Dr. Michele Pascali - Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica

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Contact Dr. Michele Pascali - Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica

Address :

Via Novara, 53, 00198 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9988
Website : http://www.michelepascali.it/
Categories :
City : Roma

Via Novara, 53, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
bibi unix on Google

Ho conosciuto il Prof. Michele Pascali per caso, su consiglio di una nota Prof. Di chirurgia Estetica che svolge la sua attività a Torino. Con lui mi sono trovata bene fin dalla prima visita per una mastoplastica riduttiva con mastopessi. Il mio seno non mi piaceva più, e Lui su di me ha veramente fatto un miracolo, come lo ha fatto la seconda volta per l'addominoplastica con liposuzione dei fianchi . Ora mi sento bene grazie a Lui, la mia vita è cambiata in meglio. È un professionista serio e soprattutto umano, prende a cuore tutti i casi, anche quelli più disperati. Ringrazio Lui e tutto il suo staff medico, e un grazie particolare va a Federica sempre molto gentile e garbata. Grazie, Grazie, Grazie a tutti.
I met Prof. Michele Pascali by chance, on the advice of a well-known Prof. Of Aesthetic Surgery who carries out his activity in Turin. I got along well with him from the first visit for a reduction mammoplasty with mastopexy. I didn't like my breasts anymore, and He really worked a miracle on me, as he did the second time for abdominoplasty with liposuction of the hips. Now I feel good thanks to Him, my life has changed for the better. He is a serious and above all human professional, he takes all cases to heart, even the most desperate ones. I thank him and all his medical staff, and a special thanks goes to Federica who is always very kind and polite. Thank you, thank you, thank you all.
Giulia Santilli on Google

Mi sono rivolta al Dott. Pascali per una rinosettoplastica di revisione. Il Dott. Pascali non solo ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative, risolvendo i problemi estetici e funzionali, ma le ha superate, dimostrandosi serio e professionale dall'inizio alla fine. Cosa che ha dimostrato seguendomi attentamente anche nell'evoluzione post operatoria, fattore importantissimo soprattutto negli interventi di revisione. Se lo avessi conosciuto anni fa, mi sarei risparmiata tanta delusione e soldi. Staff eccezzionale! Lo consiglio ad occhi chiusi!
I turned to Dr. Pascali for a revision rhinoseptoplasty. Dr. Pascali not only met my expectations, solving aesthetic and functional problems, but he surpassed them, proving to be serious and professional from start to finish. Which he demonstrated by following me carefully also in the post-operative evolution, a very important factor especially in revision interventions. If I had known him years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of disappointment and money. Exceptional staff! I recommend it with your eyes closed!
Barbara Rizzi on Google

La mia esperienza con il dott.Michele Pascalie è stata eccellente. Lo contraddistingue professionalità e competenza. Mi sono rivolta a Pascali per una rinoplastica secondaria molto complicata , dove sia la parte funzionale ed estetica erano state compromesse. Il risultato finale è stato al di la delle mie aspettative, un risultato eccellente. La cura e l’attenzione che il dottore mostra sia prima che dopo l'intervento è unico. Tutto questo accompagnato da uno staff competente e professionale. Michele Pascali un'eccellenza , il migliore Grazie di cuore Barbara
My experience with Dr. Michele Pascalie has been excellent. It is characterized by professionalism and competence. I turned to Pascali for a very complicated secondary rhinoplasty, where both the functional and aesthetic parts had been compromised. The final result was beyond my expectations, an excellent result. The care and attention that the doctor shows both before and after the surgery is unique. All this accompanied by a competent and professional staff. Michele Pascali an excellence, the best Thank you so much Barbara
Anisia Pierantozzi on Google

La mia esperienza con il dottor Michele Pascali è stata a dir poco meravigliosa. Ho iniziato a seguirlo sui social, non l’ho mai paragonato a nessuno, non ho mai valutato l’idea di altri dottori, è stato un amore a prima vista, sapevo che sarebbe stato lui a realizzare i miei sogni, perchè ne avevo più di uno ?. Nella prima visita con professionalità e umanità mi ha spiegato nei minimi dettagli il lavoro che avrebbe svolto, personalizzandolo in base al mio viso. Ciò che mi ha convinta è stato proprio il suo “disegnare“ con la sua bravura un nuovo sguardo su di me (temporal lift e blefaro superiore), il mio primo intervento fatto a luglio 2021, e se prima ne ero innamorata dopo l’ho adorato ? e ho affidato alla sua mano da Michelangelo anche il mio naso, fatto il 14 febbraio 2022, sono passati appena 10 giorni e già mi sembra il naso più bello che io abbia mai visto ? La sua equipe è meravigliosa, sono stati sempre presenti e continuano ad esserlo. Sono fiera della mia decisione di operarmi e soprattutto di aver scelto il migliore in assoluto. Grazie al Dottor Michele Pascali ho un viso bellissimo e in perfetta armonia. Non finirò mai di ringraziarlo ❤️❤️❤️
My experience with Dr. Michele Pascali was nothing short of wonderful. I started following him on social media, I never compared him to anyone, I never evaluated the idea of ​​other doctors, it was love at first sight, I knew he would be the one to make my dreams come true, because I had more of one ?. In the first visit with professionalism and humanity he explained to me in detail the work he would have done, personalizing it according to my face. What convinced me was her "drawing" with her skill a new look at me (temporal lift and upper blefaro), my first surgery done in July 2021, and if I was in love with it before, then I adored ? and I also entrusted my nose to his hand by Michelangelo, made the February 14, 2022, just 10 days have passed and it already seems to me the most beautiful nose I've ever seen ? His team is wonderful, they have always been there and continue to be. I am proud of my decision to have surgery and above all of having chosen the best ever. Thanks to Doctor Michele Pascali I have a beautiful face in perfect harmony. I will never stop thanking him ❤️❤️❤️
Christopher A. Jilly (C.J.) on Google

Dr. Pascali is a very famous doctor and it is a pleasure having a relationship with him. His reputation goes beyond Rome; throughout Europe and the rest of the world. He is a very good man, plastic surgeon and business person. I look forward to a very long lasting relationship with Dr. Pascali. Thank you ???⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Caren Lazarus on Google

I am so glad that a doctor in Florence referred Dr. Pascali for a Rhinoplasty. I have had nothing but problems with my nose for several years. I broke it and had problems breathing , and it was crooked . I live part time in Los Angeles and Part time in Tuscany. I started with a very well known plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills who said my skin was too thin and the cartilage was too fine to make any cosmetic changes to my nose so he did a surgery to help me breath better. That was good for a while until my nose started to get larger and look very different. I then chose another known reconstructive surgeon in Los Angeles who said the same thing about the skin and cartilage. Although he said he could thin out the bridge and fix the tip. Well after a year I did not even recognize myself in photos any longer. My nose, that was never a problem in my life, was now the only thing I could see when I looked in the mirror . Fast forward to a doctor I met in Florence . I told her about my challenges and she said that Dr. Pascali was one of the best , if not the best surgeons she has ever met. So I took a chance and made an appointment. Dr Pascali immediately noted the same challenges with my nose. Thin skin and weak cartilage. BUT he said ... I can fix it! I had been following his work on IG and I felt very confident. I am only 3 weeks post surgery and I can say my nose looks just like it did when I was in my 20’s. I could not be happier. It has changed my life. After seeing Dr. Pascali’s work I can say ..he is an artist that also happens to be a master surgeon Everyone in the office is professional and kind. First Class all the way. If I choose to make any other cosmetic changes , Dr Pascali is the one.
Arianna T. on Google

I'm 1 month post revision rhinoplasty with Doctor and Professor Michele Pascali, and could not be happier and recommend him enough. It's been quite the journey - I had a rhinoplasty in the US about 6 years ago which resulted in a deformed nose that gave me difficulty in breathing as well as great insecurities. When I realized I needed a revision rhinoplasty, I cried countless times as I made my way through the "best" surgeons of New York's upper east side who did not seem very optimistic about giving me a decent nose (not to mention the scandalous prices they were asking for, with zero insurance, and no guarantee of significant improvement). I started looking for options in Rome, my hometown, and found Dr. Pascali. We had a virtual consultation and then met in person. I was immediately attracted to his confidence, optimism, and clear vision on how to fix my nose - I also knew he would be able to do it because I saw his skills with my own eyes on his social media. Meanwhile, all the other surgeons seemed scared of my case! A crucial part in my decision to get operated by Dr. Pascali was also the post-op care. He and his staff actually exceeded my expectations. I got to stay the night in the clinic with nurses that followed a strict protocol for my fast recovery and well being, and in the 3 weeks that followed, I saw Dr. Pascali 5 times. He medicated me, thoughtfully decided when it was time to remove my cast (rather than the arbitrary 1 week mark), and gave me instructions on how to take care of my nose each session. Last but not least, every single person I've met at Dr. Pascali's office is so incredibly wonderful, I almost feel like we've become friends. True experts in their field, always there to help and make you feel comfortable and taken care of! Anybody who's considering a revision rhinoplasty knows how stressful and scary it can be, given the first failure. However with Dr. Pascali and his team you are in the best hands :) Grazie di cuore!!
Blabla on Google

Here’s to everyone who is suffering from a botched plastic surgery: Go to Rome and see Dr. Pascali. He is going to help you. One year ago a different „plastic surgeon“ performed a lipofilling procedure to my lower lids. The result was catastrophic. Way too much fat was injected to the lower lid-cheek area and I was left looking like a completely different person. Also, I constantly felt pain due to scar tissue that formed after the procedure. The months following the procedure I talked to several different plastic surgeons and I became more and more desperate. I was sure I would never find an expert who could fix my lids. Then I found Dr. Pascali on the internet and I saw the results of the many complex revision surgeries he has performed throughout his career. I decided to travel to Rome (which is 16 hours by train from my home country!), just to ask him for his opinion. He IMMEDIATELY felt for me and the first thing he said to me was that he would help me. And 6 months later he did. Although I don’t speak a word Italian and although I had made a very bad experience with plastic surgery before, I always felt safe and comfortable with Dr. Pascali and his team. Everybody was so nice and warm and understanding. And the result! I am now 10 days out of surgery and I cannot believe the result. To me it is perfect. All the fat and scar tissue is gone and my lids are symmetrical! although I am still swollen and bruised I am safe to say: I will soon look normal again and I will have my life back. Can‘t wait to see the final result. Thank you SO MUCH Dott. Pascali, thank you everyone else on the team!!!! ???

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