DIVE ON Scuba Center - PADI - 20

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DIVE ON Scuba Center - PADI

Address :

Via Garitta, 20, 95024 Capo Mulini CT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 95024
Website : https://diveon-scubacenter.business.site/
Categories :
City : Capo Mulini

Via Garitta, 20, 95024 Capo Mulini CT, Italy
Nello Russo on Google

Istruttori simpatici e preparati, meraviglioso scoprire i fondali della costa di Capomulini. Assolutamente consigliati! Forse cambieranno sede, ma sempre a capomulini
Nice and prepared instructors, wonderful to discover the seabed of the coast of Capomulini. Absolutely recommended! Maybe they will change location, but always in capomulini
barbara sessa on Google

Entrambi gli Istruttori mostrano professionalità, empatia , amore per il mare. Ogni immersione mi ha arricchito sia come diver che come persona. Consiglio questo diving sia a neofiti che ad esperti.
Both instructors show professionalism, empathy, love for the sea. Each dive enriched me both as a diver and as a person. I recommend this diving to both beginners and experts.
Patrizia Bertolino on Google

Un grande grazie per la vostra professionalità e disponibilità fondamenta di una passione che siete riusciti a trasmettermi immergendomi in una dimensione , quella del mondo subacqueo, verso la quale nutrivo non poche paure che voi siete riusciti a trasformare in piacere. La vostra accoglienza e la capacità di farmi sentire a mio agio é stata per me indispensabile per riuscire a muovere i primi passi verso il mare, inoltre il vostro impegno a trasformare l'attività di squadra, fondamentale durante le immersioni, in un ambiente familiare capace di guidare in nuove entusiasmanti esperienze, fa di voi il Top. GRAZIE
A big thank you for your professionalism and availability, the foundation of a passion that you have managed to transmit to me by immersing myself in a dimension, that of the underwater world, towards which I had many fears that you have managed to transform into pleasure. Your welcome and the ability to make me feel at ease was essential for me to be able to take the first steps towards the sea, plus your commitment to transforming team activity, essential during diving, into a capable family environment to drive in exciting new experiences, makes you the Top. THANKS
Diego Crocetta on Google

Diving eccellente!!!....dove la competenza si fonde con anni di comprovata esperienza nel settore. I dive master sono di primissimo ordine. Giuseppe e Letizia sapranno metterti a tuo agio con spiegazioni esaustive per guidarti step by step e intraprendere questo fantastico percorso. Lo consiglio vivamente a tutte le persone che vogliono entrare nel meraviglioso mondo della subacquea.
Excellent diving !!! .... where competence blends with years of proven experience in the sector. The dive masters are top notch. Giuseppe and Letizia will put you at ease with exhaustive explanations to guide you step by step and embark on this fantastic journey. I highly recommend it to all people who want to enter the wonderful world of diving.
Francesco Filocamo on Google

Personale professionale, disponibile e cordiale. Frequento questo centro da ormai due anni e posso dire di aver trovato un'altra famiglia. I divemaster (gli istruttori subacquei) sono molto flessibili e riescono ad adattarsi a ogni nuovo allievo e alle sue esigenze, come dimostratomi dal fatto che son riusciti a far passare la paura iniziale dell'immersione persino a mia madre che sembrava un caso impossibile!! Anche impegnandomi non troverei alcun difetto da rappresentare. Tutto 5 stelle ma anche 6 o 7! Continuate cosi' ??
Professional, helpful and friendly staff. I have been visiting this center for two years now and I can say that I have found another family. The divemasters (diving instructors) are very flexible and are able to adapt to each new student and his needs, as shown by the fact that they managed to pass the initial fear of diving even to my mother who seemed an impossible case !! Even if I try hard I wouldn't find any fault to represent. All 5 stars but also 6 or 7! Keep it up ??
Antoine Didierlaurent on Google

Que dire ? C'était une journée parfaite, malgré des débuts difficiles... Tout a commencé par une interminable galère liée aux bus de Catane (à fuir), chaleur, attente, perte de patience, la plaie ! Puis est arrivée Laetitzia, qui nous a tirés de cet enfer pour nous mener à son petit coin de paradis. Sur le port nous attendaient son mari Giuseppe et leur amie Elisa, et tous les trois nous ont accueillis comme si nous étions des amis de longue date. Nous avons été chouchoutés, la totale : casse croûte sur le bateau, poses baignade pour se reposer entre les plongées, musique, détours pour nous montrer les jolis coins de la côte, un vrai rêve ! Nous avons fait deux plongées magnifiques et merveilleusement encadrées par Elisa et Laetitzia, et cette dernière a fait de superbes photos de la faune sous marine pour nous les passer ensuite, la grande classe ! Sur le bateau, nous parlions un mélange de français, d'italien et d'anglais, nous nous comprenions comme si nous avions parlé cet étrange mélange toute notre vie, la journée était belle, nous étions en admirable compagnie. À toi le touriste amateur de plongée, je te souhaite de croiser le Dive On Scuba Center, tu ne le regretteras pas !
What to say ? It was a perfect day, despite a difficult start ... It all started with an endless galley linked to the Catania buses (to be avoided), heat, waiting, loss of patience, the sore! Then came Laetitzia, who pulled us out of this hell to lead us to her little corner of paradise. Her husband Giuseppe and their friend Elisa were waiting for us at the port, and the three of them greeted us as if we were old friends. We were pampered, the total: snack on the boat, swimming poses to rest between dives, music, detours to show us the pretty corners of the coast, a real dream! We did two magnificent dives and wonderfully supervised by Elisa and Laetitzia, and the latter took superb photos of the underwater fauna to pass them to us then, the great class! On the boat, we spoke a mixture of French, Italian and English, we understood each other as if we had spoken this strange mixture all our life, the day was beautiful, we were in admirable company. To you the tourist amateur of diving, I wish you to cross the Dive On Scuba Center, you will not regret it!
Fabrizio Spina on Google

Frequento il centro DIVE ON da qualche anno ormai. La location é favolosa in quanto il Diving é collocato in una parete rocciosa di pietra lavica dell'Etna che sporge direttamente sul mare, in un contesto molto particolare tra natura e storia marinara, anche per via di un faro di segnalazione costiera, curato da uno stabilimento balneare di tendenza, dove una parte di quest'ultimo é immerso in un grande prato curatissimo, con la parte bar ristorante e solarium, e l'altra parte più bassa, solo solarium ed una porzione riservata al diving per potersi immergere direttamente sul mare. Spesso la location é richiesta per eventi particolari. Il personale tra cui Giuseppe e Letizia, sono molto gentili e disponibili ad ogni tipo di richiesta personale, nonché una preparazione professionale non indifferente. Possibilità di escursioni in barca programmati, per la visita di siti particolari in loco e noleggio di tutta l'attrezzatura subacquea. Lo consiglio sia per tutto quello che ho ampiamente spiegato e perché sopratutto la parte sottomarina del luogo é affascinante, si fanno degli incontri con la fauna emozionanti.
I have been attending the DIVE ON center for a few years now. The location is fabulous as the Diving is located in a lava stone rocky wall of Etna which protrudes directly on the sea, in a very particular context between nature and seafaring history, also because of a coastal beacon, managed by one trendy bathhouse, where a part of the latter is immersed in a large well-kept lawn, with the part bar restaurant and solarium, and the other lower part, only solarium and a portion reserved for diving to be able to dive directly on the sea . The location is often required for particular events. The staff, including Giuseppe and Letizia, are very kind and available for any type of personal request, as well as a considerable professional preparation. Possibility of scheduled boat excursions, to visit particular sites on site and rental of all diving equipment. I recommend it for all that I have amply explained and because above all the underwater part of the place is fascinating, there are exciting encounters with the fauna.
Alessia Scarpaci on Google

Amazing activity, with beautiful people, in a fantastic place for beginners and more expert divers. The competence and friendly attitude of the dive master and the rest of the team make this experience a must activity in the surrounding area of Catania. Completed my Open water certificate, I highly recommend this center.

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