Essere Animali

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Essere Animali

Address :

V.le Pietro Pietramellara, 33, 40121 Bologna BO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987997
Website :
Categories :
City : Bologna

V.le Pietro Pietramellara, 33, 40121 Bologna BO, Italy
Marco Macchiavelli on Google

Bravi! Vi sostengo già da tempo e gli animali vanno trattati con rispetto grazie.
Well done! I have been supporting you for some time and animals should be treated with respect thanks.
stephane monnet on Google

Quel horreur que l'on nous fait manger , du jambon de Parme c'est vraiment abusé ça devrait être supprimé ! les fermes sont ignobles ! Devrait être supprimée contrôle..
What horror that we are made to eat, Parma ham is really abused it should be deleted! the farms are ignoble! Should be deleted control ..
Sole Paroni on Google

Grazie per quello che fate
Thanks for what you do
Fabio on Google

Vi seguo da un po’ sui social, battaglia dura e difficile ma solo così le cose potranno cambiare. Gli animali vanno considerati come esseri viventi, non come cose o ancor peggio cibo per gli interessi di tanti.
I've been following you for a while on social media, a tough and difficult battle but only in this way can things change. Animals should be considered as living beings, not as things or even worse food for the interests of many.
MrsTitti58 on Google

Io vi sostengo, vi apprezzo molto e sono anche venuta a trovarvi in dopo il primo video non sono più riuscita a guardarne altri ?
I support you, I appreciate you very much and I also came to visit you ... but after the first video I was no longer able to watch others ?
HTCMAX-452Mumu Jarod on Google

Merci d'avoir le courage de dénoncer toutes ses monstruosités cachées par des personnes déshumanisées qui n'ont même pas la conscience de leur actes monstrueux envers tous ces pauvres animaux. Nous vivons dans un monde de rentabilité de pouvoir d'achat, de profit, ??cette société est à ??????, merci à vous de montrer aux yeux du monde l'immonde et l'insupportable condition de "vie" de ces cochons, truies et porcelets. J'espère qu'un jour prochain ceci n'existera plus pour aucun animal ds ce monde.
Thank you for having the courage to denounce all its monstrosities hidden by dehumanized people who are not even aware of their monstrous actions towards all these poor animals. We live in a world of profitability of purchasing power, of profit, this company is at, thanks to you to show to the eyes of the world the filthy and unbearable condition of "life" pigs, sows and piglets. I hope that one day soon this will not exist for any animal in this world.
Alessia Tree'sBreastbones on Google

Per sempre al vostro fianco con stima e condivisione per diffondere la liberazione animale e l'antispecismo ?
Forever at your side with esteem and sharing to spread animal liberation and antispecism ?
Alessandra Daniele on Google

Vi seguo e sostengo e ho acquistato diversi vostri gadget. Spero che le nostre battaglie e petizioni firmate servano e che sia eliminata la crudeltà verso gli animali
I follow and support you and I have purchased several of your gadgets. I hope that our signed battles and petitions will serve and that cruelty to animals is eliminated

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