Cinecitta Bar Bistrot

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cinecitta Bar Bistrot

Address :

Corso Umberto I, 60, 75012 Bernalda MT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 75012
Categories :
City : Bernalda

Corso Umberto I, 60, 75012 Bernalda MT, Italy
Michela Zambianchi on Google

Pranzo inaspettato nel palazzo del matrimonio di Sofia Coppola. Posto magnifico, dove si respira aria di cinema d’autore e il cibo è ottimo come la disponibilità e gentilezza del maître e di tutto lo staff.
Unexpected lunch in Sofia Coppola's wedding palace. Magnificent place, where you can breathe an air of author cinema and the food is excellent as is the availability and kindness of the maître and all the staff.
Astrid Simkaitis on Google

Wir waren am Montag mit einer Gruppe von ca.20 Personen um gemütlich einen Cocktail zu trinken. Die Cocktails kamen schnell und waren sehr gut, hatten auch einen stolzen Preis. Was dann geschah verschlug uns jedoch buchstäblich die Sprache. Die Bedienung kam nur nach mehrmaliger Aufforderung um zu kassieren, deshalb zahlten einige Personen unserer Gruppe direkt in der Bar. Daraufhin wurden die Getränke noch einmal boniert und es entstand ein Fehlbetrag von 27 €. Es hatte nachweislich wirklich jedes Mitglied der Gruppe bezahlt. Als wir gehen wollten, kam es zu einer lautstarken Auseinandersetzung in deren Verlauf der Geschäftsführer gerufen wurde, weil es angeblich unmöglich wäre den Fehlbetrag zu stornieren. Absoluter Blödsinn. Es wurde mit der Polizei gedroht und man kam sich vor wie ein Schwerverbrecher. Das Ende vom Lied kann man erahnen..... die blöden Touristen haben die 27 € bezahlt. Eine Frechheit für eine Bar in einem Nobelhotel.... schämt euch ☹☹
We were on Monday with a group of about 20 people to comfortably drink a cocktail. The cocktails came quickly and were very good, also had a proud price. But what happened next literally left us speechless. The waitress came only after repeated requests to cash in, so some people in our group paid directly in the bar. The drinks were then re-rated and there was a shortfall of € 27. It was proven that every member of the group had paid for it. When we wanted to leave, there was a loud argument in the course of which the managing director was called because it would allegedly be impossible to cancel the shortfall. Absolute nonsense. The police threatened them and they felt like a serious criminal. One can guess the end of the song ..... the stupid tourists paid the 27 €. A cheek for a bar in a posh hotel ... ashamed ☹☹
reX-Ray Red on Google

Personale efficente e preparato. Piatti ottimi della cucina lucana preparati dallo chef. Ottima lista vini. Pizza napoletana veramente buona preparata con grano senatore Cappelli e lievitata per più 24 ore, risultando molto digeribile e buona. Il maitre é di una gentilezza e preparazione unica.
Efficient and trained staff. Excellent dishes of Lucanian cuisine prepared by the chef. Great wine list. Really good Neapolitan pizza prepared with Senatore Cappelli wheat and leavened for more than 24 hours, making it very digestible and good. The maitre d 'is of a kindness and unique preparation.
Giuseppe Carbone on Google

situato sul corso principale di Bernalda, il Cinecittà Bar, con la sua atmosfera unica, sa accogliere il cliente sin dal primo momento mettendolo a proprio agio. i mâitre sono cordiali e preparati. all’interno vi sono tantissimi quadri e fotografie di personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo. prezzi un po’ alti. nel complesso, consigliato.
located on the main street of Bernalda, the Cinecittà Bar, with its unique atmosphere, knows how to welcome the customer from the first moment, putting him at ease. the mâitre are cordial and prepared. inside there are lots of paintings and photographs of characters from the entertainment world. prices a bit high. overall, recommended.
Aldo Di Roma on Google

Luogo accogliente, cucina eccellente, personale di sala preparato e molto gentile. Consigliato.
Cozy place, excellent cuisine, well-trained and very kind staff. Recommended.
Rosalba Belisario on Google

Saper consigliare è un pregio... Saper consigliare le portate è la prerogativa di una buona accoglienza. Qui è un'arte,la migliore arte!
Knowing how to advise is an advantage ... Knowing how to advise the courses is the prerogative of a good welcome. Here is an art, the best art!
luca galloni on Google

Ottimo bistrot , ottima cucina , la prima portata è arrivata con un po' di lentezza ma poi tutto è andato bene . ottima cantina
Great bistro, great food, the first course came with a bit of slowness but then everything went well. excellent wine cellar
Giuseppe Ciracò on Google

G&M review -average- The atmosphere, that the name Francis Coppola give to this place is strong and make you waiting for a high level of service. So.., here we are, the place is the right place for a location like this, but the fact that they choose to keep completely out from the structure the guests that don't sleep there is little bit disappointing. Let us to underline that if you even keep close the doors of the structure to avoid people looking inside, is strange and uncomfortable that if you book a table in the restaurant to have a romantic dinner then people coming directly from a day on the beach in the middle of the restaurant with stilted sandals to take a pizza takeaway, this way lowers the level of the place. The food is delicious, the staff polite and professional in line with the aspettative. But we strongly advise to review to serve takeaway pizza service in this way, the dinner look like a dinner in the bazaar, this don't make you feel having a dinner in a special place.

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