Giovanni Arena Srl

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Contact Giovanni Arena Srl

Address :

Via Antonino Mancini, 2, 95131 Catania CT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9998
Website :
Categories :
City : Catania

Via Antonino Mancini, 2, 95131 Catania CT, Italy
Giovanni Balsamo on Google

Giovanni Vasta on Google

Gli unici, buonissimi, inimitabili 'Biscotti da monaca' sono solo qui!
The only, delicious, inimitable 'nun biscuits' are only here!
Andrea Lanza on Google

Ottimi biscotti! Appena entati si viene investiti da inebrianti profumi .
Great cookies! As soon as you enter, you are hit by intoxicating perfumes.
Filippo Zuccarello on Google

Vecchi biscottificio Catanese dove il l'oro cavallo di battaglia e "U viscottu da monaca" il biscotto della monaca e un biscotto fatto a esse con sapore di anice ottimo vale la pena andarci
Old Catanese biscuit factory where the gold workhorse and "U viscottu da monaca" the nun's biscuit and a biscuit made with them with excellent anise flavor is worth going there
Yanyan Yanyan (Lulala) on Google

They created the S cookies. S型饼干的开创者。 Special: They created the S cookie which is one topical desert from catania . They only sell deserts. Location: several steps from piazza Universita, and near piazza duomo. products: You will found different kind of traditional Sicilian deserts. They written the price for every 100 g. If you would like try Sicilian , you could buy every kind by 100g. Shop: The shop very nice, and beautiful decorated. Service : the young lady is patient and sweet. Price: reasonable price ( can found on my picture) Time: they close for the mid day. So go there before 1 pm, or after 4pm. 特别之处: 这是卡塔尼亚特色的S型饼干的开创者,这种饼干使用了茴香籽。酥脆,甜度适中。 位置:与大学广场几步之遥,距离主教堂广场也很近。 产品:出售西西里特色手工点心。每样产品都标志了100克的售价。 店内环境干净而优雅,蓝色和红色主调。 服务:店员小姐姐很有耐心,人也很有礼貌。 价格适中(照片上有一些价格参考) 特别注意: 他们家中午关门,所以建议在中午一点前 , 下午四点后前往。
They created the S cookies. The creator of the S cookies. Special: They created the S cookie which is one topical desert from catania . They only sell deserts. Location: several steps from piazza Universita, and near piazza duomo. products: You will find different kind of traditional Sicilian deserts. They written the price for every 100 g. If you would like try Sicilian , you could buy every kind by 100g. Shop: The shop very nice, and beautifully decorated. Service : the young lady is patient and sweet. Price: reasonable price ( can found on my picture) Time: they close for the mid day. So go there before 1 pm, or after 4pm. What makes it special: This is the originator of Catania's signature S-shaped biscuits, which use fennel seeds. Crispy and moderately sweet. Location: A few steps from the University Square and a short distance from the Cathedral Square. Product: Sicilian special handmade pastries are sold. Each product is marked with a price of 100 grams. The interior of the store is clean and elegant, with blue and red accents. Service: The clerk is very patient and polite. The price is moderate (there are some price references on the photo) Special Note: Their house closes at noon, so it is recommended to go before 1 noon and after 4 pm.

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