Church Santa Maria della Pietà

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Contact Church Santa Maria della Pietà

Address :

Rocca 67020, Calascio AQ, Italy

Postal code : 67020
Categories :
City : Calascio

Rocca 67020, Calascio AQ, Italy
Roberto Castellani on Google

Sorge ai piedi della rocca di Calascio, un posto estremamente suggestivo, circondata da panorami bellissimi. Edificata sopra una precedente piccola struttura religiosa, la leggenda vuole, come ringraziamento della popolazione, in seguito ad una vittoria su bande di briganti che a quel tempo imperversavano in queste zone. Viene aperta solo in casi eccezionali di cerimonie religiose della gente locale, quali matrimoni e battesimi.
It rises at the foot of the fortress of Calascio, an extremely suggestive place, surrounded by beautiful views. Built over a previous small religious structure, legend has it, as a thanks to the population, following a victory over bands of brigands who at that time raged in these areas. It is only open in exceptional cases of local people's religious ceremonies, such as weddings and baptisms.
Guido Perrella on Google

Sorge in una posizione quasi mistica ai piedi del castello di Rocca Calascio. Purtroppo non l’ho mai trovata aperta e rimane la curiosità di poter aprire questo scrigno dalla pianta esagonale. Il potere temporale ed il potere papale che si confrontano in un paesaggio scarno ma di rara bellezza
It rises in an almost mystical position at the foot of the Rocca Calascio castle. Unfortunately I have never found it open and my curiosity remains to be able to open this hexagonal-shaped casket. The temporal power and the papal power confronting each other in a sparse but rare beauty landscape
Piotr Sucholeski on Google

Skromny kościół zbudowany w XVII wieku na rzucie regularnego ośmioboku, z niewielką dobudówką. Stoi w pobliżu ruin monumentalnego zamku. Planując wycieczkę warto poświęcić parę minut na obejrzenie także i tej skromnej świątyni (szkoda tylko, że najczęściej wnętrze jest zamknięte i niedostępne dla zwiedzających).
A modest church built in the 17th century on a regular octagonal plan, with a small extension. It stands near the ruins of a monumental castle. When planning a trip, it is worth spending a few minutes to see this modest temple (it's just a pity that the interior is usually closed and inaccessible to visitors).
Spartako on Google

Nell'area sottostante la Rocca di Calascio si trova la piccola chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà che domina la piana di Novelli. L'edificio, risalente al 1956, presenta una pianta ottagonale con una cupola a otto spicchi. Secondo la tradizione, la popolazione locale ebbe la meglio su una banda di briganti che tormentava il borgo con le sue razzie. Panorama stupendo. La chiesetta con il Gran Sasso sullo sfondo è una delle cartoline più belle dell'Abruzzo. Si raggiunge a piedi attraverso il borgo di Calascio.
In the area below the Rocca di Calascio there is the small church of Santa Maria della Pietà which dominates the plain of Novelli. The building, dating back to 1956, has an octagonal plan with an eight-segmented dome. According to tradition, the local population got the better of a band of brigands who tormented the village with their raids. Gorgeous panorama. The church with the Gran Sasso in the background is one of the most beautiful postcards of Abruzzo. It can be reached on foot through the village of Calascio.
Jiří Bechynský on Google

Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (Sean Tyas remix) - listen...
Luca Cironi on Google

this church is somenthing unique, "travel abruzzo" made us a great tour around the fortress and the exagonal church.. best landscape EVER!
Felipe Santarelli on Google

Old church on top of the hill next the fortress of Calascio in Appenines. Good exercise to reach this place. It was built 1596 and belongs to renaissance period.
Claude Bazzucchi on Google

This is definitely a charming place, ruins overlooking a magnificent view, in origin it was the highest mountaintop fort in all of Italy and one of the oldest with construction having commenced by the 10th century but badly damaged by an earthquake in the 18th century

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