Info Point Pompei

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Contact Info Point Pompei

Address :

Via Plinio 45 Viale Giuseppe Mazzini 40 Via Roma 123 Via Sacra 21, Via Roma, 34, 80045 Pompei NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 80045
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City : Pompei

Via Plinio 45 Viale Giuseppe Mazzini 40 Via Roma 123 Via Sacra 21, Via Roma, 34, 80045 Pompei NA, Italy
Carlos Cayuela Alonso on Google

Esto es una absoluta estafa. Somos un grupo de estudiantes Erasmus que viajamos a Pompeya sin saber muy bien como funcionaba. Te mienten constantemente para que compres su servicio. Nada más salir de la estación nos habló un hombre diciendo que eran de la agencia pública de Pompeya (un punto de información para turistas) y que no nos quería sacar el dinero ni nada, y posteriormente empezó a vendernos un autobús para el Vesubio (como si fuera el servicio de transportes públicos) que costaba 15 euros ida y vuelta para estudiantes. Cuando íbamos a pagarlo, descubrimos que existía realmente uno publico que no era ese y que costaba 6 ida y vuelta, y efectivamente cogimos ese y así fue. No cojáis ningún servicio de estas oficinas, son completos estafadores, buscad autobuses públicos (creo que se llaman EAV). Los de la oficina esta te dicen que ese autobús te deja lejísimos y es mentira, te dejan dónde acaba la carretera y empieza la subida peatonal al cráter. En conclusión, planificad el viaje por vuestra cuenta y sin agencias. Pd: para captar tu atención te empezarán a decir que la puerta principal de acceso a Pompeya no es una entrada, cosa que también es mentira
This is an absolute scam. We are a group of Erasmus students who traveled to Pompeii without really knowing how it worked. They constantly lie to you to buy their service. As soon as we left the station, a man spoke to us saying that they were from the Pompeii public agency (an information point for tourists) and that he did not want to take our money or anything, and later he began to sell us a bus for Vesuvius (like if it were the public transport service) which cost 15 euros round trip for students. When we were going to pay for it, we discovered that there really was a public one that was not that one and that it cost 6 round trip, and indeed we took that one and that's how it was. Do not take any service from these offices, they are complete scammers, look for public buses (I think they are called EAV). Those from this office tell you that this bus leaves you very far away and it's a lie, they leave you where the road ends and the pedestrian climb to the crater begins. In conclusion, plan the trip on your own and without agencies. PS: to get your attention they will start telling you that the main access door to Pompeii is not an entrance, which is also a lie
Daniela Leitner on Google

Betrüger und Touristenfalle! Zusammen mit dem am Bahnhof! Sie erzählen dir das hier nur der Ausgang (only Exit) von Pompeii ist, was eine Absolute Lüge ist! Unbedingt ignorieren und wie Luft behandeln, nicht hinschauen, nicht reagiern, keinen Audio Guide und kein Ticket kaufen! Richtung Eingang gehen gehen auf dem "Ingreso" mit grüner Schrift steht. Nachdem Green Pass Check und scan des Rucksack kommt die offizielle Kasse an der es gratis Karten gibt. Lasst euch ja nicht auf ein Gespräch mit ihnen ein oder Verunsichern!
Scammers and Tourist Trap! Along with the one at the train station! They tell you that this is the only exit from Pompeii, which is an absolute lie! Absolutely ignore and treat like air, don't look, don't react, don't buy an audio guide and don't buy a ticket! Go towards the entrance that says "Ingreso" in green letters. After the green pass check and scan of the backpack, the official checkout comes where you can get free tickets. Don't get involved in a conversation with them or make them unsure!
Theodora Petra Negrea on Google

This is not an info point, this is an agency trying to sell you stuff that's not even of a good quality (book guides with missing chapters?!) Stay away
Maxim Savard on Google

***TOURIST TRAP WARNING*** This place calls itself tourist office but its main goal isn't to help you it's about getting as much money out of you. What they say: the public bus only goes to a certain hight and you need another mini bus to go where their bus goes, the entrance price is 10€ but to avoid the queues you can pay them on the day, the public bus will cost you 7.50€ their bus is 20€. TOTAL 30€ Reality: the public bus does go to the same place as the tourist bus, the entrance ticket price is 8€ , the bus is 3.10€ each way. TOTAL 14.20€ The only plus side is the tourist bus is punctual. If you still want to go the tourist route you can negotiate it down from 20 to 10 (worked off peak). Also very important .... Do look at what the cloud situation is on the day (Don't trust the tourist info they will always say there's a chance it will clear), if you go on bad weather you don't see anything either in the crater or as a view. It's pointless.
Satbir Saini on Google

Incredibly falsely told us the entrance we were going to was the wrong one, probably to get us to buy a tour.
Michele Di Cosmo on Google

SCAM. They sell you books that are very poor quality and not affiliated with the Scavi although they say they are. Avoid at all cost. The ufficiale guide is online and downloadable as a PDF.
Anders Fabricius on Google

MASSIVE TOURIST TRAP! Telling everyone that the shop is the only place to buy tickets for the pompeii ruins and saying that we're walking to the exit, even though we knew it was the entrance! Do NOT buy anything from here!
Chirag Rajkarnikar on Google

Its a tourist trap. Do not get their audio guides or bus tickets to Vesuvio. The tour guides inside the ruins are much better and affordable in group and public bus to Vesuvio is located few meters away.

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