Diemme Arte Sacra

5/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Diemme Arte Sacra

Address :

Via Lombardia, 7, 25025 Manerbio BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9988
Postal code : 25025
Website : http://www.diemmeartesacra.it/
Categories :
City : Manerbio

Via Lombardia, 7, 25025 Manerbio BS, Italy
Krzysztof Waszak on Google

Trafiłem na nich przypadkiem poszukując przedmiotów liturgicznych dla dwóch wspólnot z mojej parafii. Zamówienie zostało zrealizowane pomimo czasu pandemii covid-19. Dodatkowo stworzono dla mnie jeden z przedmiotów od podstaw. Jestem im bardzo wdzięczny! I came across this shop by accident, looking for liturgical items for two communities in my parish. The order was implemented despite the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, one of the elements was created for me from scratch. I am very grateful to them.
I found them by accident while looking for liturgical items for two communities in my parish. The order was implemented despite the time of the covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, one of the items was created for me from scratch. I am very grateful to them! I came across this shop by accident, looking for liturgical items for two communities in my parish. The order was implemented despite the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, one of the elements was created for me from scratch. I am very grateful to them.

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