
4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact L'Asporto

Address :

Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 6/A, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Website : https://www.lasporto.it/
Categories :
City : Bologna

Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 6/A, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
davide rociola on Google

Tre stelle solo per sottolineare le difficoltà di questo locale. Ma cominciamo dalle cose positive: abbiamo preso i tortellini fritti e le crescentine ripiene di crema di mortadella, tutto veramente molto buono ad un prezzo accettabile 10 euro, e l'idea del cono mi è piaciuta molto. Vedo tanto potenziale ma la gestione penso sia da migliorare, il prodotto di punta sono dei tortellini messi in friggitrice e messi in un cono con la crema di besciamella, non si può aspettare un ora per averli. La fila che troverete non sarà scorrevole, sono molto ma molto lenti. Il proprietario potrebbe guadagnare il triplo se investisse in modi per essere più efficiente e 'sfornare' tortellini a ripetizione. Da provare se non siete affamati e disposti ad aspettare.
Three stars just to underline the difficulties of this place. But let's start with the positive things: we took the fried tortellini and crescentine stuffed with mortadella cream, all really very good at an acceptable price of 10 euros, and I really liked the idea of ​​the cone. I see a lot of potential but I think the management needs to be improved, the flagship product are tortellini put in a deep fryer and put in a cone with the bechamel cream, you can't wait an hour to get them. The line you will find will not be smooth, they are very, very slow. The owner could earn triple if he invested in ways to be more efficient and 'churn out' tortellini over and over. A must try if you are not hungry and willing to wait.
Beatrice Ziero on Google

Ottimo locale d'asporto, a pochi minuti a piedi dal centro e dalle maggiori attrazioni della città. Offre piatti tipici della cucina italiana e bolognese in versione street food. Sono presenti alcuni tavolini. Porzioni abbondanti a prezzi veramente ottimi! Consigliatissimi i tortellini fritti!
Gabriele Brizio on Google

Come dice il nome del locale, si prepara cibo take-away, da asporto. Serviti in comodi coni o cesti di carta, si possono scegliere diverse tipicità emiliane. Noi abbiamo provato i tortellini fritti e la crema bolognese dolce fritta: entrambe le porzioni erano abbondanti e buone. C’è sempre coda, ma ne vale la pena. Consigliato
As the name of the place says, take-away food is prepared. Served in convenient cones or paper baskets, you can choose different typical Emilian specialties. We tried the fried tortellini and the sweet fried bolognese cream: both portions were generous and good. There is always a queue, but it's worth it. Recommended
Alice Millington on Google

Stopped by to try some tortellini fritti. We got there just before lunch rush to avoid any queues. It’s only a small place and the food was cooked fresh so had to wait a little while for it. The fried tortellini was nice to try but by itself wouldn’t taste of much. I think the béchamel sauce is what makes it tasty.
flemming pedersen on Google

Very good place
Victoria on Google

Paid 5 euro for 8 small pieces of fried tortellini. Don't bother
Marek Swierkosz on Google

As restaurants close at 6pm due to covid, this place might be very useful. The menu is quite short, this is understandable as there are few guests right now. I ordered the local classic, "tagliatelle al ragù" (known outside Italy as "pasta bolognese") and was told to come back in 15 minutes as they had to cook the food. Good, this would mean they prepare fresh food. All I got when I came back was overcooked pasta with minced meat (probably 100% pork, to judge by the taste): no sauce, no tomato, no onion, no carrot, no wine. A real shame. I suggest the owners close this place as such a thing is a shame in Bologna. Rather stay hungry than order such an awful dish. To be avoided! Please be informed that this place is owned by the owner of another restaurant close to St. Stefano church in a side street, which recommended it. Don't follow that bad advice.
oi sarah on Google

Tried out fried tortellini with cheese because we saw hugh line in front of this eatery however it was just the average taste. Nothing special...

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