Church of Saint John Baptist - 22

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Contact Church of Saint John Baptist

Address :

Piazza del Popolo, 22, 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto BO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 40017
Website :
Categories :

Piazza del Popolo, 22, 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto BO, Italy
Chiara Silvestrini on Google

Bellissima chiesa di San Giovanni in Persiceto molto bella e la tua facciata e il suo alto campanile.
Very beautiful church of San Giovanni in Persiceto and your façade and its tall bell tower.
Rossano Orsi on Google

Sono un po' condizionato come persicetano però considero la Colleggiata bellissima da visitare ed assistere alla s.messa specialmente alla presenza del coro
I am a bit conditioned as a Persicetan but I consider the Collegiate beautiful to visit and attend the Mass especially in the presence of the choir
Silvio Morrone on Google

Da visitare e accogliente e molto spirituale è una cattedrale Per il suo interno
To visit and welcoming and very spiritual is a cathedral For its interior
KEN “ログキャビン” on Google

Emilia Romagna It is a church in the autonomous district San Giovanni in Persiceto in the Bologna province. It seems like the whole small town has time slipped in the Middle Ages. In the open space in front of the church, the elderly gathered and spoke, the parents and children who walked hand in hand, the mother took a baby on a stroller and took a walk, and a quiet everyday life passed. I also attach a picture of the town. Like the capital city of Bologna, there is also a portico portico.
Francesco Fantoni on Google

Le prime notizie certe della Chiesa risalgono al IX secolo ma la tradizione ne indica la costruzione addirittura nell'anno 210. Dopo varie vicissitudini e momenti di abbandono, la chiesa fu ricostruita nel XVII secolo. Al suo interno sono conservate varie opere d'arte, tra le quali una bella tela del Guercino.
The first certain news of the Church dates back to the ninth century but tradition indicates its construction even in the year 210. After various vicissitudes and moments of abandonment, the church was rebuilt in the seventeenth century. Inside there are various works of art, including a beautiful canvas by Guercino.
Concettino Seragnoli on Google

Lacollegiata di San Givanni Battista in Persiceto risale alla seconda meta' del seicento su progetto di Paolo Maria Canali. Venne solennemente consacrata nel 1739 dal card. Lambertini (futuro Benedetto XIV). Al suo interno conserva tele del Guercino, di Gandolfi e la splendida pala absidale dei fratelli Fabbi, rappresentante la decollazione di Givanni Battista.
The Collegiate Church of San Givanni Battista in Persiceto dates back to the second half of the seventeenth century on a project by Paolo Maria Canali. It was solemnly consecrated in 1739 by card. Lambertini (future Benedict XIV). Inside it preserves paintings by Guercino, Gandolfi and the splendid apse altarpiece by the Fabbi brothers, representing the beheading of Givanni Battista.
Piotr Samek on Google

Been there for wedding. Nice location.
Mark T on Google

Nothing to see here, too many nicer places nearby

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