Escape Room Genova Intrappola.TO

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Escape Room Genova Intrappola.TO

Address :

Vico Carlone, 2, 16123 Genova GE, Italy

Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 9AM–2:30AM
Monday 10:30AM–2:30AM
Tuesday 10:30AM–1AM
Wednesday 10:30AM–1AM
Thursday 10:30AM–1AM
Friday 10:30AM–2:30AM
Saturday 9AM–2:30AM
Categories :
City : Genova

Vico Carlone, 2, 16123 Genova GE, Italy
Alessia Magisano on Google

Escape room decisamente sconsigliato...per prima cosa, appena arrivati la nostra vera sfida è stata con le torce moooolto difettose, se premevi sul bottone dell'accensione poi non si chiudevano più, sì smontavano continuamente... Il personale molto antipatico e poco interessato. Una volta arrivati dentro, c'erano molti lucchetti che non si capiva quasi nulla. Comunque cominciamo il gioco ed a ogni nostra domanda la proprietaria (che è entrata con noi e si è seduta a terra con il telefono, disinteresse proprio verso la squadra) sembrava scocciata e innervosita ... Toccando un po' tutti i lucchetti sembrava arrabbiata ,dicendo di non toccarli tutti ... comunque alla fine di sicuro non torneremo, i soldi più spesi male della mia vita ....
Escape room definitely not recommended ... first, as soon as we arrived our real challenge was with the sooooo bad torches, if you pressed the ignition button then they didn't close anymore, they disassembled continuously ... The staff was very unpleasant and very little interested. Once inside, there were many padlocks that hardly understood. Anyway, let's start the game and at each of our questions the owner (who came in with us and sat on the ground with the phone, disinterest towards the team) seemed annoyed and nervous ... Touching a bit all the padlocks seemed angry, saying not to touch them all ... in the end for sure we will not return, the most badly spent money of my life ....
Anna Repossi on Google

Eravamo io e il mio ragazzo, esperienza super divertente! Staff gentilissimo. Enigmi complessi e divertenti da risolvere. Non siamo riusciti a completarlo purtroppo quindi ritorneremo:) grazie!
It was me and my boyfriend, super fun experience! Staff very kind. Complex and fun puzzles to solve. We were unable to complete it unfortunately so we will be back :) thanks!
Gabriele Filaferro on Google

Escape room normale, nulla di favoloso, però non si è potuto pagare con la carta perché "il POS non prendeva", assurdo nel 2022
Normal escape room, nothing fabulous, but it was not possible to pay with the card because "the POS did not take", absurd in 2022
Antonio Mastrosimone on Google

Bellissima esperienza e ottimo gioco di squadra per sviluppare le abilità logiche e di team working! Assolutamente da provare
Great experience and great team play to develop logic and team working skills! Absolutely to try
Matteo Altamura on Google

Esperienza bellissima e consigliata a tutti quelli che vogliono passare un'oretta alternativa. Tornerò anch'io a finirla, magari quando potrò pagare con il pos nel 2022 ?
Beautiful experience and recommended for all those who want to spend an alternative hour. I'll come back to finish it too, maybe when I can pay with the pos in 2022 ?
Nicole Chiesa on Google

Esperienza più che negativa. Se si potesse dare 0 stelle sicuramente lo farei. Personale molto scortese, maleducato e svogliato. Abbiamo avuto un problema tecnico con una chiave e, nonostante le nostre ripetute richieste di aiuto e nonostante il tempo perso (quasi 20 minuti), la ragazza non ci ha aiutato minimamente. Alla nostra richiesta di uscire dalla stanza lei è entrata e ha ci ha completamente fatti sentire a disagio e inadeguati, inventando delle scuse per non essere entrata ad aiutarci precedentemente. La stanza è anche bella (a parte alcuni enigmi e serrature totalmente prive di senso), ma senza un personale adeguato abbiamo avuto una pessima esperienza. Ah e ovviamente abbiamo dovuto pagare 60€ lo stesso. Non ci torneremo sicuramente.
More than negative experience. If it could give 0 stars I would definitely do it. Very rude, rude and listless staff. We had a technical problem with a key and, despite our repeated requests for help and despite the lost time (almost 20 minutes), the girl did not help us in the slightest. At our request to leave the room she came in and completely made us feel uncomfortable and inadequate, making excuses for not coming in to help us earlier. The room is also nice (apart from some riddles and totally meaningless locks), but without proper staff we had a very bad experience. Oh and of course we had to pay 60 € the same. We will definitely not go back.
Linda-Jean Swanepoel on Google

I was quite disappointed by this room. We were given no introduction or instructions upon arrival, no greeting either. The room had some great riddles but there didn’t seem to be any links between puzzles, we chanced upon the next clues as we went. The intercom for hints was also quite a hold back for our group as only one person spoke Italian.
Marc on Google

It was my probably my 10th escape in a foreign country and boy, was that badly organised. Firstly the adress is incorrect (should be n°11-15 and not n°2). Secondly, you‘ll need a code to enter the actual escape room, are you serious? And finally, the game itself was absolutely not intuitive. A thousand padlocks and riddles with no actual relation at all. The game leader was not really fluent in English, even though we‘ve specifically asked for language compliance. Theme had much potential but we do not recommend.

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