Eurospin Lazio S.p.a.

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Eurospin Lazio S.p.a.

Address :

Via Francesco Baracca, 04011 Aprilia LT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Postal code : 04011
Website :
Categories :
City : Aprilia

Via Francesco Baracca, 04011 Aprilia LT, Italy
Giovanni Boccia on Google

Posto veramente male organizzato , dovrebbero solo vergognarsi... ore di attesa per lo SCARICO non hanno nulla neanche le macchinette caffè e acqua .... Quando sapete che dovete andarci organizzatevi borsa frigo e caffè e nn prendete impegni
Really badly organized place, they should just be ashamed ... hours of waiting for the UNLOADING they have nothing even the coffee and water machines .... When you know that you have to go there organize yourself a cooler bag and coffee and don't make commitments
Cargode Cargo on Google

41.573518 12.655305 Na bramie tzw cieć/ dajesz mu dokumenty które zabiera i później zawozi na magazyn.Jak masz nr włoski możesz mu podać lub napisz na cmr .Na polski nie dzwonią. Wjeżdżasz na parking i czekasz i się nie doczekasz bo cieć mówił , że po ciebie przyjdą ha ha ha ha więc idziesz do środka na rampe nr 6 co godzinę najlepiej i się pytasz .Rozladunek paleciak elektryczny Powodzenia WC
41.573518 12.655305 At the gate, the so-called cut / you give him the documents that he takes and then takes to the warehouse. As you have the Italian number, you can give him or write to him. They do not call Polish. You enter the parking lot and wait and you will not wait, because Cieć said that they would come for you ha ha ha ha, so you go inside on the ramp No. 6 every hour and you ask. Good luck Toilets
Domenico Fortuna on Google

Posto squallido...lunga attesa non rispettano l'orario di prenotazione di scarico...posto da dimenticare ..e non tornarci più..
Shabby place ... long wait they don't respect the unloading reservation time ... place to forget .. and never go back ..
Raffaele Viola on Google

Sempre un po' lenti allo scarico va be giorno
Always a little slow at the exhaust, it should be a good day
SAM on Google

Vreau sa incep in primul rand prin a spune că nu mai poti parca pe marginea drumului langa gard pentru a-ti face pauza sau sa astepti pe timp de noapte pentru a doua zi decat maxim 2camioane pentru ca au pus pietre legate cu lanțul.Dusul lipseste dar au toaleta plus automat de cafea si sucuri.Se deschide la ora 08:00 si atunci te poti parca la ei in curte.Sper ca v-a ajutat ce am spus aici.Salutare si drumuri bune la toti colegii??????
I want to start by first saying that you can no longer park on the side of the road near the fence to take your break or to wait at night for the day than maximum 2 trucks because they have put stones connected to the chain. The shower is missing but they have the toilet plus automatic coffee and juices. It opens at 08:00 and then you can park with them in the yard. I hope it helped you what I said here.
andrea tofani on Google

posto con attese lunghissime una maleducazione per non farti restare fermo dopo che si termina impegno giornaliero e posto non molto sicuro per dormire tranquilli state attenti con la guardia che vi costringe a uscire da dentro quel tugurio
place with very long waits a rudeness not to let you stay still after the daily commitment ends and not very safe place to sleep peacefully be careful with the guard who forces you to get out from inside that hovel
Massimiliano Lanzi on Google

ho accompagnato una persona per un disbrigo pratiche da voi ,ho chiesto un bagno alla reception mi è stato detto do andare ad un bar fuori . a parte che avevano l'obbligo di farmi usufruire, la maleducazione e scortesia è stato il vostro biglietto da visita
I accompanied a person for a paperwork to you, I asked for a bathroom at the reception I was told to go to a bar outside. apart from that they had an obligation to let me use, rudeness and rudeness was your calling card
Kayode Owolabi on Google

A nice place to shop

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