Disco - New

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Disco - New

Address :

Largo Adolph Kolping, 1f Ex Spitalgasse 1 - Kolpingstrasse, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979789
Postal code : 39100
Website : https://www.discogs.com/de/seller/Disconew/profile
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Largo Adolph Kolping, 1f Ex Spitalgasse 1 - Kolpingstrasse, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
Mary Janssen on Google

Una vasta scelta e molte informazioni utili molto gentile qualsiasi domanda su musica ha una risposta.
A large selection and a lot of useful information very kind any question about music has an answer.
Torsten Weber on Google

Der Inhaber Herr Walter Eschgfäller , ist an Arroganz wohl nicht zu überbieten!! Nachdem wir sein Geschäft interessehalber betreten haben und uns umgeschaut hatten, wollten wir den Laden wieder verlassen! Beim Verabschieden, brabbelte er uns hinterher „ Was war das denn jetzt „ ? Nachdem wir gesagt haben „ Wir wollten uns mal umschauen „ kam dann die Bemerkung „ was wir in seinem Geschäft wollten, wenn wir nichts kaufen wollten““! Ich glaube dieser Überheblichkeit ist es geschuldet, das ich in dem Geschäft noch niemals jemanden gesehen habe! Lieber Herr Eschgfäller ruhen Sie sich ruhig weiterhin auf Ihren verblichenen Lorbeeren aus und schauen sich alte Fotos von Bands mit Ihnen an ! Vielleicht finden Sie dann ein bisschen Freude im Leben!!!! Viel Glück bis dahin Torsten WEBER! Lieber Herr Eschgfäller , Sie wissen genau, das Sie in Ihrer Antwort auf meine Rezension lügen! Ich würde mich an Ihrer Stelle in psychiatrische Behandlung begeben! Sie müssen ja unter Wahrnehmungsstörungen leiden, wenn Sie noch andere Leute als uns in Ihrem Laden gesehen haben!! Noch einmal die Schule besuchen, wäre auch nicht schlecht, dann würden sich nicht so viele Rechtschreibfehler in Ihren Text einschleichen!! Im Gegensatz zu Ihnen wurde ich so erzogen zu grüßen wenn ich ein Geschäft betrete und wieder verlasse! Wenn Sie etwas verkaufen wollen, würde ich Ihnen raten auch einmal auf die Leute zuzugehen und zu begrüßen wenn Sie mein Geschäft betreten! Ich finde es auch komisch, das Sie auf jegliche Kritik immer mit den gleichen Argumenten reagieren! Sie haben in Ihrer Antwort auch noch vergessen zu erwähnen, das Sie zu mir sagten,das ich Ihren Teppich reinigen könnte!! Wie gesagt ich hoffe das Sie mit Ihrem arroganten Auftreten noch sehr weit kommen in der jetzigen Situation!!! Ich wünsche Ihnen noch ein schönes Leben, herzlichst Ihr Torsten Weber
The owner, Mr. Walter Eschgfäller, is hard to beat when it comes to arrogance! After we entered his shop out of interest and had looked around, we wanted to leave the shop again! When we said goodbye, he mumbled after us "What was that now?" After we said “we wanted to have a look around” came the remark “what we wanted in his shop if we didn't want to buy anything” ”! I think it's due to this arrogance that I've never seen anyone in the business! Dear Mr. Eschgfäller, rest on your faded laurels and look at old photos of bands with you! Maybe then you will find a little joy in life !!!! Good luck until then, Torsten WEBER! Dear Mr Eschgfäller, you know that you are lying in your answer to my review! If I were you, I would seek psychiatric treatment! You must suffer from impaired perception if you have seen people other than us in your shop !! Going back to school would not be bad either, then so many spelling errors would not creep into your text !! Unlike you, I was brought up to greet when I walk in and out of a store! If you want to sell something, I would advise you to go up to people and say hello when they enter my shop! I also find it strange that you always react to any criticism with the same arguments! You also forgot to mention in your answer that you told me that I could clean your carpet !! As I said, I hope that with your arrogant demeanor you can go a long way in the current situation! I wish you a good life, Sincerely, Torsten Weber
NSK on Google

Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt nicht erklären warum die Leute hier meinen der Inhaber sei unfreundlich. Die Auswahl ist groß und auch sehr überschaubar. Hinzu kommt, dass der Inhaber in meinen Augen sehr freundlich ist. Das einzigste was mich etwas stört ist dass die Preise etwas höher sind als im Internet. Ansonsten ist der Laden top und nur zu empfehlen!
To be honest, I can't explain why people here think the owner is rude. The selection is large and also very manageable. In addition, the owner is very friendly in my eyes. The only thing that bothers me a little is that the prices are a little higher than on the Internet. Otherwise the shop is great and can only be recommended!
Maria Marrese on Google

Oggi sono stato in questo negozio di passaggio da Milano...e ho trovato dopo tanto tempo un vero negozio di dischi old style dove ho di nuovo respirato l'aria a me cara del CD e del vinile...ho passato 1 ora a spulciare e con grande soddisfazione ho trovato una buonissima varietà di scelta soprattutto rock/metal con prezzi accessibili...ma soprattutto un proprietario disponibile e preparato con cui ho volentieri scambiato due chiacchiere oltre l'acquisto... Vorrei ritrovare un negozio simile anche a Milano (dopo l'improvvisa chiusura dello storico Mariposa di cui siamo sempre orfani)...quindi LUNGA VITA AL DISCO NEW!!!!!!! Davide da Milano
Today I was in this shop passing through Milan ... and after a long time I found a real old style record shop where I again breathed the air dear to me of CD and vinyl ... I spent 1 hour in sifting through and with great satisfaction I found a very good variety of choice especially rock / metal with affordable prices ... but above all an available and prepared owner with whom I gladly chatted over the purchase ... I would like to find a similar shop in Milan too (after the sudden closure of the historic Mariposa of which we are always orphans) ... so LONG LIFE TO THE DISCO NEW !!!!!!! Davide from Milan
Klemens Maria R. on Google

Einer der wenigen richtigen Plattenläden in Bozen. Also wo hinter dem Tresen noch einer steht, der ziemlich viel Ahnung von Musik, und zudem viel Erfahrung hat. Eben was anderes als das Bübchen oder Mädel im CD-Eck von MediaWorld.
One of the few real record stores in Bolzano. So where there is someone behind the bar who has quite a bit of knowledge about music and also has a lot of experience. Just something different than the little boy or girl in the MediaWorld CD corner.
Enri on Google

Mi sembra doveroso scrivere questa recensione, o meglio, messaggio caloroso e di comprensione per ciò che è successo. Qualche giorno fa sono passato al negozio ed era chiuso, però l'orario era quello di apertura. Mi è sembrato strano. Oggi purtroppo ci sono passato di nuovo e ho scoperto che il commesso è venuto a mancare. Ora non so se ne era pure il proprietario, però mi dispiace molto. Era una persona brava e si vedeva che era devota nel suo lavoro se non passione. Lo si capisce dal fatto che teneva un negozio di dischi ancora in piedi dopo che ormai quest'ultimo è un mercato "vecchio" da cui non ci si può ricavare chissà quanti soldi, però lui era una brava persona, molto disponibile quando entravo nel suo negozio e molto molto gentile. Aver scoperto questa cosa in questo modo è stato brutto e non credo lo dimenticherò mai, per quanto poco lo abbia visto. Mi fa capire come la vita potrebbe finire per chiunque, da un momento all'altro e quanto fragili siamo. Anche se il commesso era già un pò vecchio comunque, penso che poteva vivere ancora di più. Penso però che a noi ci possa rimanere un insegnamento: come disse anche Steve Jobs, bisogna vivere come se ogni giorno fosse l'ultimo (senza prendere però la cosa troppo alla lettera...). Questo significa vivere per ciò che ci piace, per le nostre passioni e per rendere la nostra vita migliore possibile, senza perdersi in cose inutili scavando la fossa per se stessi... . Comunque spero che il negozio rimanga in piedi e che qualcun altro prenda le redini e continui a portarlo avanti, anche se penso che non sarà più lo stesso posto di prima. D'altronde siamo noi che abbelliamo il mondo con ciò che facciamo e quando una cosa è fatta bene e con amore è un peccato lasciarla marcire. Condoglianze per la famiglia e sopratutto un grande saluto a Walther, dove quelle poche volte che l'ho visto ho visto una persona d'oro che raramente si trova. Cordialmente Enri.
It seems my duty to write this review, or rather, a warm and understanding message for what happened. A few days ago I went to the shop and it was closed, but it was the opening time. It seemed strange to me. Unfortunately today I went through it again and I discovered that the clerk passed away. Now I don't know if he was the owner as well, but I'm very sorry. She was a good person and it was clear that she was devoted to her work if not passion. You can understand this from the fact that he kept a record shop still standing after it is now an "old" market from which you cannot get who knows how much money, but he was a good person, very helpful when I entered his shop and very very kind. Having discovered this thing in this way was bad and I don't think I will ever forget it, however little I have seen it. It makes me understand how life could end for anyone, at any moment and how fragile we are. Even though the salesman was already a little old anyway, I think he could have lived even longer. But I think that we can still have a lesson: as Steve Jobs also said, you have to live as if every day were your last (but without taking it too literally ...). This means living for what we like, for our passions and to make our life the best possible, without getting lost in useless things by digging the grave for ourselves .... Anyway I hope that the shop stays up and that someone else takes over and continues to run it, even though I think it will never be the same place as before. On the other hand, it is we who embellish the world with what we do and when something is done well and with love it is a sin to let it rot. Condolences for the family and above all a big hello to Walther, where the few times I saw him I saw a golden person who is rarely found. Sincerely Enri.
OkkiMono on Google

Good people working there. Found everything i needed and more. Tru paradise for music lovers!!
Gary Wilson on Google

The owner was extremely rude, condescending and patronising to me as I left the store. He actually had the cheek to 'tell me off' for not saying goodbye as I left. I would definitely give this place a miss. Awful.

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