). Mi ha tenuto una lezioncina su come si utilizza un lubrifi***te come se stesse parlando ad una ragazzina di 14 anni. Alla fine mi ha proposto di fare una visita ginecologica (ma ero lì proprio per fare quella, e l'avevo già pagata!), a cui volendo potevo aggiungere un'ecografia transvag***le e degli esami del sangue. Il tutto offerto come se si trattasse di piatti su un menù. Ma io ero lì per avere un consiglio su cosa fare, non per fare shopping di prestazioni mediche! Morale: me ne sono andata senza fare alcuna visita. Tornata a casa ho subito presentato reclamo al centro. Ogni medico ha una valutazione e, guarda caso, sono tutte altissime, corredate da commenti brevi e molto simili o prive di commenti. Ho chiesto esplicitamente di poter esprimere la mia valutazione su quella specifica ginecologa. Sul sito del centro è scritto che dopo qualche giorno ai pazienti dovrebbe arrivare una e-mail con la quale esprimere una valutazione sui medici. Io però avevo già fatto una visita oculistica settimane prima e non mi è mai arrivata alcuna e-mail. Ora aspetto una risposta.
I put a star, but my experience does not deserve even one. Today I went to the center for a gynecological examination. I am over 40 and I have frequented gynecologists. Never had any unpleasant experiences. Today's, however, can only be defined squalid. The discomfort experienced is difficult to describe. Back home I cried. The gynecologist in question (whose name I don't think I can name in this context, but who I have already reported to the Center), turned to me all the time with the tone of a know-it-all teacher. He filled me with questions without bothering to run out of answers. She downplayed every question I posed to her. She took a quick look at the reports from the past three years, adding that she couldn't judge another colleague's performance (which I hadn't asked her). He gave me a lecture on how to use a lubricant as if he were talking to a 14-year-old girl. In the end he suggested that I have a gynecological examination (but I was there just to do that, and I had already paid for it!), To which I could add a transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests if I wanted to. All offered as if it were dishes on a menu. But I was there for advice on what to do, not to shop for medical services! Moral: I left without paying any visit. Back home, I immediately filed a complaint with the center. Each doctor has an evaluation and, coincidentally, they are all very high, accompanied by short comments and very similar or without comments. I explicitly asked to be able to express my assessment of that specific gynecologist. On the site of the center it is written that after a few days the patients should receive an e-mail with which to express an opinion on the doctors. However, I had already had an eye examination weeks before and never received an email. Now I'm waiting for an answer.
Giulia Campagna on Google

Le recensioni su questo luogo mi avevano quasi fatto desistere dal prenotare una visita qui ma fortunatamente non l'ho fatto. Personale gentilissimo all'accettazione e al desk, la dottoressa è stata molto gentile e professionale, mi sono subito sentita a mio agio. Inoltre nonostante molte critiche riguardassero i tempi di attesa, il mio appuntamento era alle 10:30 e alle 10:47 avevo già lasciato lo studio.
The reviews on this place almost made me desist from booking a visit here but luckily I didn't. Very kind staff at the reception and at the desk, the doctor was very kind and professional, I immediately felt at ease. Also despite a lot of criticism regarding waiting times, my appointment was at 10:30 am and at 10:47 am I had already left the studio.
Flavia Cazzaniga on Google

Mi riservo di cambiare opinione dopo la visita ma le premesse non sono buone : Appuntamento alle ore 11h10 e sono ancora in attesa di entrare ( sono le 11h20 ed è appena entrata cliente che aveva appuntamento alle 10h40). Per una visita privata trovo estremamente grave non rispettare le tempistiche e ancora più grave non avvisare avendo telefoni e app a cui sono registrata. Difficilmente torno in un posto dove il loro primo biglietto da visita, la puntualità non viene rispettata. Per quanto riguarda il personale,mi avevano assicurato 10 minuti di ritardo... Magari la dottoressa mi fa cambiare opinine.
I reserve the right to change my opinion after the visit but the conditions are not good: Appointment at 11.10 am and I am still waiting to enter (it is 11.20 am and a customer who had an appointment at 10.40 am has just entered). For a private visit I find it extremely serious not to respect the deadlines and even more serious not to notify having phones and apps to which I am registered. I hardly go back to a place where their first business card, punctuality is not respected. As for the staff, they assured me 10 minutes late ... Maybe the doctor makes me change my opinion.
Galina Kalenska on Google

Very bad hospital Doctor dont good... Only take money dont help nothing... I think very bad about its clinica!
Nalan Çetin on Google

The place was clean and people were kind. I went for gynecology, Dr. Carlo Matrisciano was great and he speaks english very well.
Gisela Domej on Google

Very nice medical service. All people (doctors, secretaries, even the security staff) are super friendly, professional and try to help also when the patient doesn’t speak Italian (yet). Easy to book and to obtain results through the webpage, convenient access by subway, comfortable and clean environment.
Maria Myasnikova on Google

A horrible experience. 1. I've booked an gynaecologist appointment last night, only to show up today and be told that the system hasn't accepted me and I have to come back in 3 hours. 2. Having come back 3 hours later, and after spending 15 minutes, I approached the desk and asked how long it would take for me to get my appointment - reply - the doctor will call you. 5 minutes later the doctor shows up asking me why her I was late because the admin desk hasn't notified her that I arrived. 3. The gynaecologist - Chiaralba Risuglia - from the very beginning decided to play psychologist with me asking questions like "what are you afraid of and why" which I thought was not necessary, and frankly quite irritating because that's not what I came there for. 4. She "sold" me ecografia, without telling me that it would cost me extra €50 - "we have to do the exam and the ecografia to understand what the problem is" - never has it crossed my mind that I had to pay extra - I was nervous and wasn't thinking straight, so I felt taken advantage off. 5. Upon completing the exam she told me she doesn't know what it is (and gave me 5 possible things) and suggested I waited for 2 weeks and see what happens, no clear answer has been given to my "and if I don't stop bleeding". In conclusion, I was tricked into purchasing extra services, was not given any even remotely clear answer to my problem and "enjoyed" a very irritating psychology talk. Never go there.

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