Clinica Nuova Ricerca

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Clinica Nuova Ricerca

Address :

Viale Luigi Settembrini, 17/H, 47923 Rimini RN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
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City : Rimini

Viale Luigi Settembrini, 17/H, 47923 Rimini RN, Italy
Licia M on Google

Non giudico la professionalità dei medici esperti ma la mia pessima esperienza riguarda l'accoglienza alle casse. L'essere sbrigativi e poco affabili alla fine fa solo perdere tempo a tutti. Essere più chiari ed esaustivi sarebbe meglio per dare un servizio efficiente. mi rivolgo a una ragazza nello specifico per la quale se il contatto con il cliente non è il suo mestiere sarebbe meglio faccesse altro invece di essere scortese e maleducata già alle 8 di mattino. Non è la prima volta che mi capita, stessa faccia stesso trattamento. Valuterei un buon consulente aziendale per tagliare i rami secchi e premiare le eccellenze.
I do not judge the professionalism of the expert doctors but my bad experience concerns the reception at the cash desks. Being hasty and unfriendly in the end just wastes everyone's time. Being clearer and more exhaustive would be better to give an efficient service. I turn to a girl specifically for whom if contact with the customer is not her job it would be better to do something else instead of being rude and rude already at 8 in the morning. It is not the first time that this has happened to me, same treatment. I would consider a good business consultant to cut deadwood and reward excellence.
Lilli Bertozzi on Google

Frequento la Clinica da anni e devo dire che l 'impegno per essere sempre al passo è notevole. Oggi mi sono presentata per una prestazione e ho visto la nuova macchina della RM. Complimenti
I have been attending the Clinic for years and I must say that the commitment to always be in step is considerable. Today I showed up for a performance and saw RM's new car. Well done
call center on Google

Vorrei esprimere la mia ottima esperienza con la dottoressa Ghiggini, empatica al massimo, ti mette completamente a tuo agio...gentile e professionale, pienamente soddisfatta. Finalmente ho trovato la nuova ginecologa. Ottimo posto la nuova ricerca che ospita dottori di eccellenza. Alessandra Cecchini
I would like to express my excellent experience with Dr. Ghiggini, empathetic to the utmost, puts you completely at ease ... kind and professional, fully satisfied. I finally found the new gynecologist. Great place the new research that hosts doctors of excellence. Alessandra Cecchini
amanda bottura on Google

Non è la prima volta che mi rivolgo al centro per esami e visite e non è la prima volta che mi ritrovo a parlare con segretarie maleducate e strafottenti! Aspettavo all’ accettazione e due di loro parlavano tranquillamente del loro fine settimana con me davanti come se non ci fossi! In più avevo prenotato una visita e quando ho chiesto quando sarebbero stati pronti i risultati, mi è stato risposto che siccome avevano problemi con i pagamenti sarei dovuta tornare di persona tre giorni dopo per ritirarli e pagare, alchè ho chiesto come mai non avessero avvisato i clienti, (capisco possa succedere) ma visto l’organizzazione avrebbero potuto avvisare. La segretaria mi ha risposto con tono di sufficienza dicendo “ ma chi dobbiamo avvisare!?” . Io da cliente e pagante sarei felice di essere avvisata è trattata con riguardo perché non mi stanno facendo un favore. Sicuramente non ci tornerò più.
It is not the first time that I go to the center for examinations and visits and it is not the first time that I find myself talking to rude and arrogant secretaries! I waited for acceptance and two of them quietly talked about their weekend with me in front of me as if I wasn't there! In addition I had booked a visit and when I asked when the results would be ready, I was told that since they had problems with the payments I would have to come back in person three days later to collect them and pay, until I asked why they had not notified the customers, (I understand it can happen) but seen the organization they could have warned. The secretary replied with a tone of disdain saying "but who should we notify !?" . As a customer and payer, I would be happy to be notified and treated with respect because they are not doing me a favor. I will definitely not go back there again.
Eugenia Platon on Google

Struttura pulita ed accogliente. L'ho scelta perchè la mia bravissima ginecologa, dott.ssa Elisa Tidu, riceve lì, ma avrei molto da ridire sui prezzi che nel giro di 6 mesi sono saliti alle stelle. Se a ottobre 2021 pagavo una visita ginecologica di gravidanza 110 euro, a gennaio 2022 ho pagato la stessa 120 euro, mentre a marzo 2022 per la medesima mi hanno chiesto 130 euro. Senza nulla togliere ai medici, dico che l'amministrazione della struttura ha decisamente tirato la corda. Lo trovo assolutamente vergognoso e disonesto ed in futuro cercherò senz'altro una struttura più onesta.
Clean and welcoming. I chose it because my talented gynecologist, Dr. Elisa Tidu, receives there, but I would have a lot to say about the prices that have skyrocketed in 6 months. If in October 2021 I paid 110 euros for a pregnancy gynecological examination, in January 2022 I paid the same 120 euros, while in March 2022 they asked me for 130 euros for the same. Without taking anything away from the doctors, I say that the administration of the facility has definitely pulled the rope. I find it absolutely shameful and dishonest and I will definitely look for a more honest structure in the future.
d0rian7 on Google

I cannot have a complete picture of the level of services, I went there only once for a rapid Covid test, as it was required for my travel by ferry to another country. I was going to stay in Rimini for only one day and I should have the test done the following morning. I contacted them by email in English and they replied quickly with all the information also in English, so that was good. On the day of the test I went there and I had to answer a few questions, we communicated also in english. I had the test and then I was given a paper with information on how to see the results, which would be uploaded on their website and would be accessible with credentials. That created a problem for me as the website is not mobile friendly and it took us about 20mins at the check-in counter to finally print it (it was required to change the password on first login etc). Thank god the people at the check-in counter of the ferry company were patient. To be honest, if I new before hand I would have gone somewhere else. Regarding the premises, I didn't go inside the main building so I cannot leave a rating for that. The parking lot was was almost full but at least there is one and I was lucky enough to find a space.
shaharyar pirzada on Google

Very bad service had a covid test and it was not accurate. did a second test and it was positive would not recommend. Faulty equipment
Cristina on Google

I come here often whenever I'm in Rimini. The many specialists that I came across (Dr. Ravaioli, Balducci, Ghiggini) are truly amazing and excellent at what the do. However, please the nurses doing the PCR tests for 77€ have to be more gentle. I do PCR tests all over the world and nowhere else has been this painful and unpleasant. It seems they vent their anger on patients. Big no!!! Moreover, parking can be an issue so get there early.

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