Historical Museum of the Grenadiers of Sardinia

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Historical Museum of the Grenadiers of Sardinia

Address :

Piazza di S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 7/8, 00182 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97887
Website : http://www.esercito.difesa.it/storia/musei/museo-storico-dei-granatieri-di-sardegna
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–3:30PM
Thursday 9AM–3:30PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Roma

Piazza di S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 7/8, 00182 Roma RM, Italy
Iunio Marcello Clementi on Google

Museo interessante e ottimamente curato.
Interesting and well-kept museum.
Christophe Ruffier on Google

Buon giorno, metto una sola stella perché gli orari di apertura del Museo storico dei Granatieri sono, ahimé, errati! In effetti è scritto "chiude alle 15.30" ma quando sono arrivato alle 13.45 era già chiuso da un bel pò, mi è stato detto da due Militari, molto gentili, educati e comprensivi. Arrivando appositamente da fuori trovo questa cosa incresciosa e poco rispettosa. Rimango molto deluso. Mi auguro che verranno corretti questi orari al più presto per non ingannare più il gentile pubblico. Con i miei migliori saluti. Cav. Uff. Dr C. Ruffier
Good morning, I put only one star because the opening hours of the Historical Museum of the Grenadiers are, alas, wrong! In fact it says "closes at 15.30" but when I arrived at 13.45 it was already closed for quite a while, I was told by two soldiers, very kind, polite and understanding. Arriving on purpose from the outside, I find this unfortunate and disrespectful. I am very disappointed. I hope that these times will be corrected as soon as possible so as not to deceive the kind public anymore. With my best regards. Cav. Office Dr C. Ruffier
Carlo Carlevale on Google

L'idea di raccogliere tutti i reperti storici dei granatieri di Sardegna venne nel 1899 al comandante Secondo Vandero e poi al colonnello Cesare Confalonieri che ebbe la stessa idea e la realizzò nella sede di Parma. Poi con il trasferimento della brigata a Roma, le due raccolte furono riunite il 5 marzo 1903 in alcuni locali della caserma Ferdinando di Savoia presso la Stazione Termini. L'iniziativa ricevette sostegno, grazie anche all'appoggio dei Savoia. Già nel 1912, per la quantità dei materiali raccolti, si ritenne opportuno trovare una nuova sistemazione per il museo e si suggerì come nuova sede la caserma Umberto I di piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. Lo spostamento fu poi rinviato a causa della Prima guerra mondiale, ma nel 1920 il comune di Roma deliberò la donazione dell'area di Santa Croce precedentemente individuata. La posa della prima pietra dell'edificio avvenne il 3 giugno 1922 in presenza del re Vittorio Emanuele III ed il museo, realizzato su progetto del tenente dei granatieri Francesco Leoni, fu inaugurato il 3 giugno di due anni dopo alla presenza dei Savoia. Nel corso della Seconda guerra mondiale scampò al bombardamento di San Lorenzo del 19 luglio 1943. Dal 1986, a seguito di decreto del presidente della Repubblica, il museo è gestito dal Ministero della Difesa ed ha assunto lo statuto di Reparto della Brigata meccanizzata "Granatieri di Sardegna". Da visitare.
The idea of ​​collecting all the historical artifacts of Sardinian grenadiers came in 1899 to the commander Secondo Vandero and then to Colonel Cesare Confalonieri who had the same idea and realized it in the Parma headquarters. Then with the transfer of the brigade to Rome, the two collections were reunited on March 5, 1903 in some rooms of the Ferdinando di Savoia barracks at Termini Station. The initiative received support, also thanks to the support of the Savoy family. Already in 1912, due to the quantity of materials collected, it was considered appropriate to find a new arrangement for the museum and the Umberto I barracks in Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme were suggested as the new location. The move was then postponed due to the First World War, but in 1920 the municipality of Rome decided to donate the previously identified area of ​​Santa Croce. The foundation stone of the building was laid on June 3, 1922 in the presence of King Vittorio Emanuele III and the museum, built on a project by lieutenant of grenadiers Francesco Leoni, was inaugurated on June 3 two years later in the presence of the Savoy. During the Second World War it escaped the bombing of San Lorenzo on July 19, 1943. Since 1986, following a decree from the President of the Republic, the museum has been managed by the Ministry of Defense and has assumed the status of a Department of the "Grenadiers" mechanized brigade. Sardinia ". To visit.
Giuseppe Pedata on Google

Luogo carico di storia, eroi e gloria dei reggimenti Granatieri. Da vedere per conoscere la storia dei Granatieri
A place full of history, heroes and glory of the Grenadiers regiments. Must see to learn about the history of the Grenadiers
Silvia Tsiporkova on Google

It was really beautiful, the staff didn’t know english, but made the effort to translate to us with google.
Boris Bidjev on Google

Really good museum. The guy who was touring us was REALLY nice even tho he didnt speak english he made an efford using google translate to tell us more about everything . THANK YOU !
Steve Brown on Google

Nice museum with limited items, mainly WWI, no English, but the staff was EXTREMLY nice and accommodating. Only the ground floor is open at this time. If you were close by it is free and worth a visit. It would not be at this time, with only the ground floor open, worth a visit if you were far away.
Wonseok Lee on Google

Hi, this is my first time writing a comment or a review on google. This military museum is quiet small to others which I have visited before. However, it is good to visit this place. There are lots of collections of weapons from WW1, WW2 and other historical events. Btw, it was free. When I visited the place, the employee didn't ask for a ticket. One thing to be careful is, that the door is always closed and you have to press an intercom placed at left side. Aside that, the workers are kind and its cost free, so if you like to visit such a place like this, I recommend this museum!

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