Fontana del Leone di Palazzo Altieri

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Contact Fontana del Leone di Palazzo Altieri

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Str. Antica Monterano, 00060 Canale Monterano RM, Italy

Postal code : 00060
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City : Canale Monterano

Str. Antica Monterano, 00060 Canale Monterano RM, Italy
Iunio Marcello Clementi on Google

Ruderi dell'antico palazzo Altieri con alla base al suggestiva fontana del leone (copia) di Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Ruins of the ancient Altieri palace with the suggestive lion fountain at the base (copy) by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Giovanni Bianchi on Google

Fontana berniniana molto importante per conoscere il Bernini "scultore barocco". L'originale della scultura leonina è conservato nel Municipio di Canale Monterano.
Fountain Bernini's very important to know the Bernini "Baroque sculptor". The original of the lion sculpture is kept in the Hall of Monterano Channel.
francesca b on Google

Lungo il sentiero dell'antica Monterano, vale la visita nel complesso del parco. Paesaggi suggestivi rovine e tanta natura. Meglio fare una visita guidata per "guardare" cose che altrimenti non vedremmo. In particolare qui c'è una riproduzione di una scultura berniniana di un leone che si ergeva sopra una fontana poggiandosi sopra la roccia. Bella da vedere e poi.... non te l'aspetti!
Along the ancient Monterano path, the visit to the park complex is worthwhile. Evocative landscapes, ruins and lots of nature. Better to take a guided tour to "look" at things we wouldn't otherwise see. In particular, here there is a reproduction of a Bernini sculpture of a lion that stood above a fountain resting on the rock. Beautiful to look at and then ... you don't expect it!
Giulia Brunelli on Google

L’antico borgo barocco di Monterano con i suoi resti è un luogo ricco di fascino, da visitare al tramonto di una sera fresca di primavera, godendo anche dello stupendo paesaggio circostante, incontaminato e magico, della Maremma laziale
Riccardo “profxeni” Pau on Google

È sicuramente uno dei manufatti storici più belli dell’antica Monterano. Immaginando anche il momento in cui l’acqua defluiva a cascata dall’alto, dove è posizionato il leone, doveva essere stata veramente fantastica.
It is certainly one of the most beautiful historical artifacts of ancient Monterano. Even imagining the moment when the water cascaded from above, where the lion is positioned, it must have been truly fantastic.
carlo petroselli on Google

La fontana del leone è stata realizzata nel 600 sulla base rocciosa delle mura del palazzo ducale di monterano. Alla sommità era situato il leone l'acqua scorreva e si riversava nella vasca scavata nella roccia. Ideata da Gianlorenzo Bernini uno degli artefici del Barocco Romano. La statua originale e' rimasta collocata fino agli anni trenta, il tempo e il vandalismo hanno causato il deperimento della statua , la testa e il dorso sono stati trasportati negli anni 50 nel giardino comunali del paese. La zampa e la coda furono ritrovati negli anni 90 in occasione del restauro, nell'estate dello stesso anno la statuata fu ricomposta e restaurata e posta nel palazzo comunale del paese. Una copia della statua in cemento fu posta sulla sommità della fontana del 1997.
The lion fountain was built in 600 on the rocky base of the walls of the ducal palace of monterano. At the top was the lion, the water flowed and poured into the basin carved into the rock. Designed by Gianlorenzo Bernini one of the architects of the Roman Baroque. The original statue remained in place until the thirties, time and vandalism caused the statue to deteriorate, the head and back were transported in the fifties to the town's municipal garden. The leg and tail were found in the 90s on the occasion of the restoration, in the summer of the same year the statue was reassembled and restored and placed in the town hall of the town. A copy of the concrete statue was placed on top of the 1997 fountain.
Simone Porrelli on Google

La fortezza di Monterano assume le attuali fattezze di dimora signorile quando Carlo Fontana, allievo del Bernini, è incaricato nel 1672 di intervenire sulla “fabrica della rocca”. Gli esiti più evidenti dei lavori di ammodernamento si manifestano sulla facciata del palazzo che domina la piazza, dove viene aperto un loggiato a sei arcate che funziona da raccordo per i diversi corpi di fabbrica e allo stesso tempo maschera le forme austere delle strutture precedenti. Un artificio prospettico – le aperture sfalsate del loggiato rispetto a quelle già esistenti – conferisce alla balconata maggior profondità. Il loggiato venne creato con pezzame di tufo sbozzato non intonacato, in continuità e ad imitazione del vicino acquedotto, di cui la sottostante fontana, enfatizzandone il punto d’arrivo, funziona da “mostra d’acqua”. La “capricciosissima fontana” (definizione di Barberi, 1785) che adorna la facciata della rocca, concretizza per la prima volta la visione berniniana di “fontana naturalistica”. Riguardo alla natura, Bernini è molto chiaro: essa è superiore all’arte e non va imitata, va rappresentata. Questo concetto trova compimento nella sua idea di fontana, dove il naturalismo nella lavorazione delle rocce si combina con l’acqua, che è essa stessa espressione del movimento. ENGLISH: The fortress of Monterano assumes the present features of a stately home when Carlo Fontana, a pupil of Bernini, was commissioned in 1672 to intervene on the “fortress of the fortress”. The most evident results of the modernization works are manifested on the facade of the building overlooking the square, where a six-arched loggia is opened which acts as a connection for the different buildings and at the same time masks the austere forms of the previous structures. A perspective artifice - the staggered openings of the loggia compared to the existing ones - gives the balcony greater depth. The loggia was created with unplastered rough tuff pieces, in continuity and in imitation of the nearby aqueduct, of which the underlying fountain, emphasizing the point of arrival, functions as a "water show". The "capricciosissima fountain" (definition by Barberi, 1785) that adorns the facade of the fortress, concretizes for the first time Bernini's vision of a "naturalistic fountain". Regarding nature, Bernini is very clear: it is superior to art and should not be imitated, it should be represented. This concept finds fulfillment in his idea of ​​a fountain, where naturalism in the processing of rocks is combined with water, which is itself an expression of movement.
The Monterano fortress assumes the present features of a stately home when Carlo Fontana, a pupil of Bernini, was commissioned in 1672 to work on the "fortress of the fortress". The most evident results of the modernization work are manifested on the facade of the building overlooking the square, where a six-arched loggia is opened which acts as a link for the different buildings and at the same time masks the austere forms of the previous structures. A perspective artifice - the staggered openings of the loggia compared to the existing ones - gives the balcony greater depth. The loggia was created with unplastered rough tuff pieces, in continuity and in imitation of the nearby aqueduct, of which the underlying fountain, emphasizing the point of arrival, functions as a "water show". The "capricciosissima fountain" (definition by Barberi, 1785) that adorns the facade of the fortress, concretizes for the first time Bernini's vision of a "naturalistic fountain". Regarding nature, Bernini is very clear: it is superior to art and should not be imitated, it should be represented. This concept finds fulfillment in his idea of ​​a fountain, where naturalism in the processing of rocks is combined with water, which is itself an expression of movement. ENGLISH: The fortress of Monterano assumes the present features of a stately home when Carlo Fontana, a pupil of Bernini, was commissioned in 1672 to intervene on the “fortress of the fortress”. The most evident results of the modernization works are manifested on the facade of the building overlooking the square, where a six-arched loggia is opened which acts as a connection for the different buildings and at the same time masks the austere forms of the previous structures . A perspective artifice - the staggered openings of the loggia compared to the existing ones - gives the balcony greater depth. The loggia was created with unplastered rough tuff pieces, in continuity and in imitation of the nearby aqueduct, of which the underlying fountain, emphasizing the point of arrival, functions as a "water show". The "capricciosissima fountain" (definition by Barberi, 1785) that adorns the facade of the fortress, concretizes for the first time Bernini's vision of a "naturalistic fountain". Regarding nature, Bernini is very clear: it is superior to art and should not be imitated, it should be represented. This concept finds fulfillment in his idea of ​​a fountain, where naturalism in the processing of rocks is combined with water, which is itself an expression of movement.
Tim Mumford on Google

Wowsers. This whole area is awe inspiring. What’s most remarkable is the fact that no one is around. People are willing to pay 10 Euro to go to other attractions that are half as good.

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