La City Shopping Center

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La City Shopping Center

Address :

Via Panebianco, 436, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy

Website :
Categories :
City : Cosenza

Via Panebianco, 436, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy
Barbara Fuoco on Google

È il mio supermercato per eccellenza, mi trovo benissimo e sono anni che vado lì e che va tutta la mia famiglia. Dipendenti tutti nessuno escluso, personali, affabili e molto gentili, ambiente ordinato e super fornito non lo cambio con nessun altro. Purtroppo a volte mi capita essendo fuori sede di San andare da altri... Evito i commenti che è meglio
It is my supermarket par excellence, I have a great time and I have been going there for years and my whole family goes. Employees all none excluded, personal, affable and very kind, tidy and super supplied environment I do not exchange it with anyone else. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens to me being out of the San office to go to others ...
Manuela Caputo on Google

Definirlo centro commerciale è veramente troppo. Una farmacia, un supermercato, un negozio di abbigliamento e un altro paio di negozi.
Calling it a shopping center is really too much. A pharmacy, a supermarket, a clothing store and a couple more shops.
vincenzo Mauro Arena on Google

Fornitissimo,si trova di tutto a prezzi non molto vantaggiosi, alcuni prodotti sono a prezzi vantaggiosi
Well stocked, you can find everything at not very advantageous prices, some products are at advantageous prices
Guido De Cristofaro on Google

Buon centro commerciale, all'interno uno store combipel molto ben fornito
Eligio Lupinacci on Google

Ottima esposizione visitato con MaryLu abbigliamento Viscivanka Lviv
Excellent exhibition visited with MaryLu clothing Viscivanka Lviv
Valentyna Ivanova on Google

Надзвичайно чисто, великий вибір найрізноманітніших товарів. Є відділення готової смачної їжі, якщо не хочеться готувати дома, великий вибір сирів та м'ясної продукції. Завжди є товари з акційними цінами.
Extremely clean, a wide selection of a variety of products. There is a department of ready-made delicious food, if you do not want to cook at home, a large selection of cheeses and meat products. There are always products with promotional prices.
Piè Lira on Google

Top of the too
Kevin Miskell on Google

Nice shopping area has everything you need!

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