Leo Top Styling

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Leo Top Styling

Address :

Via Daniele Manin, 49n, 30174 Venezia VE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Website : https://leotopstyling.it/
Categories :
City : Venezia

Via Daniele Manin, 49n, 30174 Venezia VE, Italy
Stephani Widorini on Google

Prima volta per me a Leo Top Styling: estremamente soddisfatta, non solo per il bellissimo taglio ma anche per la cura e l'attenzione dello staff. Soffro di problemi ai capelli e Leo ed il suo team hanno offerto un trattamento molto rilassante in salone da continuare poi a casa. Sono rimasta anche molto colpita positivamente dall'attenzione che l'intero salone ha voluto dare alle misure precauzionali contro il coronavirus. Mille grazie per il vostro lavoro eccellente.
First time for me at Leo Top Styling: extremely satisfied, not only for the beautiful cut but also for the care and attention of the staff. I suffer from hair problems and Leo and his team offered a very relaxing treatment in the salon to be continued at home. I was also very positively impressed by the attention that the entire salon wanted to give to the precautionary measures against the coronavirus. Many thanks for your excellent work.
Ballarin Federica on Google

Salone super consigliato. Ho portato a tagliare i capelli per la prima volta i miei figli di 3 anni. Che dire ... il proprietario è stato subito capace di metterli a loro agio, gli ha fatto scegliere il cartone che volevano vedere e si sono fatti tagliare i capelli tranquillamente senza tante peripezie! Consiglio vivamente questo posto alle mamme con bimbi piccoli ma anche ai genitori!!! Ultima cosa ma non meno importante locale sanificato, igienizzato e attento a tutte le regole per il Covid.
Super recommended salon. I took my 3-year-old children to have their hair cut for the first time. What can I say ... the owner was immediately able to put them at ease, he made them choose the cardboard they wanted to see and they had their hair cut quietly without much ado! I highly recommend this place to mothers with small children but also to parents !!! Last but not least sanitized, sanitized and attentive to all the rules for Covid.
Massimiliano Paton on Google

Vengo in questo luogo da quando ho quindici anni. Ora ne ho trenta, e Leo rimane il miglior parrucchiere con cui abbia mai avuto a che fare, con un distacco dagli altri quasi incalcolabile. È un artista del capello più che un parrucchiere, oltre ad essere un uomo elegante e di buon gusto. Consigliatissimo a chiunque. Grande attenzione anche per le norme covid. Non che personalmente la cosa mi interessi ma è giusto sottolinearlo per tutti coloro che sentono il bisogno di questo tipo di accortezze.
I have been coming to this place since I was fifteen. I'm now thirty, and Leo remains the best hairdresser I've ever dealt with, with an almost incalculable detachment from the others. He is a hair artist more than a hairdresser, as well as being an elegant and tasteful man. Highly recommended to anyone. Great attention is also paid to covid regulations. Not that I personally care about it but it is right to underline it for all those who feel the need for this type of forethought.
Fabiola Tirone on Google

Esperienza incredibile! Sono stata da Leo dopo una terribile esperienza in un altro "salone". Abbiamo iniziato con una consulenza per capire il risultato che volessi ottenere, concludendo con una microcamera per esaminare il mio cuoio capelluto. Mi hanno applicato un trattamento che ha rigenerato i miei capelli come mai prima d'ora, il taglio è estremamente preciso e il risultato ha superato le miei aspettative! Sono stata coccolata dall'inizio alla fine, Leo ed il suo staff sono fenomenali e la professionalità è di altissimo livello! Inoltre pulizia, igiene e sanificazione sono impeccabili. Sono uscita da lì con il sorriso e sicura di tornare ancora ❤ Provare per credere!
Incredible experience! I went to Leo's after a terrible experience in another "salon". We started with a consultation to understand the result I wanted to achieve, ending with a micro camera to examine my scalp. They applied a treatment that regenerated my hair like never before, the cut is extremely precise and the result exceeded my expectations! I was pampered from start to finish, Leo and his staff are phenomenal and the professionalism is of the highest level! Furthermore, cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation are impeccable. I walked out with a smile and sure to come back again ❤ Seeing is believing!
Silvia Vian on Google

Always the most creative, fashionable and chic hairstylist of Mestre Venice. Thank you Leo and Vivi for your passionate work!
Bajram Zeqiri on Google

I have been living in Italy for 3 years finally i found best hairdresser in Mestre. Venezia I would recommend Leo , he is kind and very professional. If you wanna try having best haircut , with Leo you will not get disappointed.
Marisha Yurkovsky on Google

Finally found my hairdresser. Perfect work and cutting techniques with curly hair! Explaining each step of the procedure to understand better about the color, the hair quality and how to improve them.
Francesca Nasi on Google

I needed an emergency appointment for a photo shoot for my website and couldn’t find anyone open. Leo was able to fit me in, and took great care of me when I walked in. He spent a few minutes assessing my needs, and proceeded to recommend a hair treatment after a thorough examination of my hair follicles with a camera. I accepted this treatment, but was a bit skeptical. Leo was very aware of the tension I had in regards to the pictures I had to take and went above and beyond to instill a sense of calmness…he put on relaxing music, asked me not to look at my phone and asked me to dedicate that hour just for me. The treatment was very pleasant, a little long-but the results are well worth it. I definitely see and feel a difference in the texture, cleanliness and shine. I will definitely maintain this deep cleaning for my hair as I truly feel my hair is healthy and clean. The staff was very helpful and friendly, they sanitation was on point and the price was higher than a normal blowout but the service received and the results are excellent!

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