Lezioni di Violino e Pianoforte con Ewa a Roma (San Pietro)

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Contact Lezioni di Violino e Pianoforte con Ewa a Roma (San Pietro)

Address :

Salita di Monte del Gallo, 31, 00165 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : https://www.facebook.com/lezionidiviolinoviolinlessonsonline/%3Fref%3Dpage_internal
Categories :
City : Roma

Salita di Monte del Gallo, 31, 00165 Roma RM, Italy
Chiara Avallone on Google

Ho studiato violino per anni con ewa, oltre a essere un'ottima insegnante è anche una splendida persona, sempre solare e accogliente.
I studied violin for years with ewa, as well as being an excellent teacher is also a wonderful person, always sunny and welcoming.
Lidka Besztak on Google

Maestra Ewa è un'ottima insegnante, è brava, è simpatica, è paziente, e soprattutto spiega molto bene, in modo chiaro e semplice. Non ho mai incontrato un insegnante così, la consiglio molto.
Maestra Ewa is an excellent teacher, she is good, she is nice, she is patient, and above all she explains very well, in a clear and simple way. I have never met such a teacher, I highly recommend her.
flavio sabatini on Google

Studio con la Maestra Augustynowicz da 6 anni. Sin da subito ha dimostrato un’ enorme capacità di ascolto e di plasticità didattica che mi Ha permesso, previo assiduo studio, di raggiungere grandi risultati. Ha immerso tutti noi allievi anche nel magico mondo della musica da camera classica e barocca aggiungendo tanta formazione in più. L’organizzazione di Saggi e concerti sono il suo punto forte per spronarci vincendo paure creando armonia nella classe:) La consiglio a tutte le fasce d’ età.
I have been studying with Maestra Augustynowicz for 6 years. Right from the start, he demonstrated an enormous capacity for listening and didactic plasticity that I It allowed, after diligent study, to achieve great results. He also immersed all of us students in the magical world of classical and baroque chamber music, adding a lot more training. The organization of Essays and concerts are its strong point to encourage us by overcoming fears by creating harmony in the class :) I recommend it to all age groups.
stefano De Celis on Google

Conosco Ewa da cinque anni, è una maestra che offre una grande professionalità senza essere mai troppo rigida, il suo metodo è ben strutturato e piacevole da seguire. Lavora con persone di ogni fascia di età e livello, facendo interagire gli studenti fra di loro, ad esempio durante le lezioni di musica da camera, che sono secondo me un grande mezzo per mettersi alla prova e migliorare, non tutti gli insegnanti offrono questa possibilità!
I have known Ewa for five years, she is a teacher who offers great professionalism without ever being too rigid, her method is well structured and pleasant to follow. Work with people of all ages and levels, making students interact with each other, for example during chamber music lessons, which in my opinion are a great way to test yourself and improve, not all teachers offer this possibility !
Giuliana Tulino on Google

Ewa è l'insegnante di violino di mia figlia da 5 anni. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di conoscerla e ce la teniamo stretta stretta. Che dire di lei...e semplicemente perfetta!! Coniuga il suo acume scientifico, la perfezione tecnica e la giusta dose di rigore di un'insegnante ... ad una grande umanità, sensibilità ed un'enorme pazienza. Eclettica, poliglotta, organizzatrice di eventi musicali per la valorizzazione di tutti i suoi studenti. La adoriamo!! Grazie Ewa. Con stima Giuliana.
Ewa has been my daughter's violin teacher for 5 years. We were lucky enough to know her and we hold her tight. What about her ... and simply perfect !! She combines her scientific acumen, technical perfection and the right amount of rigor of a teacher ... with great humanity, sensitivity and enormous patience. Eclectic, polyglot, organizer of musical events for the enhancement of all her students. We love it !! Thanks Ewa. With estimates Giuliana.
Cécile Papillon on Google

Ewa trasmette con presenza luminosa e attenta il suo amore per la musica. Mia figlia a 6 anni ha avuto la fortuna di cominciare il violino sotto la guida ispirante di Ewa, che l’ha accompagnata nello studio di questo strumento sviluppando il suo intuito, il suo slancio gioioso a suonare, in ascolto dei suoi bisogni. È stata molto paziente e con molta dolcezza e bravura ha guidato mia figlia nell’esecuzione di brani melodici, col metodo Suzuki che è stato molto ludico. Ricordo i veri e propri concerti che Ewa orchestrava con i suoi alunni. Era un momento di grande gioia e unione e mia figlia suonava con cuore e fiducia. Raccomando veramente Ewa che oltre ad essere una brava violinista è una pedagoga umanista con grandi qualità che sostiene e accompagna con cuore e passione i suoi alunni nel pieno dei loro talenti musicali.
Ewa conveys her love for music with a luminous and attentive presence. My 6-year-old daughter was lucky enough to start the violin under the inspiring guidance of Ewa, who accompanied her in the study of this instrument by developing her intuition, her joyful impulse to play, listening to her needs. She was very patient and with a lot of sweetness and skill she guided my daughter in the performance of melodic pieces, with the Suzuki method which was very playful. I remember the real concerts that Ewa orchestrated with her students. It was a moment of great joy and union and my daughter played with heart and trust. I truly recommend Ewa who in addition to being a good violinist is a humanist pedagogue with great qualities who supports and accompanies her students with heart and passion in the fullest of their musical talents.
Anna M. on Google

Poznałam Ewę rok temu, kiedy szukałam nauczyciela gry na skrzypcach dla mojego syna. Oprócz tego, że Ewa ma bardzo solidne wykształcenie muzyczne, porozumiewa się w wielu językach, m.in. w j. ojczystym - polskim, więc ucieszyłam się, że mój syn będzie miał dodatkowy kontakt z tym językiem. Ewa ma bardzo dobre podejście do dzieci, dzięki czemu mój syn od razu pokochał ten instrument. Zaskoczyło mnie to, jak szybko zobaczyliśmy rezultaty lekcji. Już dosłownie po kilku spotkaniach mój syn grał krótkie melodie i piosenki, a po kilku miesiącach używał wszystkich palców i umiał czytać nuty. Teraz po roku nauki umie grać już dłuższe utwory. Zachęcona jego postępami ja również postanowiłam zacząć uczyć się nauki na skrzypcach, choć obawiałam się co z tego wyjdzie - nigdy wcześniej nie grałam na żadnym instrumencie. Ku mojemu zaskoczeniu również ja po kilku lekcjach byłam w stanie zagrać krótkie piosenki! Ewa ma doświadczenie w pracy nie tylko z dziećmi, ale też z dorosłymi, potrafi doskonale zrozumieć trudności każdej z grup wiekowych i dostosować do nich odpowiedni program. Oprócz jej niezaprzeczalnej wiedzy muzycznej i talentowi, jest bardzo sympatyczną osobą, a lekcje z nią są zawsze okazją nie tylko do nauki, ale też do miłego spotkania. Polecam każdemu, niezależnie od wieku!
I met Ewa a year ago when I was looking for a violin teacher for my son. Apart from the fact that Ewa has a very solid musical education, she communicates in many languages, incl. in the native language - Polish, so I was glad that my son will have additional contact with this language. Ewa has a very good approach to children, thanks to which my son immediately fell in love with this instrument. I was surprised at how quickly we saw the results of the lesson. After just a few meetings my son was playing short melodies and songs, and after a few months he used all his fingers and could read music. Now, after a year of learning, he can play longer pieces. Encouraged by his progress, I also decided to start learning the violin, although I was afraid what would come of it - I had never played any instrument before. To my surprise, I was also able to play short songs after a few lessons! Ewa has experience in working not only with children, but also with adults, she can perfectly understand the difficulties of each age group and adapt an appropriate program to them. In addition to her undeniable musical knowledge and talent, she is a very nice person, and lessons with her are always an opportunity not only to learn, but also to have a nice meeting. I recommend it to everyone, regardless of age!
Autumn Knight on Google

Ewa is an amazing violin instructor. I’ve been taking lessons with her for a few months as an adult student who played violin briefly in childhood. She is firm yet patient. The lessons are punctual. Throughout the lesson we focus on both form and the music. She uses a range of methods in her instruction which helps to move the skills forward in a more complex way. Her demonstrations on her instrument really show her style as a violist. She’s kind and a delight to be with for an hour every week. Highly recommend.

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