Il Castelluccio

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Il Castelluccio

Address :

Largo Pineta, 2, 67050 Lecce Nei Marsi AQ, Italy

Postal code : 67050
Website :
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City : Lecce Nei Marsi

Largo Pineta, 2, 67050 Lecce Nei Marsi AQ, Italy
William Davis on Google

Wir haben die Zeit im Il Castelluccio sehr genossen. Unser Gastgeber, Michael, hat sich herzlich um alles gekümmert und hatte auch immer einen Tipp parat was man unternehmen könnte oder auf was man achten sollte. Michael ist auch ein ausgezeichneter Koch! Er hat uns mit seiner berühmten Spagetti Carbonare bei der Ankunft überrascht und da sie so gut war "musste" er sie ein zweites mal für uns machen! :) Es war alles sehr sauber und es wurde während unseres Aufenthaltes dort sogar nochmal geputzt. Platz ist in dem wunderschönen Schlösslein mehr als genug! Es liegt in einem sehr ruhigen typisch italienischen Dorf. Michael hat uns auch gleich am ersten Tag gezeigt wo wir Lebensmittel und ähnliches bekommen und wann die Öffnungszeiten sind damit wir auch bestens versorgt waren. Danke Michael und Christina!
We really enjoyed our time at Il Castelluccio. Our host, Michael, took care of everything and always had a tip on what to do or what to look out for. Michael is an excellent cook too! He surprised us with his famous spagetti carbonare on arrival and since it was so good he "had" to make it for us a second time! :) Everything was very clean and it was even cleaned again during our stay there. There is more than enough space in the beautiful little castle! It is located in a very quiet typical Italian village. Michael also showed us on the first day where we can get groceries and the like and when the opening times are so that we were well looked after. Thanks Michael and Christina!
Andrea Tacchella on Google

Al Castelluccio siamo stati benissimo. Abbiamo trascorso due settimane meravigliose tra amici, godendoci soprattutto la bellissima terrazza panoramica. Michael e Cristina sono stati gentilissimi e attenti ad aiutarci con ogni necessità.
We had a great time at the Castelluccio. We spent two wonderful weeks with friends, especially enjoying the beautiful panoramic terrace. Michael and Cristina were very kind and attentive to help us with every need.
Maurizio Cimino on Google

Ho avuto l'opportunità di venire due volte con un gruppo di amici numeroso. La struttura è estremamente pulita e molto curata. È presente una terrazza molto spaziosa dove passare il tempo tra una braciata ed una chiacchiera, con un panorama ricco di montagne e molta quiete. Luogo ideale se si vuole staccare dalla frenesia settimanale e venire con qualche amico a divertirsi. Inoltre, non posso che fare i complimenti al proprietario e sua moglie, estremamente simpatici e disponibili per ogni cosa! Ci tornerò presto!
I had the opportunity to come twice with a large group of friends. The structure is extremely clean and well cared for. There is a very spacious terrace where you can spend your time between a deck and a chat, with a view rich in mountains and plenty of quiet. Ideal place if you want to disconnect from the weekly frenzy and come with some friends to have fun. Furthermore, I can only congratulate the owner and his wife, who are extremely nice and available for everything! I'll be back soon!
Luca Liguori on Google

Abbiamo trovato il Castelluccio su internet perché io e dei miei amici volevamo organizzare una braciata in montagna. Abbiamo raggiunto facilmente il posto e non vi dico lo stupore nel visitare per la prima volta questa struttura! Ha tante camere da letto, infatti pensavamo di doverci arrangiare essendo in 15, ma così non è stato, anzi, siamo stati comodissimi. Ci sono molti posti in comune dove poter stare insieme ma ci siamo innamorati subito del grandissimo terrazzo coperto dove abbiamo passato la maggior parte del tempo avendo a disposizione cucina, camino, brace, e divanetti dove poterci rilassare. Il posto è molto pulito e per non parlare di Michael, rivelatosi subito un amicone e si è messo a disposizione per qualsiasi cosa, infatti ci siamo sentiti subito a casa. Consigliatissimo!
We found the Castelluccio on the internet because my friends and I wanted to organize a braciata in the mountains. We have easily reached the place and I am not telling you the wonder to visit this structure for the first time! It has many bedrooms, in fact we thought we had to make do with it being 15, but this was not the case, on the contrary, we were very comfortable. There are many places where you can get together but we immediately fell in love with the huge covered terrace where we spent most of our time having a kitchen, fireplace, embers and sofas where we could relax. The place is very clean and not to mention Michael, who immediately turned out to be a friend and made himself available for anything, in fact we immediately felt at home. Highly recommended!
Luisa Kruschel on Google

Sehr schönes historisches Bürgchen, das mit viel Liebe restauriert und eingerichtet wurde. Rundherum gibt es viel zu sehen, vor allem im Nationalpark. Einfach ein wunderschönes Haus mit tollem Ausblick und sehr nettem Gastgeber.
Very nice historical little castle, which has been restored and furnished with a lot of love. There is a lot to see all around, especially in the national park. Simply a beautiful house with a great view and a very nice host.
Franz Raulf on Google

Lecce nei Marsi ist ein sehr guter Ausgansgpunkt für Touren in den Abruzzen. Wir waren für 1 Woche im Castelluccio und haben uns dort sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Wohnung ist sehr ruhig und bietet eine schöne Aussicht. Die Ausstattung ist perfekt wie auch die Fürsorge durch Michael Filtzinger und seine Frau. Im Castelluccio ist man perfekt zweisprachig. Es war wunderbar! Franz Raulf
Lecce nei Marsi is a very good starting point for tours in Abruzzo. We stayed at the Castelluccio for 1 week and felt very comfortable there. The apartment is very quiet and offers a beautiful view. The facilities are perfect, as is the care provided by Michael Filtzinger and his wife. In the Castelluccio one is perfectly bilingual. It was wonderful! Franz Raulf
gabriella giorgi on Google

Abbiamo soggiornato a Il Castelluccio di Lecce nei Marsi a fine giugno 2021. Eravamo in 15 amici e la struttura tutta per noi ci ha consentito di stare benissimo e molto comodi. Il patio esterno è uno spazio favoloso e molto panoramico, in grado di accoglierci tutti, di cucinare e mangiare tutti insieme. Ci sono anche tanti spazi interni per poter stare tutti insieme, ma vista la stagione non li abbiamo sfruttati, sebbene gradevolissimi. La struttura è dotata di tutto: 2 cucine attrezzate, presenza di tutte le stoviglie, un fantastico barbeque. Anche il servizio offerto dal proprietario Michael è stato molto apprezzato, ha soddisfatto tutte le nostre richieste. E' veramente un posto piacevolissimo e adatto a comitive numerose. Sappiamo che ci torneremo!
We stayed at Il Castelluccio di Lecce in the Marsi at the end of June 2021. We were 15 friends and the structure all to ourselves allowed us to feel great and very comfortable. The outdoor patio is a fabulous and very panoramic space, able to welcome us all, to cook and eat together. There are also many internal spaces to be able to be all together, but given the season we have not exploited them, although very pleasant. The structure is equipped with everything: 2 equipped kitchens, presence of all the crockery, a fantastic barbeque. The service from the owner Michael was also very much appreciated, he met all our requests. It is truly a very pleasant place and suitable for large groups. We know we will be back!
Michael Filtzinger on Google


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