Distretto Santario Vallo della Lucania-Agropoli

1.8/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Distretto Santario Vallo della Lucania/Agropoli

Address :

Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 1, 84043 Agropoli SA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997877
Postal code : 84043
Categories :
City : Agropoli

Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 1, 84043 Agropoli SA, Italy
Raffaele Guariglia on Google

It works
Roxy on Google

Non rispondono mai. Per giorni chiami all'infinito e nessuna risposta.. Questa é l'Asl...vergogna.
They never answer. For days you call endlessly and no answer .. This is the ASL ... shame.
Stella Di Mare on Google

Die ASL Agropoli ist der ausländerfeindlichste Sauhaufen den ich je gesehen habe und ich habe schon viel gesehen....(Bin Autorin). Die liebe Frau D´Avella will mir seit 2 Jahren keine Krankenversicherungskarte geben obwohl diese mir rechtlich zusteht. Ich wohne seit über 2 Jahren dauerhaft und ausschließlich als Deutsche in Italien. Ich habe keinen Krankenschutz und darf mich nicht impfen lassen!!! Meine Arbeit habe ich deswegen auch verloren. Ohne Impfung darf ich nicht mehr arbeiten und nicht reisen, nicht einmal mehr meine Rechnungen darf ich bei der Postbank ohne Green Pass mehr begleichen. Was ich dieser Person wünsche kann sich jeder selber denken....Den Chef gibt es nicht, habe ihn nie ausfindig machen können. Wahrscheinlich hat sich der bei dem Personal schon vor Jahren freiwillig erschossen, könnte ich verstehen. Geht da bloß niemals hin!
The ASL Agropoli is the most xenophobic mess I've ever seen and I've seen a lot...(I'm an author). Dear Mrs. D'Avella has not wanted to give me a health insurance card for 2 years, although I am legally entitled to it. I have been living permanently and exclusively as a German in Italy for over 2 years. I don't have health insurance and I can't get vaccinated!!! I lost my job because of that. Without a vaccination I can no longer work or travel, I can no longer even pay my bills at the Postbank without a Green Pass. Everyone can think for themselves what I wish for this person.... There is no boss, I was never able to find him. The staff probably shot himself voluntarily years ago, I could understand that. Don't ever go there!
Luca Gentile (BikeTravelTheater) on Google

Nessuno risponde al telefono. Sono stato a letto con la febbre e vorrei sapere cosa dovrei fare come procedura anti covid. A quanto pare, devo arrangiarmi da solo. E poi ci si chiede come mai in Italia ci sono così tanti morti covid. W la Campania.
Nobody answers the phone. I have been in bed with a fever and would like to know what I should do as an anti covid procedure. Apparently, I have to fend for myself. And then one wonders why in Italy there are so many covid deaths. W Campania.

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