G. Eastman

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact G. Eastman

Address :

Viale Regina Elena, 287b, 00161 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9997
Website : http://www.policlinicoumberto1.it/
Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Roma

Viale Regina Elena, 287b, 00161 Roma RM, Italy
Teresa De Gaetano on Google

Stamattina siamo state presso il ps io e mia sorella disabile al 100%. Dopo un'attesa durata più di un'ora nonostante ci fossero 2 persone prima di noi, siamo state seguite da tutto il personale medico con estremo garbo e professionalità. Non credo sia stato un trattamento di favore visto il soggetto, ma ho avuto l'impressione che abitualmente trattino così tutti i pazienti. In un periodo particolare come questo, dove i medici e infermieri sono posti ad uno stress non indifferente , sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita da come siamo state trattate.
This morning we were at the ps my sister and I are 100% disabled. After a wait that lasted more than an hour even though there were 2 people before us, we were followed by all the medical staff with extreme grace and professionalism. I don't think it was a favorable treatment given the subject, but I got the impression that they usually treat all patients like this. In a particular period like this, where doctors and nurses are placed under considerable stress, I was pleasantly surprised by how we were treated.
Antonia Bezenchek on Google

Pronto soccorso odontoiatrico, utile se i problemi di denti, tipo ascesso si presentano quando il tuo dentista di fiducia non è di turno, tipo ne weekend o durante feste o ferie. Risolvono problemi urgenti, ma dipende a che dentista capiti. La mia non era molto positiva, visto che per fare defluire l'ascesso al posto di aprire il dente, è stata eseguita una apertura sulla gengiva, che ovviamente poi si era richiusa. Mi aspettavo una soluzione più risolutiva e meno dolorosa, che si poteva fare, come dal mio dentista il giorno successivo, lunedì.
Dental first aid, useful if dental problems, such as abscess, occur when your trusted dentist is not on duty, such as weekends or during holidays or vacations. They solve urgent problems, but it depends on which dentist you get. Mine was not very positive, since to make the abscess flow out instead of opening the tooth, an opening was made on the gum, which obviously then closed again. I was expecting a more decisive and less painful solution, which could be done, like my dentist's the next day, Monday.
Stefania ferraioli on Google

La dentista mi ha chiesto per valutare l'applicazione dell' apparecchio ai denti per mia figlia un telecranio. Ho prenotato tramite CUP in regime di intramoenia. L'appuntamento l'abbiamo avuto in tempi brevi, il costo 60€. Il tecnico che ha eseguito il telecranio è stato molto gentile e solo dopo 10 minuti ci ha consegnato immagini e referto. Unico difetto alle ore 14 c'è veramente poco personale in giro a cui chiedere informazioni.
The dentist asked me to evaluate the application of the braces to my daughter for a telecranium. I booked through CUP under the intramoenia regime. We had the appointment in a short time, the cost € 60. The technician who performed the telecranium was very kind and only after 10 minutes he gave us images and report. The only flaw at 2 pm there is very little staff around to ask for information.
Antonio Doria on Google

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Adam Applebaum on Google

no comment..
David Hamidy on Google

It's disaster, they waist my time from 8:45 to 15:30 to say me that they can't solve my problem.
Andres R on Google

I went there with a big pain in a lower molar with an infection and instead of doing a root channel or said that they can't fix the problem, they put a filler and made the problem worst covering the infection
anna Tola on Google

Please do something for us humans, They Dont help you and the doctors get thir payment and all, i was there the whole day and They didnt help me at all because They Dont have the specialist for the resonanza, how can you check up without it, so is better for them to close instead of stealing money in a legal way. Shame on you. I hope the things will change if people get together for their right. I am going home with lots of pain, only God knows kpw is it gonna be. Teeth is the most importante cure cause it can causa demage to tthebrain! Sos

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