Dott. Giuseppe Marano - Studio Dentistico

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dott. Giuseppe Marano - Studio Dentistico

Viale Regina Margherita, 294, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
Giulia Di Liberi on Google

È stata un’esperienza impeccabile. Ho levato, con il dottor Marano, due denti del giudizio, entrambi totalmente inclusi. Inizialmente ero molto in ansia in quanto non avevo mai subito nessun intervento dal dentista, ma poi mi sono tranquillizzata. Il dottore è molto competente e attento alle richieste e ai bisogni del paziente. Durante gli interventi non ho provato alcun tipo di dolore e sono durati pochissimo. Davvero nulla da ridire, un’ottima esperienza, lo consiglio vivamente a tutti.
It was an impeccable experience. I removed, with Dr. Marano, two wisdom teeth, both totally included. Initially I was very anxious as I had never undergone any intervention at the dentist, but then I calmed down. The doctor is very competent and attentive to the patient's requests and needs. During the operations I did not experience any kind of pain and they lasted very little. Really nothing to complain about, an excellent experience, I highly recommend it to everyone.
Gerardo Russillo Lab on Google

Consigliamo vivamente il Dott Marano per la sua immensa disponibilità, cortesia ed indiscussa professionalità. Un professionista del settore, all’avanguardia e costantemente al passo con i tempi. Nulla a che vedere che non i soliti dentisti qui ti strappano sorrisi…e poi “la fatina dei dentini” lei fantastica per l’igiene dentale. Silvia all’accoglienza di una dolcezza infinita… SODDISFATTI!
We highly recommend Dr. Marano for his immense availability, courtesy and undisputed professionalism. A professional in the sector, at the forefront and constantly in step with the times. Nothing to see that the usual dentists here make you smile ... and then "the tooth fairy" she is fantastic for dental hygiene. Silvia welcoming an infinite sweetness ... SATISFIED!
Giusi Ferrara on Google

Ho superato la mia pigrizia nello scrivere le recensioni per una questione di onestà leggo le recensioni degli altri per cui è corretto dire la mia visto che ormai frequento lo studio Marano da diversi mesi. Potrei dire che sono tutti professionali, seri e simpatici ma li sminuirei. Si percepisce sin da subito che quello che sta alla base del rapporto dentista-cliente è un'idea di "cura" che va oltre la semplice attenzione o professionalità. Per "cura" intendo tutto ciò che riguarda il paziente dal momento in cui entra nello studio. Diagnosi completa, preventivo chiaro e trasparente da subito, spiegazioni dettagliate accompagnate da gentilezza, empatia, grande professionalità, attrezzature all’avanguardia e spettacolare pulizia. Ogni cosa non è mai a caso; mentre tutto scorre non una precisione incredibile tu ti rilassi, chiacchieri e “guarisci”; Giuseppe Marano è l’artefice di tutto ciò… sa essere preciso, pignolo e attento a tutto ma con una apparente meravigliosa leggerezza! Io avevo il terrore del dentista, non ci dormivo la notte… ora neanche mi ricordo più l’appuntamento… tanto ci pensano loro a ricordartelo ?; per un trattamento ti servono medicine? Te le danno loro, neanche il fastidio di andare in farmacia… sembrano dettagli ma ti alleggeriscono di una serie di pensieri e preoccupazioni che contribuiscono a far si che davvero ti senti presa “in carico” e ti rilassi. Ultima nota ma non certo per importanza è per Flavia Carganico che cura la mia igiene dentale. Meravigliosa, una meravigliosa professionista! Ti trasferisce una vitalità, una forza e un’energia fuori dalla norma. Mano precisa, delicata ma incisiva; utilizza metodi innovativi non invasivi... orientata all'obiettivo, si ferma sola quando la vostra bocca brilla ? e poi è simpatica da morire! Dovrei, a dire il vero, parlare anche di Silvia e Ilaria con le quali chatto più che con mio marito ? precise con gli adempimenti amministrativi, gentili e disponibili per gli appuntamenti e i dubbi…direi in linea con tutto lo studio! P.S. se ci andate chiedete il protossido d'azoto…voi chiedete e poi ne parliamo ?
I have overcome my laziness in writing reviews for a matter of intellectual honesty ... I read the reviews of others so it is correct to say mine since I have been attending the Marano studio for several months now. I could say that they are all professional, serious and nice but I would belittle them. It is immediately evident that what lies at the basis of the dentist-client relationship is an idea of ​​"care" that goes beyond simple attention or professionalism. By "cure" I mean everything about the patient from the moment he enters the office. Complete diagnosis, clear and transparent quote immediately, detailed explanations accompanied by kindness, empathy, great professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and spectacular cleaning. Everything is never random; while everything flows not an incredible precision you relax, chat and "heal"; Giuseppe Marano is the architect of all this ... he knows how to be precise, fussy and attentive to everything but with an apparent wonderful lightness! I was terrified of the dentist, I didn't sleep there at night ... now I don't even remember the appointment anymore ... they'll take care of reminding you ?; do you need medicine for a treatment? They give them to you, not even the bother of going to the pharmacy ... they seem like details but they relieve you of a series of thoughts and worries that contribute to making you really feel taken "in charge" and relax. Last note but certainly not least is for Flavia Carganico who takes care of my dental hygiene. Wonderful, a wonderful professional! It transfers vitality, strength and energy out of the ordinary to you. Precise hand, delicate but incisive; uses innovative non-invasive methods ... goal-oriented, stops alone when your mouth shines ? and then she's cute as hell! To tell the truth, I should also talk about Silvia and Ilaria with whom I chat more than with my husband ? precise with the administrative requirements, kind and available for appointments and doubts ... I would say in line with the whole study! P.S. if you go there, ask for nitrous oxide… you ask and then we'll talk about it ?
Diana Calin on Google

Parto dal fatto che ho girato vari dentisti negli anni ed è davvero difficile trovarne di buoni,data la mia esperienza. Quando sono venuta dal Dott.Marano a farmi fare un preventivo per l’apparecchio invisibile avevo intenzione di fare altri consulti,invece dopo la visita sono rimasta così contenta che ho subito iniziato il trattamento con lui. Ormai venire dal dentista è un piacere,l’atmosfera che si trova in studio è meravigliosa,la cortesia delle ragazze e di tutti i medici mi fanno rimanere sempre sorpresa e soddisfatta,sono super gentili e sempre disponibili. I risultati sono stati visibili da subito,ogni dubbio viene colmato dalla loro competenza. Altra nota positiva è il caffè o thè di inverno e la crema al caffè d’estate. Super consigliato♥️
I start from the fact that I have toured various dentists over the years and it is really difficult to find good ones, given my experience. When I came to Dr. Marano to get a quote for the invisible device, I intended to do other consultations, but after the visit I was so happy that I immediately started the treatment with him. Coming to the dentist is now a pleasure, the atmosphere in the office is wonderful, the courtesy of the girls and all the doctors make me always surprised and satisfied, they are super nice and always available. The results were immediately visible, any doubts are filled by their competence. Another positive note is coffee or tea in winter and coffee cream in summer. Super recommended ♥ ️
Andrea Serafini on Google

Gracie a lui I mini dentin I da consigliere soon tornati a Posto
Ben Hastings Tree Service on Google

Fantastic dentist and an even better guy. Amazingly clean practice as well. You won't regret going here that's for sure.
Neil Fourie on Google

I’ve had the best experience visiting Dott. Guiseppe Marano’s Practice on Friday to have an emergency procedure. It’s the first time I arrive at a Dentist and am offered a coffee on arrival! The service is extremely professional, yet informal and I would HIGHLY recommend them! I have no doubt that he’ll be my Dentist, going forward! TOP QUALITY - Grazie Mille
Johnson Onyx W D on Google

I would be remiss to not write this well-deserved and long overdue review. I visited Italy from the United States for an extended holiday and needed some emergency dental work done. My implant had failed recently and had a substandard temporary crown intended to hold me over for a few months until I could return to the states placed on an adjacent implant. The temp crown came out in under a week. This was a unique situation because the temporary crown extended to cover the adjacent failed implant area; it needed to be addressed immediately. I decided to visit Giuseppe Marano's office to have the implant done and the temporary crown replaced. I had previously visited Dr. Marano's office a few months prior, where he had predicted that the implant would fail and fail it did. In that initial visit, I felt so reassured by his thorough process and clear explanation of what he would do to get me to eat correctly. In my mind, the procedure would not be easy; the implant site was right above my cranial nerve and would take precision and excellent technical skills not to hit. I must say that I was highly impressed not only with the pleasant staff but the attention to detail (i.e., a surgical cap placed on my head, the area around my mouth was wipe with betadine, I was draped with a surgical gown...the procedure was quick and painless and the follow-up hours after and the next day was fantastic). Post the implant, I felt no pain or discomfort, which left me initially unsettled because I was accustomed to having excruciating pain after previous implants. In closing, the crown on the adjacent tooth is still going strong, and the implant feels good. I should say, not only did I attend NYU dental assisting school many years ago, but I am also somewhat a procedural critique due to my nature of work today. I have had multiple implants but have never in my life have I had a more comforting and reassuring experience than I did at the office of Giuseppe Marano. I will now plan all my future dental work around my visits to Rome; Giuseppe Marano has a new patient for life. Thank you. Onyx

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