La Trappola

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Trappola

Address :

Piazzetta Prova d'Orchestra, 75020 Nova Siri MT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98877
Postal code : 75020
Categories :
City : Nova Siri

Piazzetta Prova d'Orchestra, 75020 Nova Siri MT, Italy
Mirko Ciro Raspatelli on Google

Bel posticino attaccato al lungomare. Il proprietario ed i camerieri sono gentili, simpatici e disponibili. Il menù con lettore barcode e rispetto delle regole anti Covid. La grigliata mista di carne per me è il Top!!! Le bombette poi sono il massimo. Le materie prime e la cottura direi perfette. Veramente complimenti. Lo consiglio
Nice little place attached to the waterfront. The owner and the waiters are kind, friendly and helpful. The menu with barcode reader and compliance with anti Covid rules. The mixed grill of meat for me is the Top !!! Then the bowler hats are the best. The raw materials and the cooking I would say are perfect. Really congratulations. I advise
FabioJackal on Google

Ci hanno messi a sedere vicino allo gnack gnack dei giochi per bambini. La giostra di mezzo cigolava da impazzire emettendo questo suono: "iii ooo". il che ha reso la serata un po' snervante. Le bruschette iniziali non erano dodici come promesso ma ne erano ben OTTO, e non erano proprio buone come quelle che fa mia mamma. La frittura di calamari era buona ma non come la fa nonna. Le costine bbq erano buone MA non come le fa zio jack. La carne era ottima ma non come la fa bottone. Il tiramisù era buonino ma non come quello di antonio la trippa. La delizia a limone dovrebbero chiamarla in realtà delizia alla panna. Su 174 euro i 2 euro dell'amaro non se li prende mai questo non dovrei dirvelo io (zawa zawa).
They seated us next to the children's game gnack gnack. The carousel in the middle creaked madly emitting this sound: "iii ooo". which made the evening a bit unnerving. The initial bruschettas weren't twelve as promised but they were EIGHT, and they weren't quite as good as my mom's. The fried calamari was good but not like grandma does. The bbq spare ribs were good BUT not like uncle jack does. The meat was great but not as good as button. The tiramisu was good but not like that of antonio la trippa. Lemon delight they should actually call it cream delight. On 174 euros, no one ever takes the 2 euros of bitters ... but I shouldn't tell you this (zawa zawa).
Giuseppe Casella on Google

Un consiglio se ad Agosto volete mangiare in questo bel ristorante: prenotate! Troverete un ottimo servizio, e soprattutto del pesce fresco cucinato egregiamente. Vi consiglio il menu di pesce, per una cifra davvero modica potrete prendere un primo, secondo e caffè. Meraviglia la frittura di paranza. A pochi passi dal mare poi... Provatelo assolutamente se siete vicino a Nova Siri.
A tip if you want to eat in this nice restaurant in August: book! You will find excellent service, and above all fresh fish cooked very well. I recommend the fish menu, for a very modest sum you can have a first, second and coffee. The fried fish is wonderful. A few steps from the sea then ... Definitely give it a try if you are close to Nova Siri.
Samyukta Bhandari on Google

luigi di cintio on Google

Alessandro Nardone on Google

Good view food
Sim Bee on Google

Nice food but slow
Tudorel Mihoc on Google

Well we got here by chance, we do not regret it. There are a lot of Italians who are having their dinner here so that's a sign that the food is very tasty . We had local specialties which can not be found in the northern regions of Italy. The " lungo mare" has very nice artistic paintings on the stone benches with quotes from famous people and you will like them even if you don't have a taste for art or life phylosophy. ?

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