La Carbonella

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Carbonella

Address :

Via Alla Falconara, 2a, 90136 Palermo PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Palermo

Via Alla Falconara, 2a, 90136 Palermo PA, Italy
rg militos57 on Google

personale gentile e che sa metterti subito a proprio agio, le pizze sono rigorosamente cotte nel grande forno a *legna* e poi polli allo spiedo con una miriade di rosticceria, consigliatissimo alle persone che ricercano davvero i sapori!!!
friendly staff who know how to put you at ease immediately, the pizzas are strictly cooked in the large * wood-fired * oven and then spit-roasted chickens with a myriad of rotisseries, highly recommended for people who are really looking for flavors !!!
Nuno Morais on Google

Falta de respeito pelos clientes, visitei este take-away por indicação e não poderia estar mais desiludido, após encomendar no próprio local um frango com os respectivos acompanhamentos e uma pizza, demoraram cerca de 2 horas a satisfazer o pedido, após reclamar ao fim de cerca de uma hora ignoraram prontamente com o comentário que uma hora era pouco e que para as pizzas tinham outros serviços à frente, contudo, clientes locais que chegaram posteriormente foram atendidos a nossa frente, leva-me a crer que nesta casa existe pessoas que não sabem o que é respeitar o atendimento por ordem de chegada. Escusado será dizer que o frango e os respectivos acompanhamentos não estavam comestíveis, as batatas estavam frias e mais pareciam cozidas.
Lacking respect for customers, I visited this takeaway by referral and couldn't be more disappointed, after ordering a chicken with its accompaniments and pizza on the spot, it took about 2 hours to fulfill the request after complaining at the end of. about an hour promptly ignored with the comment that one hour was short and that for the pizzas had other services ahead, however, local customers who arrived later were met before us, leads me to believe that in this house there are people who do not They know what it is like to respect service on a first come, first served basis. Needless to say, the chicken and its accompaniments were inedible, the potatoes were cold and most looked cooked.
Manuel Citarrella on Google

Il pollo e la pizza più buone di Palermo
The best chicken and pizza in Palermo
Nicola Megna on Google

Super super super ottimo cibo personale serio e qualificato
Super super super great food serious and qualified staff
marco calcagno on Google

Pollo allo spiedo strepitoso!!!nonostante fosse sabato dove c'è un afflusso maggiore il Pollo era ben cotto e con un aroma di affumicatura fantastica 10 e lode
Spit-roasted chicken amazing !!! although it was Saturday where there is a greater influx, the chicken was well cooked and with a fantastic smoky aroma 10 and praise
Roberta Cupito on Google

Horrible manners, mediocre food, terrible value. We had a shocking experience, never been treated this bad. We order 2 starters and 2 mains and would not rate it over 'ok'. I firmly believe the good rating you read are family and friends. The bill left us even more disappointed, way too high for the area. Do yourself a favour, go somewhere else, there are many better places in the area.
Xiao Luobo on Google

Good value for money. While in the area I had both pizza and chicken which comes with a lot of fries and local street food included in the price. All deliveries have been arranged on time or earlier.
Andrzej Wojciak on Google

Service was good they even gave me free bun with beef , prices are really good normal size pizza ? 6€ and i couldn’t eat it all. If you like me staying in hotel bel 3 then this is place to go 10min walk from hotel. Not sure what other people complain about bad service guys were super nice to me so i can’t fault the service.

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