hotel miramonti fiuggi

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact hotel miramonti fiuggi

Address :

Via Vecchia Fiuggi, 141, 03014 Fiuggi FR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 03014
Categories :
City : Fiuggi

Via Vecchia Fiuggi, 141, 03014 Fiuggi FR, Italy
Pietro Maffettone on Google

È come sentirsi a casa, un ambiente accogliente e molto familiare. Lo consiglio
It is like feeling at home, a welcoming and very familiar environment. I advise
Sere Na on Google

Ho prenotato per i miei nonni che si sono sentiti tutta agosto come a casa.E per gli anziani nn è poco.Vicino alle Fonti con ampio parcheggio privato.Bellissimo ferragosto per il resto della famiglia con la quale abbiamo.raggiunto i nonni.La tombola estiva strepitosa mai vista!
I booked for my grandparents who felt like they were at home all August. And for the elderly, it is a little. Near the Fonti with ample private parking. Very nice mid-August for the rest of the family with whom we have joined grandparents. amazing summer never seen!
Seb Meraud on Google

Digne d'un internat ukrainien des années 80... à fuir absolument. Nourriture banale, salle de bain catastrophique, chauffage coupé la nuit, pas de pression d'eau et la liste est longue... bref un cauchemar.
Worthy of a Ukrainian boarding school of the 80s ... to escape absolutely. Mundane food, catastrophic bathroom, heating cut at night, no water pressure and the list is long ... in short a nightmare.
baptiste sahaly on Google

Est-ce vraiment un hôtel ??? Au début, je pensais que nous avions été placés dans un placard ! Impossible de prendre une douche ( une sorte de pédicule jaune s’était déposée sur le bac ), Il y avait de la moisissure sur le plafond de la salle de bain, le papier toilette avait pris l’eau et les canalisations étaient bouchées. Mais ce n’est pas tout, l’électricité est dangereuse. En effet, les fils des lampes de chevet étaient rafistolés au scotch ( quand l’ambout était présent ) et le lustre aussi ( il tenait grâce Aux fils électriques qui l’alimentait ) Pour finir, des tâches jaunes et de dentifrice étaient présentes un peut partout sur les draps et la « couette » des lits de la chambre. Vous l’aurez compris, je déconseille fortement cet hôtel.
Is this really a hotel ??? At first, I thought we had been placed in a closet! Can not take a shower (a kind of yellow pedicle was deposited on the tray), There was mold on the ceiling of the bathroom, the toilet paper had taken water and the pipes were clogged. But that's not all, electricity is dangerous. Indeed, the son of bedside lamps were patched with tape (when the ambout was present) and the chandelier too (it was thanks to the electrical wires that fed it) Finally, yellow stains and toothpaste were present a little everywhere on the sheets and the "duvet" beds of the room. As you will understand, I strongly discourage this hotel.
luciana mendes de almeida on Google

Da pochi giorni qui con gruppo Brasiliano mangiato bene cibo italiano tutte e tre le sere.simpatici i proprietari. Io Guida turistica suggerisco per dormire essendo vicino Roma,buoni prezzi per gruppo.bello centro storico di Fiuggi e la fonte Anticolana. Torniamo ottobre con nuovo gruppo e visitiamo anche loro bed and breakfast dove si fa la sagra del vino Cesanese a Borgo di Piglio. Bella Fiuggi
A few days ago here with a Brazilian group, good Italian food was eaten all three nights. The owners were very busy. I advise you to stay near Rome, good prices for a group of beautiful historical center of Fiuggi and the Anticolana source. We return in October with a new group and we also visit their bed and breakfast where the Cesanese wine festival is held in Borgo di Piglio. Bella Fiuggi
Alessandro Terrinoni on Google

Sagne e fagiolo piatto tipico ECCEZIONALE. Mi spiace leggere solo commenti negativi di stranieri che nn apprezzano la nostra cucina italiana con le loro abitudini o i nostri modi di fare o arredi. Paese che vai usanza che trovi è quello il bello del viaggiare. Soggiornato bene. Tutto semplice e in famiglia. Viva l Italia e le tradizioni. State a casa se Nn amate l Italia..Fiuggi molto bellina
Sagne and bean dish typical EXCEPTIONAL. I am sorry to read only negative comments from foreigners who do not appreciate our Italian cuisine with their habits or our ways of doing things or furnishings. The country you go to find that is the beauty of traveling. Stayed well. All simple and with the family. Long live Italy and traditions. Stay at home if you don't love Italy. Fiuggi is very pretty
Joanna R. on Google

Zalewało nam łazienkę i pół pokoju podczas kąpieli. Co prawda, obsługa po naszej interwencji, natychmiast zareagowała, próbując naprawić, co się dało, a dało się niewiele. Dlatego dostaliśmy mopa i kilka szmat do podłogi. Zawsze to jakieś rozwiązanie... Ręczniki podane gościom straszne - bardziej przypominały ścierki. W dodatku kompletnie nie wchłaniały wody. Na podłodze w pokoju położone kafle. Przez to w pokoju jest zimno i nieprzytulnie. Obiady w restauracji smaczne. Śniadania - jak to we Włoszech - bardzo ubogie. Biorąc pod uwagę, że we Włoszech są tak dobre sery, uważam, że podanie na śniadanie po jednym plasterku sera topionego (typu Hochland, ale do Hochlandu to mu było daleko) to skandal. Generalnie nie polecam.
We were swamped with a bathroom and a half room while bathing. It is true that the service after our intervention, she reacted immediately, trying to repair what we could, and it gave little. That's why we got a mop and some rags for the floor. It's always a solution ... Towels given to the guests are terrible - they looked more like rags. In addition, they completely did not absorb water. There are tiles on the floor in the room. Because of this, the room is cold and uncomfortable. Lunch in a tasty restaurant. Breakfasts - as in Italy - very poor. Given that in Italy there are such good cheeses, I think that serving one slice of melted cheese (Hochland type, but it was a long way to Hochland) is a scandal. Generally, I do not recommend.
Boozek Boo on Google

Dirty, poor food portions, wifi bad signal, cold rooms, nice views and personel.

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