Il Fornaio di Gobbo Ivano

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Il Fornaio di Gobbo Ivano

Address :

Via L. Ellero, 47, 31100 Treviso TV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Categories :
City : Treviso

Via L. Ellero, 47, 31100 Treviso TV, Italy
Stefano Dall'Agata on Google

Oltre al pane, pizzette e pasticceria.
In addition to bread, pizzas and pastries.
Amy Caracciolo on Google

Il pane più buono di tutta Treviso fatto da loro gentilezza cortesia sempre!!
The best bread of all Treviso made by them kindness courtesy always!
Mariana Slabka on Google

Тут печуть і продають хлібо -булочні вироби найрізноманітніших видів. Є хліб з борошна вищих сортів, з житнього і інших видів знаків. Крім хліба тут є і різне солодке печиво. Тут завжди свіжий хліб, чистота і ввічлива відношення до покупців.
Here bake and sell bread and bakery products of various kinds. There is bread from flour of the highest grades, from rye and other types of signs. In addition to bread, there are various sweet cookies. There is always fresh bread, cleanliness and courtesy to customers.
Paola Del Prà on Google

Il pane buono di una volta! Lo si può tenere fuori per una settimana ed è ancora, scaldato in forno, croccante! Il miglior pane!
The good bread of the past! You can keep it out for a week and it is still, heated in the oven, crispy! The best bread!
Daniela Peri on Google

Questo sì che è vero pane ? genuino... Strepitosa la ciabatta croccante, le brioches leggere e gustose, i grissini croccanti. Ho fatto un 'ottima figura in ufficio grazie alla pizza ed alle brioches ?!
This is true bread is genuine ... The crispy ciabatta, the light and tasty brioches, the crunchy breadsticks are amazing. I did a great job in the office thanks to pizza and croissants!
Marco Ennas on Google

Schiacciata al pomodoro strepitosa. Pane e dolci di ottima qualità. Personale gentile e simpatico.
Amazing tomato Schiacciata. Excellent quality bread and cakes. Friendly and nice staff.
claudia pavan on Google

Art Magic on Google


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