CrossFit Olona

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact CrossFit Olona

Address :

Via S. Gaetano, 7, 20025 Legnano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 20025
Website :
Categories :
City : Legnano

Via S. Gaetano, 7, 20025 Legnano MI, Italy
Filippo Oldani on Google

Molto professionali
Very professional
jgor crippa on Google

Struttura enorme e accoglienza spettacolare, Crossfit olona punto e basta!
Huge structure and spectacular welcome, Crossfit olona, ​​that's it!
Arianna Barria on Google

Grandi istruttori, ottimo wod: consiglio a chiunque si annoi con le solite palestre!
Great instructors, excellent wod: advice to anyone who is bored with the usual gyms!
Alessandro Caloni on Google

Bravi professionali appassionati, capaci di coinvolgere anche i Ragazzi giovani, completi nelle attività, li consiglio per tutti coloro vogliano avvicinarsi al CrossFit come attività fisica
Good passionate professionals, capable of involving even young children, complete in activities, I recommend them for all those who want to approach CrossFit as a physical activity
Andrea De Bernardi on Google

800 mq di CrossFit a Legnano! Community, fitness, il miglior equipment, trainer con esperienza pluriennale, certificazioni CrossFit, FIPL, StrongFirst, RKC.
800 square meters of CrossFit in Legnano! Community, fitness, the best equipment, trainers with many years of experience, CrossFit, FIPL, StrongFirst, RKC certifications.
Edoardo Caramico on Google

Enorme e spazioso, offre la possibilità a tutti di allenarsi senza darsi fastidio!
Huge and spacious, it offers everyone the opportunity to train without bothering!
Giorgio Simone Totè on Google

Organizzazione, competenza e familiarità fanno sì che hai la voglia di tornare ad allenarti ogni volta anche se fisicamente sei una scamorza
Organization, competence and familiarity mean that you want to go back to training every time even if physically you are a scamorza
Todd Bajar on Google

Great owners and coaches, they went out of their way to make us feel at home. Great programing, and very clean and friendly group. They also speak English for those of us who don't speak Italian that was a plus. The next time we are in Italy we will drop in again. Thanks

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