Collegio Internazionale Del Gesù

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Collegio Internazionale Del Gesù

Address :

Piazza del Gesù, 45, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Website :
Categories :
City : Roma

Piazza del Gesù, 45, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
Tomeu Estarellas on Google

Дмитрий Серов on Google


Vitalii Babitskyi on Google

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Alessandro Quarta on Google

Vale una visita.
It is worth a visit.
Giralquivir on Google

Muy sobrecogedora la austeridad grandiosa de la casa hasta llegar al corredor todo decorado de frescos coloristas que contrastan con las pinturas que circundan la puerta de entrada al mismo. Lo más destacable los autógrafos de San Ignacio y los manuscritos de éste que se conservan. Poder visitar los lugares que habitó el santo así como poder contemplar sus objetos personales como sus gastados zapatos. experiencia espiritual fuerte al rezar en el oratorio. Visita muy recomendada para hacer antes de visitar la bajada del cuadro en la vecina iglesia que permite contemplar la estatua en plata y perderías de San Ignacio todos los días a las 17:30.
The grandiose austerity of the house is very overwhelming until you reach the corridor, all decorated with colorful frescoes that contrast with the paintings that surround the entrance door. Most notable are the autographs of San Ignacio and the manuscripts of it that are preserved. Being able to visit the places that the saint inhabited as well as being able to contemplate his personal objects such as his worn shoes. strong spiritual experience when praying in the oratory. Highly recommended visit to do before visiting the descent of the painting in the neighboring church that allows you to contemplate the silver statue and you would lose San Ignacio every day at 17:30.
Artours Rome on Google

Here you can visit for free the breathtaking apartments of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. One of the many hidden gems of Rome!

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