Logopedista a Roma Silvia Mari

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Contact Logopedista a Roma Silvia Mari

Address :

Via Fonteiana, 75, 00152 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98798
Website : https://www.logopedistabambini.it/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Roma

Via Fonteiana, 75, 00152 Roma RM, Italy
Elisabetta Debiasio on Google

Ho portato mia figlia di 6 anni per problemi dovuti ad un ritardo del linguaggio e conseguenti difficoltà a livello scolastico. La dottoressa Silvia e la dottoressa Livia, dopo un’accurata valutazione globale della bambina, hanno inquadrato perfettamente la situazione e con grande sensibilità ci hanno aiutati a capire come aiutare la bimba a superare le difficoltà. Ha fatto due sedute a settimana con Livia, ad ogni seduta ho visto dei piccoli progressi. La bambina era sempre felice di andare a terapia perché si divertiva e non si sentiva pressata, raggiungendo gli obiettivi serenamente.
I took my 6 year old daughter for problems due to language delay and consequent difficulties at school level. Dr. Silvia and Dr. Livia, after an accurate global evaluation of the child, framed the situation perfectly and with great sensitivity helped us understand how to help the child overcome difficulties. He has had two sessions a week with Livia, at each session I have seen little progress. The child was always happy to go to therapy because she enjoyed herself and did not feel pressured, achieving her goals peacefully.
Tommaso Bianchini on Google

Silvia è una di quelle rare persone in grado di cambiare la vita di chi ha la fortuna di incontrarla. Io ho incrociato la mia strada con la sua quando avevo 24 anni e tanti anni di esperimenti falliti per la mia balbuzie. Silvia è entrata nella mia vita con decisione, entrando nel mio quotidiano e dandomi sia gli strumenti tecnici necessari ad avere un controllo migliore del mio modo di parlare e sia una consapevolezza di me stesso che non avevo mai avuto. Dopo la terapia con lei la mia vita è totalmente cambiata e se adesso sono un uomo felice ed un professionista nel mio lavoro lo devo moltissimo a lei. Il mio unico rammarico è di non averla conosciuta prima perché mi sarei evitato sicuramente tante spiacevoli situazioni, adesso sono un padre e farò tesoro dell'insegnamento di intervenire subito appena si riscontra un problema. Early intervention mi raccomando.
Silvia is one of those rare people able to change the life of those lucky enough to meet her. I crossed my path with hers when I was 24 and many years of failed experiments for my stuttering. Silvia entered my life with decision, entering my daily life and giving me both the technical tools necessary to have a better control of my way of speaking and an awareness of myself that I had never had. After the therapy with her my life has totally changed and if I am now a happy man and a professional in my work I owe a lot to her. My only regret is not to have known her before because I would have certainly avoided many unpleasant situations, now I am a father and I will treasure the teaching to intervene immediately as soon as a problem is found. Early intervention I recommend.
Beata Sabat on Google

La dott.ssa Mari ci è stata consigliata dalla dentista che segue mia figlia di 14 anni per malocclusione provocata dalla deglutizione atipica. All'età di 9 anni la ragazza ha già fatto un percorso rieducativo della lingua con lievi miglioramenti nella occlusione che si sono stabilizzati ma la deglutizione atipica si è ripresentata nel corso dei anni . In questo momento siamo alla conclusione del ciclo di 12 sedute del metodo canadese che segue la dott.ssa con un risultato sorprendente per quanto riguarda l'occlusione ( foto della dentista del prima e del dopo) e una lingua rieducata ( con ulteriore feedback positivo della dentista al controllo). É stato un percorso chiaro, molto articolato dove ogni esercizio aveva un senso e nel suo insieme un aspetto integro. Ritengo la dott.ssa una persona molto accogliente e professionale , di molto sostegno e determinazione nella guida passo dopo passo per raggiungere un successo nella terapia. Sono molto soddisfatta e riconoscente.
Dr. Mari was recommended to us by the dentist who follows my 14-year-old daughter for malocclusion caused by atypical swallowing. At the age of 9 the girl has already undergone a re-education of the language with slight improvements in occlusion which have stabilized but the atypical swallowing has recurred over the years. At this moment we are at the conclusion of the cycle of 12 sessions of the Canadian method that the doctor follows with a surprising result regarding the occlusion (photo of the dentist before and after) and a re-educated tongue (with further positive feedback from the dentist to check). It was a clear, very articulated path where each exercise had a meaning and an integral aspect as a whole. I consider the doctor a very welcoming and professional person, of a lot of support and determination in guiding you step by step to achieve success in therapy. I am very satisfied and grateful.
Leo Sartini on Google

La migliore esperienza con una dottoressa a livello professionale e personale. La dottoressa Mari è una persona splendida e solare, allo stesso tempo una dottoressa premurosa per i propri pazienti. Mi sono rivolto a lei sotto consiglio del mio dentista e grazie a lei, in un percorso di 12 sedute, tutti i miei problemi a livello di deglutizione e a livello fonetico sono svaniti.
The best experience with a doctor at a professional and personal level. Dr. Mari is a splendid and solar person at the same time a thoughtful doctor for his patients. I turned to you under the advice of my dentist and thanks to her, in a 12-sessions path, all my problems at the level of swallowing and at phonetic level are vanished.
Division EN SPC on Google

La dottoressa Mari è stata davvero eccezionale per risultati ottenuti, chiarezza di informazioni - sia al paziente che alla famiglia, interazione personale, e un’attenzione che è andata ben al di là dei suoi obblighi specifici. La dottoressa è stata indicata a mio figlio dal suo dentista a conclusione di una cura odontoiatrica per non compromettere i risultati ottenuti con l’apparecchio dentale. Dopo una prima visita esplorativa, la dottoressa ha previsto un ciclo di 12 sedute di logopedia “per problemi di deglutizione atipica e interposizione della lingua tra le arcate dentarie.” Lei ci ha immediatamente fornito un preventivo, ed è stato facilissimo concordare un calendario di sedute pienamente rispettate, e completate da esercizi da fare a casa. Ogni nostra aspettativa è stata soddisfatta, ed insieme a mio figlio – il paziente – la dottoressa ha costruito un ottimo e piacevole rapporto di collaborazione. La cura è terminata secondo le previsioni iniziali con la risoluzione completa del problema e con una serie di consigli ed esercizi per consolidare il risultato ottenuto. Durante il percorso, la dottoressa Mari si è preoccupata anche di interagire con me, facendo delle osservazioni pertinenti che riguardano la salute di mio figlio e che esulano dal suo campo specifico, rendendosi disponibile a contribuire la sua esperienza. Concludendo, un’ottima esperienza a tutto tondo: grazie dottoressa Silvia Mari! firmato Linda Bordoni.
Dr. Mari was truly exceptional for the results obtained, clarity of information - both to the patient and to the family, personal interaction, and attention that went far beyond her specific obligations. The doctor was indicated to my son by her dentist at the end of a dental treatment so as not to compromise the results obtained with the dental appliance. After an initial exploratory visit, the doctor planned a cycle of 12 speech therapy sessions "for atypical swallowing problems and the interposition of the tongue between the dental arches." She immediately gave us a quote, and it was very easy to agree on a schedule of sessions that were fully respected, and complemented by exercises to do at home. Our every expectation has been met, and together with my son - the patient - the doctor has built an excellent and pleasant working relationship. The treatment ended according to the initial forecasts with the complete resolution of the problem and with a series of tips and exercises to consolidate the result obtained. During the journey, Dr. Mari was also concerned with interacting with me, making pertinent observations regarding my son's health and beyond his specific field, making herself available to contribute her experience. In conclusion, an excellent all-round experience: thank you Dr. Silvia Mari! signed Linda Bordoni.
Mindy Palmer on Google

It only took a phone call to know that Silvia was going to be the right match for my son. She immediately understood what I believed to be my son’s difficulty and somehow found the time to work him into her busy schedule. Her “work hard, play hard” sessions were intense yet rewarding. My 8 year old never once complained about going to sessions or practicing at home. There was a confidence in him as he conquered his obstacles and Silvia got us there way faster than I ever anticipated with her approach and expertise in the field. I received Silvia’s contact info from an international group I belong to and unbeknownst to me she is a big shot in the field! Since that initial referral, every time I bring her name up to anyone whose child is working with a speech pathologist- I realize just how well respected in the field she is and what an amazing reputation she has. It isn’t often that you land in the right hands off the bat and often times it is necessary to meet with a few people before finding the right fit for your child. With Silvia you can rest assured that your child is with the best there is. In addition to her professionalism, she is punctual, and her immaculate studio is a pleasure to escape to. Even with my one year old in tow there were plenty of toys to keep him occupied as we waited in the waiting room. If you have the opportunity to seek assistance from Silvia you are in amazing hands. Just the other day my son completed his last session and ever since he has been faking a new speech issue.... I eventually caught on and called him out on it.... “You just want to see Silvia again don’t you?!” The answer of course was YES!
Erica Firpo on Google

EXCELLENT SLP. As soon as our orthodontist suggested lingual therapy, Silvia immediately created an well-thought, inspirational and valuable program. Silvia instilled responsibility and accountability in our 12-year-old daughter. Awareness was the best gift Silvia gave our daughter, who was extremely inspired and encouraged to follow every detail every single day for her personal improvement, eventually fusing it her daily life. For English-language speakers, Italian speakers and bilingual families, Silvia is your SLP. She has an unparalleled academic background and professional experience in both Italy and USA, and is constantly up-to-date with ASHA and FLI practices. She iis truly exceptional in her dedication, resources and knowledge, Finally, and most importantly, Silvia genuinely cares about her patients. Our daughter loves Silvia- basta!
Mike Mottola on Google

Dr Mari provided outstanding support to our daughter in both English and support. She is a native speaker of English and an absolutely wonderful resource. I cannot recommend her enough!

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