IMBA muay boran headquarters

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact IMBA muay boran headquarters

Address :

Via Tuscania, 12, 00191 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97898
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City : Roma

Via Tuscania, 12, 00191 Roma RM, Italy
Felice Nozzi on Google

Quando sono entrato per la prima volta nell' Accademia ho subito capito che non sarebbe stata l'ultima. Pensavo di conoscere abbastanza bene quell'arte marziale che chiamano Muay Thai Boran, invece grazie al Maestro Marco De Cesaris ho capito che conoscevo ben poco di quell'Arte. Infatti a distanza di tre anni, grazie al suo impegno, alla sua professionalità e disponibilità ho imparato tanto e so che ho ancora tanto da imparare. Un grazie va anche alla sua assistente nonché Maestro Marica Vallone.
When I first entered the Academy I immediately understood that it would not be the last. I thought I knew pretty well that martial art they call Muay Thai Boran, but thanks to Maestro Marco De Cesaris I understood that I knew very little about that art. In fact, after three years, thanks to his commitment, his professionalism and availability, I learned a lot and I know that I still have a lot to learn. Thanks also go to your assistant and Maestro Marica Vallone.
Alessandro Ghizzoni on Google

Da circa due anni mi è stata data la possibilità di partecipare ai corsi avanzati di Muay Thai Boran , tali corsi sono tenuti dal Bramarjan Marco De Cesaris che a speso una vita intera nel riscoprire questa antica arte marziale, il maestro è stato in grado di riportare alla luce un bagaglio culturale di valore inestimabile, che stava andando perduto nella stessa Thailandia, da questo materiale è riuscito ad organizzare programmi tecnici molto accurati per tutti i gradi degli allievi, infatti ogni corso a cui ho partecipato segue un filo logico dall'inizio alla fine e questo mi ha permesso di acquisire un bagaglio tecnico e culturale ineguagliabile. L'ambiente è molto familiare e rilassato e rispecchia in pieno la personalità del Maestro. In conclusione in base alla mia esperienza personale penso che l'IMBA sia attualmente l'accademia di Muay Boran più evoluta per chi volesse avvicinarsi a questa splendida Arte Marziale.
For about two years I have been given the opportunity to participate in advanced Muay Thai Boran courses, these courses are taught by Bramarjan Marco De Cesaris who spent a whole life in rediscovering this ancient martial art, the master was able to bring back in the light of a priceless cultural baggage, which was being lost in Thailand itself, from this material it managed to organize very accurate technical programs for all grades of students, in fact every course I attended follows a logical thread from the beginning to the end and this has allowed me to acquire an unparalleled technical and cultural background. The environment is very familiar and relaxed and fully reflects the Master's personality. In conclusion, based on my personal experience I think that the IMBA is currently the most advanced Muay Boran academy for those who want to approach this splendid Martial Art.
lorenzo tarantini on Google

Ho girato tante palestre, seguito innumerevoli maestri delle più diverse discipline, ma la serietà e la dedizione che ho trovato con il maestro marco e la maestra Marica non è cosa comune. Bravi e grazie per tutto
I have toured many gyms, followed countless teachers of the most diverse disciplines, but the seriousness and dedication I found with maestro marco and teacher Marica is not common. Well done and thanks for everything
Emanuele Pediconi on Google

Maestri eccezionali in grado di trasmettere la passione per quest’arte marziale antica ?????
Exceptional masters able to convey the passion for this ancient martial art ?????
Marco Borrelli on Google

I Maestri sono completamente competenti, e sono splendide persone (anche se quest'ultima cosa non sarebbe necessaria per insegnare un'arte marziale, ma è comunque vera ed andava detta) e l'ambiente è quello di una famiglia. Credo (con assoluta convinzione) che la Muay Boran sia la migliore delle discipline guerriere e marziali in circolazione. Sono convinto di questo per i miei studi personali su quest'arte. Se volete essere competenti in combattimento (che trascende l'infantile concetto del "sapersi difendere") e quindi avere una natura marziale, sentire il sangue guerriero nelle vostre vene e dare retta a quell'anima da combattente (in ambito sia fisico/marziale, ma anche mentale/psicologico), allora questo è il posto che fa per voi. Per tutti gli altri che si vogliono solo difendere, è uguale, fa per voi anche in questo caso. Questo per dire che è adatto a tutte le esigenze marziali questo luogo.
The Masters are completely competent, and they are wonderful people (even if this last thing would not be necessary to teach a martial art, but it is still true and it had to be said) and the environment is that of a family. I believe (with absolute conviction) that Muay Boran is the best of the warrior and martial disciplines in circulation. I am convinced of this for my personal studies on this art. If you want to be competent in combat (which transcends the infantile concept of "knowing how to defend oneself") and therefore have a martial nature, feel the warrior blood in your veins and listen to that fighter's soul (in both physical / martial, but also mental / psychological), then this is the place for you. For all the others who just want to defend themselves, it is the same, it is for you also in this case. This is to say that this place is suitable for all martial needs.
Maria Quaglia on Google

The best technical training you could receive from a true group of Muay Boran Instructors.
Anni Paavilainen on Google

Great atmosphere, experienced instructors and high quality of teaching. High recommendation to anyone wanting to learn self-defence and Muay Boran.
Dani Warnicki on Google

Let me tell you the main reasons why I feel like IMBA is my place and I would be honoured to represent it in my home country which I now do. I have come here from Finland to train since 2011. Each time I have come here, I have felt like I have done a light year worth of training. Therefore, if you not only want world class training in Muay Boran and Muay Thai, but also a warm and welcoming atmosphere to train in and a family like community to belong to, this is your choice. Grand Master Marco De Cesaris and Master Marika Vallone have dedicated their lives to learning and teaching the traditional unarmed Thai Martial Arts. They really have invested their lives on studying the art in order for others to enjoy the results which is why IMBA hq is unique in the world. No matter if you are a beginner or advanced, they know just the right training for you. People from all around the world come here to train hard, learn deeply and get an unforgetable experience. Each time I have come here, I have felt like part of a family because all the people at the gym are more than willing to put their time into helping you with all the problems you have, be it training or staying at Rome. In addition, IMBA is an global organizatiom with very close ties between different countries, so you will get a real international family experience in IMBA. We meet every year to train and spend time together for a week. The community also supports my training and teaching in Finland over national boundaries. These are the main reasons I chose IMBA and am proud of it

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