Church of Saint Roch

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Contact Church of Saint Roch

Address :

Corso Italia, 55, 66020 San Giovanni Teatino CH, Italy

Phone : πŸ“ž +989
Postal code : 66020
Website :
Categories :
City : San Giovanni Teatino

Corso Italia, 55, 66020 San Giovanni Teatino CH, Italy
Paolo Chiacchiaretta on Google

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In attesa della "grande chiesa" Γ¨ piccola e confortevole.
While waiting for the "big church" it is small and comfortable.
Giuly on Google

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In una chiesa che non Γ¨ una chiesa potrebbero mettere l'aria condizionata
In a church that is not a church they could put air conditioning
carlo cappelletti on Google

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Chiesa non definitiva in attesa della nuova ancora incompleta,comunque ben addobbata abbastanza confortevole
Unfinished church waiting for the new one, still incomplete, however well decorated and comfortable enough
Amtonino Service on Google

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Dal mio punto di vista era meglio la vecchia chiesa che bisognava di un bel restauro totale ma molto più bella poi,aveva un bellissimo campanile esterno ora rimane solo una piazza immensa dove il venerdì e utilizzato come mercato rionale.
From my point of view it was better the old church that needed a nice total restoration but much more beautiful then, it had a beautiful external bell tower now only a huge square remains where on Fridays it is used as a local market.
Luisa Trovarelli on Google

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E molto accogliente
And very welcoming
Anna Diodato on Google

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Non sono cattolica ma ammetto che negli anni la chiesa ha regalato all.umanita' delle opere d arte di incommensurabile bellezza. questa Chiesa invece sembra un enorme crocifisso caduto dal cielo e conficcatosi in un pezzettino di terra troppo piccolo per ospitarlo. per caritΓ  Γ© il mio gusto personale. ma quello che penso Γ¨ che hanno buttato giΓΉ una chiesetta di paese per fare sto mausoleo di marmo orrendo.
I am not a Catholic but I admit that over the years the church has given humanity some works of art of immeasurable beauty. this Church, on the other hand, looks like a huge crucifix fallen from the sky and stuck in a small piece of land too small to house it. for charity it is my personal taste. but what I think is that they have thrown down a small village church to make a nasty marble mausoleum.
Biagio Di Nicola on Google

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Ex scuola elementare, sostituisce la chiesa nuova in costruzione da quando, dopo il terremoto, la chiesa vecchia, danneggiata era stata chiusa perchΓ© pericolante ed infine abbattuta. La chiesa attuale Γ¨ stata fin troppo ben allestita, perΓ² Γ¨ sempre una struttura adattata, bassa e poco capiente per contenere i fedeli. Pochi parcheggi nelle immediate vicinanze ed un ingresso un po' distante dalla strada la rendono non proprio pratica a chi ha problemi di deambulazione, per contro il parco che la circonda Γ¨ estremamente utile a chi ha figli piccoli.
Former primary school, it replaces the new church under construction since, after the earthquake, the old church, damaged, was closed because it was unsafe and finally demolished. The current church has been all too well set up, but it is always an adapted structure, low and not very large to contain the faithful. Few parking lots in the immediate vicinity and an entrance a little far from the road make it not really practical for those with walking problems, on the other hand the park that surrounds it is extremely useful for those with small children.
Pino Di Profio on Google

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