Ghetto Degli Ebrei

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ghetto Degli Ebrei

Address :

74024 Manduria TA, Italy

Postal code : 74024
Categories :
City : Manduria

74024 Manduria TA, Italy
Adriano bongarzone on Google

Non ci sono indicazioni, ma è un posto storico bellissimo con la sua storia
There are no indications, but it is a beautiful historical place with its history
Cosimo Demitri on Google

Luogo incantevole e da visitare, le sue mura sembrano quelle di un normale centro storico ma sono ricche di storie
An enchanting place to visit, its walls seem to be those of a normal historic center but are full of stories
Pato on Google

No hay indicación de dónde es exactamente, pero entrando por la torre del reloj y adentrándose por las calles -cada vez más pequeñas- uno descubre en lo decadente a veces, otras no (pues la zona de la sinagoga es muy bonita), lo que era la zona donde vivían los judios. En Puglia, los judíos se extendieron durante el período normando-suabo. Las comunidades ricas estaban en Lecce, Brindisi y Oria. Parece que en Manduria aparece a finales del S.XII, donde muchos judíos encontraron refugio tras la persecución del Papa Inocencio III. Según el sacerdote e historiador local Leonardo Tarentini, el barrio judío "existió aquí del siglo XIII al XVII". No se debe creer que el ghetto, con tres entradas marcadas con tres arcos, estaba aislada del resto de Manduria; de hecho los judíos, aunque constituían una comunidad separada, vivían en un área muy cercana a la iglesia Matrice, que luego se conoció como Giudecca. Aunque la Giudecca no debe confundirse con el gueto. Siempre se caracterizó por la agregación espontánea de casas judías alrededor de la sinagoga, el corazón palpitante de la comunidad. Los judíos de Manduria experimentaron un primer choque fuerte a fines del siglo XIII cuando Carlos II de Anjou logró aislar a las comunidades judías, permitiendo a los recién llegados cristianos, importantes exenciones de impuestos. 34 miembros de la comunidad pasaron en 1294 a la religión católica. Pero fue con la expulsión pragmática de noviembre de 1510 que recibió un duro golpe. Más tarde, el barrio judío se aisló del resto de la ciudad: se construyeron puertas que cerraron el vecindario aislándolo del resto. Cerraban las puertas por la noche y solo se abrían a la mañana siguiente.
There is no indication of where it is exactly, but entering through the clock tower and entering the streets - each time smaller - one discovers in the decadent sometimes, sometimes not (because the synagogue area is very beautiful), which It was the area where the Jews lived. In Puglia, the Jews extended during the Norman-Swabian period. The rich communities were in Lecce, Brindisi and Oria. It seems that in Manduria it appears at the end of the 12th century, where many Jews found refuge after the persecution of Pope Innocent III. According to local priest and historian Leonardo Tarentini, the Jewish quarter "existed here from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century." It should not be believed that the ghetto, with three entrances marked with three arches, was isolated from the rest of Manduria; in fact the Jews, although they constituted a separate community, lived in an area very close to the Matrice church, which was later known as Giudecca. Although the Giudecca should not be confused with the ghetto. It was always characterized by the spontaneous aggregation of Jewish houses around the synagogue, the beating heart of the community. The Jews of Manduria experienced a first strong shock at the end of the thirteenth century when Charles II of Anjou managed to isolate the Jewish communities, allowing newly arrived Christians, significant tax exemptions. 34 members of the community passed in 1294 to the Catholic religion. But it was with the pragmatic expulsion of November 1510 that he received a blow. Later, the Jewish quarter was isolated from the rest of the city: doors were built that closed the neighborhood isolating it from the rest. They closed the doors at night and only opened the next morning.
maela carrapa on Google

Senza indicazioni è dura capirci qualcosa... sembrano vie normali di un centro storico comunque antico... e invece chissà che storia ha nascosto in se... ma non c'era nessuno a cui rivolgersi. .. gran peccato
Without directions it is hard to understand something ... they seem normal streets of a historic center, however ancient ... and instead who knows what history it has hidden in itself ... but there was no one to turn to. .. great pity
Pierpaolo Schiavone on Google

Facile da raggiungere, accogliente e ben servito.
Easy to reach, welcoming and well served.
Paolo Borgia on Google

Peccato davvero poco valorizzato, speravo di trovare un locale con raccolta storica ma nulla... Si potrebbe fare di più
Too bad really little valued, I was hoping to find a place with a historical collection but nothing ... More could be done
martina raspollini on Google

Bellissimo posto molto suggestivo consiglio vivamente di visitare
Beautiful place very impressive I highly recommend to visit
Domenico Dominus Chioppa on Google

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