Malga Pieltinis - Olbe Pieltinis

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Malga Pieltinis / Olbe Pieltinis

Address :

33020 Sauris di Sotto UD, Italy

Categories :
City : Sauris di Sotto

33020 Sauris di Sotto UD, Italy
El Bidin on Google

Zona stupenda
Wonderful area
Michele De Cesco on Google

Bel posto. Ottimi prodotti
Nice place. Excellent products
Graziella Mezzalama on Google

Bel posto di montagna. Gente cordiale. Salumi e formaggi di malga
Nice mountain place. Friendly people. Cold cuts and cheeses from the mountain pasture
Andrea Rizzo on Google

Ci siamo stati oggi, ma dopo una lunga camminata in mezzo I boschi, purtroppo era chiuso. Così abbiamo fatto ancora due passi ammirando il paesaggio è gli animali al pascolo e dopo siamo rientrati.
We were there today, but after a long walk in the middle of the woods, unfortunately it was closed. So we took two more steps admiring the landscape is the grazing animals and then we returned.
Matteo on Google

Attualmente la malga è chiusa, ma c'erano i nuovi gestori che ci hanno permesso di riempire le borracce. Il luogo promette molto bene, ci torneremo per assaggiare i prodotti appena possibile!
Currently the malga is closed, but there were new managers who allowed us to fill the water bottles. The place promises very well, we will be back to taste the products as soon as possible!
Valentina Minutti on Google

Salendo in malga ogni prato é di un colore diverso dato dai fiori di montagna
Going up to the malga, each lawn is of a different color given by mountain flowers
Marino Rubinic on Google

Malga situata ad una altezza di 1700 metri sopra il livello del mare dalla quale si gode un bel panorama sulle vette Dolomitiche. Cibi freschi fatti al momento con prezzi modici, tipici delle Malghe. Da visitare per tutti gli amanti dei ambienti del genere.
Malga located at a height of 1700 meters above the sea level from which you can enjoy a beautiful view of the Dolomite peaks. Fresh food made at the moment with moderate prices, typical of the Malghe. To visit for all lovers of such environments.
alberto fabi on Google

For those in Sauris who is in the Friuli region I would recommend a wonderful experience. The Pieltnis mountain is a farm that produces milk in the high mountains. Its owner called Eneo is a marvelous unanpersona, dibun other era. The walk to get there is hard but it's worth it because you will experience a beautiful, unforgettable experience. Freshly ground milk, freshly made cheese, salami. Everything seems to have stopped in time, everything is true, genuine and unique. Go, thank you. Open from late May to mid-September. Good world.

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