
4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact EnoMezcla

Address :

Lungomare Araldo di Crollalanza, 3, 70121 Bari BA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9889999
Website : http://www.enomezcla.it/
Categories :
City : Bari

Lungomare Araldo di Crollalanza, 3, 70121 Bari BA, Italy
Paola Iacovelli on Google

Adoro questa bellissima enoteca sul lungomare. Piatti ricercati e grandissima competenza del personale fanno di Enomezcla un locale ricercato e unico nel suo genere. Consigliatissimo per gli amanti del buon vino!
I love this beautiful waterfront wine shop. Refined dishes and great competence of the staff make Enomezcla a refined and unique place. Highly recommended for lovers of good wine!
Luigi LOLLINO on Google

Un posto favolosooooo! Attenti a Gianluca, è uno ammaliatore che con con il suo fascino vi trasporterà nel mangiare e soprattutto nel bere ottimi vini. Non può mancare nella lista dei posti da visitare. Non pensate al costo ma godetevi la serata, di certo eccitante.
A fabulous place! Beware of Gianluca, he is a charmer who with his charm will transport you to eat and above all to drink excellent wines. It cannot be missing from the list of places to visit. Don't think about the cost but enjoy the evening, certainly exciting.
Michele Rocco on Google

Semplice ma di buona qualità il menù con servizio cortese e attento
The menu is simple but of good quality with courteous and attentive service
Coffee Break on Google

Bon bar à vin et tapas proche front de mer à Bari.
Good wine and tapas bar near the seafront in Bari.
Giuss Lecce on Google

Nulla di che Un locale piccolissimo dove ti servono due fette di pane con dentro una velata presenza di tonno o salmone salatissimi a 14 euro chiamandolo fishclub...dopo aver speso 110 euro in 4 x il nulla...siamo andati a cena affamati...nn credo di ritornarci e con tutta onestà nn mi sento di consigliarlo...sono a favore di certi locali ma almeno deve esserci un senso a tutto e nn solo la posizione sul lungomare.
Nothing special A very small place where you need two slices of bread with a veiled presence of salted tuna or salmon inside for 14 euros calling it fishclub ... after spending 110 euros in 4 x nothing ... we went to dinner hungry ... nn I think I'll go back and with all honesty I don't recommend it ... I'm in favor of some clubs but at least there must be a sense of everything and not just the position on the seafront.
Federico Mastromarco on Google

staff competente e cordiale, vini e bevande di ottima qualità, luogo idoneo per una serata tra amici o in coppia.
competent and friendly staff, excellent quality wines and drinks, a suitable place for an evening with friends or as a couple.
Monika Kuratli on Google

Wir haben hier zu zweit einen Apero Spritz konsumiert zu je 6 EUR und wurden tatsächlich noch mit 4 EUR Servizio belastet. Dafür haben wir zum Spritz ein winziges Schälchen mit leicht verbrannten Popcorns erhalten - weiter gar nichts. Dafür mussten wir letztendlich insgesamt 16 EUR hinlegen - ein stolzer Preis für Apulien und für eine Region, wo oft zum Drink noch ganz viele Snacks dazu gereicht werden. Bei unserer Reklamation meinte der Kellner, aber wir hätten doch etwas dazu erhalten - womit er wohl die ca. 10 Stück Popcorn meinte. Uns war danach klar, weshalb in der Bar nebenan alle Stühle besetzt waren, währenddessen in dieser Bar alles noch frei war.
The two of us consumed an aperitif spritz at 6 EUR each and were actually still charged with 4 EUR Servizio. For this we received a tiny bowl with slightly burnt popcorn for the spritz - nothing more. In the end, we had to pay a total of 16 EUR for this - a proud price for Apulia and for a region where a lot of snacks are often served with a drink. When we complained, the waiter said, but we would have received something - by which he meant about 10 pieces of popcorn. Afterwards it was clear to us why all the chairs in the bar next door were occupied while everything in this bar was still free.
Neil Earp on Google

Great wine, good service

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