Cooperativa Agricola Zootecnica Pratomagno

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cooperativa Agricola Zootecnica Pratomagno

Address :

Via di Bicciano, 29, 52010 Talla AR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97978
Postal code : 52010
Website :
Categories :
City : Talla

Via di Bicciano, 29, 52010 Talla AR, Italy
Giuseppina Manca on Google

Ottimo, pecorino e salumi locali di qualità, da provare
Excellent, quality pecorino and local salami, to try
Davide Croci on Google

Solo latte di pecora, pecorino e ricotta. Vari gradi di stagionatura. Nell'aria del casentino. Prezzi ottimi.
Only sheep's milk, pecorino and ricotta. Various degrees of seasoning. In the air of the Casentino. Great prices.
Mm on Google

Una volta qualità e prezzo nell'ultimo periodo è più il formaggio che butto via di quello che mangio
Once quality and price in the last period is more the cheese that I throw away than I eat
DP on Google

Ottimo e consigliato !!! Prodotti eccellenti. Consigliatissimo
Great and recommended !!! Excellent products. Highly recommended
Nimai Di lorenzo on Google

Nel nuovo punto vendita, c'è un nuovo venditore ridicolo, antipatico e poco disponibile. Prima esperienza mi ha tagliato una forma da 3 kg di formaggio con un coltello da grana padano.... Risultato,mezza forma massacrata da 800 grammi (mi son vergognato a portarlo per regalo) Ultima esperienza oggi, ho Comprato 3 kg di formaggio, tutti diversi, e il pezzo più grosso non lo ha messo nella busta...... 1,200g di formaggio dimenticati...... Gli ho chiesto come erano i formaggi freschi, mi ha detto che non sanno di niente.... Venditore assurdo. Le ragazze nel vecchio punto vendita erano disponibili e simpatiche, questo personaggio ti fa passare la voglia di andare a Comprare formaggio....
In the new store, there is a ridiculous, obnoxious and unavailable new seller. First experience I cut a 3 kg wheel of cheese with a parmesan knife .... Result, half a slaughtered 800 gram wheel (I was ashamed to bring it as a gift) Last experience today, I bought 3 kg of cheese, all different, and the biggest piece did not put it in the bag ...... 1,200g of forgotten cheese ...... I asked him how the fresh cheeses were, he said they don't taste like anything .... Absurd seller. The girls in the old store were helpful and nice, this character makes you pass the desire to go to buy cheese ....
Andrea Bazzini on Google

Grandissimo formaggio di altissima qualità e soprattutto fatto come una volta . TOP.
Great cheese of the highest quality and above all made as it once was. TOP.
Simona Deluca on Google

Mi sono recata in questo caseificio tra l altro consigliato per comprare del salame. In tanto da non poter assaggiare quindi assurdo. Pieno di grasso da non poter carne rossa non si vedeva. Prodotto scarso Milano
I went to this dairy, among other things, recommended to buy some salami. In time to not be able to taste therefore absurd. Full of fat you can't eat, red meat was nowhere to be seen. Poor product Milan
Mario on Google

Einfach ein Traum! Was würde ich dafür geben, einen Laden wie diesen bei mir vor der Haustüre zu haben. Wir waren in einem Ferienhaus ein paar Kilometer weiter zum Urlaub. Die Vermieterin gab uns auf Nachfrage nach guter Salami, gutem Schinken und Käse diesen Tipp und hat damit genau unseren Geschmack getroffen. Wo wir doch schon vom Wurst-, Schinken- und Käseangebot in den hiesigen Supermärkten schon sehr angetan waren toppt die hier erhältliche Qualität einfach alles. Auch wenn wir uns mit "Händen und Füßen" verständigen mussten konnten wir allerlei verschiedene Spezialitäten direkt kosten. Wir deckten uns mit einer guten Auswahl an Salami, Fenchel-Salami, Schinken und die verschiedendsten Käsesorten gut ein. Preislich absolut klasse im Vergleich zu den dortigen Supermärkten. Einschweißen der dann gekauften Waren war ebenfalls kein Problem und wurde ohne Aufpreis prompt erledigt. Ich hoffe, dass wir bald wieder die Gegend rund um Arezzo als Urlaubsziel auswählen werden! Nicht nur landschaftlich, sondern auch kulinarisch allemal eine Reise wert!
Just a dream! What would I give for having a shop like this on my doorstep? We were in a house a few miles further to the holiday. The landlady gave us on request for good salami, good ham and cheese this tip and has met exactly our taste. Where we were already very impressed by the sausage, ham and cheese in the local supermarkets, the quality available here topped everything. Even if we had to communicate with "hands and feet" we could directly taste all sorts of different specialties. We made good use of a good selection of salami, fennel salami, ham and a variety of cheeses. Price absolutely great compared to the local supermarkets. Welding the then purchased goods was also no problem and was promptly done without extra charge. I hope that we will soon choose the area around Arezzo as a holiday destination! Not only scenic, but also culinary worth a trip!

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