Lido di Procida - Marina Chiaiolella

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lido di Procida

Address :

Via Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo, 6, Marina Chiaiolella, 80079 Isola di Procida NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98897
Postal code : 80079
Website :
Categories :
City : Isola di Procida

Via Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo, 6, Marina Chiaiolella, 80079 Isola di Procida NA, Italy
Leo Ceru on Google

Lo consiglio per trascorrere qualche settimana di relax... Cucina ottima, accoglienza soddisfacente, prezzi accessibili.
I recommend it to spend a few weeks relaxing ... Excellent cuisine, satisfactory reception, affordable.
teresa scotto on Google

Ottima cucina piatti abbondanti freschi e di qualità !!!Cortesia del personale maxi pulizia in sala ed in cucina ,ristorazione doc sia a pranzo cha a cena LO CONSIGLIO
Excellent cuisine, abundant fresh and quality dishes !!! Courtesy of the staff maxi cleaning in the dining room and in the kitchen, catering for both lunch and dinner LO COUNCIL
Lucia Anna Dal Santo on Google

Ottima accoglienza.. Addormentarsi e svegliarsi con il rumore delare non ha prezzo... Speriamo di poter tornare al piu presto.
Excellent welcome .. Falling asleep and waking up with the noise is priceless ... We hope to be back soon.
Milena Perrino on Google

Personale scostumato e senza rispetto, probabilmente preferiscono la clientela fissa a quella pendolare, ma nella vita un po' di creanza non fa mai male, soprattutto se vivi di turismo! Pessima esperienza!
Disrespectful and disrespectful staff, probably prefer regular customers to commuters, but in life a little politeness never hurts, especially if you live on tourism! Bad experience!
German Guy on Google

Wir haben hier mittags in der großen Hitze etwas Schatten gesucht und etwas gegessen und getrunken. Wir haben eine Caprese und ein Panino Pomodoro Mozzarella bestellt. Die Caprese waren drei grüne Scheiben Tomate und drei Scheiben Mozzarella... Tja und das Panino ebenso. Geschmeckt hat es nicht wirklich. Und alles in Plastik von der Wasserflasche, den Trinkbechern, dem Besteck, den Tellern etc. Direkt am Meer leider wirklich eine Umweltsünde. Und teuer war das Essen für diese Qualität auch noch. Dann lieber im Ort beim Supermarkt etwas zu essen holen.
We looked for some shade here in the great heat at noon and ate and drank something. We ordered a Caprese and a Panino Pomodoro Mozzarella. The caprese was three green slices of tomato and three slices of mozzarella ... Well, so was the panino. It didn't really taste good. And everything in plastic from the water bottle, the drinking cups, the cutlery, the plates, etc. Unfortunately, right by the sea, it is really an environmental sin. And the food was also expensive for this quality. Then better get something to eat at the supermarket in town.
Noémie Boutfeux on Google

Grosse arnaque !! J'ai demandé un granita au café, on me l'a servi dans un mini verre à expresso, à moitié rempli et on m'a fait payer 3 euros !! Pourtant il y avait des verres plus grand juste à côté. Le prix n'était pas affiché mais vu la quantité c'est une honte !!
Big scam !! I asked for a coffee granita, it was served in a mini espresso glass, half full and I was charged 3 euros !! Yet there were bigger glasses next to it. The price was not displayed but given the quantity it's a shame !!
Sara Toscano on Google

Stamane sono stata lì con delle amiche sinceramente la posizione dell'ombrellone non era delle migliori in quanto eravamo in 4 fila (cosa che poteva andare bene) ma vicino ad uno scarico di doccia dove arrivavano cattivi odori e mosche a più non posso. Poi non so se era tra lo staff c'era anche il proprietario se è così vi dico che non è stato per niente cortese.
This morning I was there with some friends honestly the position of the umbrella was not the best as we were in 4 rows (which could have been fine) but close to a shower drain where bad smells and flies arrived as much as I can. Then I don't know if he was among the staff there was also the owner if so I tell you that he was not at all courteous.
Gaetano Vitiello on Google

Ultimo lido della spiaggia del ciraccio, proprio vicino alla fermata del bus. Il mare è bello, la spiaggia non molto estesa ed il lido offre un sufficiente numero di servizi ma non eccellente. Diciamo che si potrebbe fare di più.
Last lido of Ciraccio beach, right next to the bus stop. The sea is beautiful, the beach is not very extensive and the beach offers a sufficient number of services but not excellent. Let's say that more could be done.

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