Church of Saint Andrew

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Contact Church of Saint Andrew

Address :

Via dei Montanini, 142, 53100 Siena SI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9778
Categories :
City : Siena

Via dei Montanini, 142, 53100 Siena SI, Italy
Patrick L on Google

Mooi kerkje in het oude centrum.
Beautiful church in the old center.
Tetyana Hrynchuk on Google

Quiet, calm, beautiful
Alberto S. on Google

La iglesia de San Andres, ubicada en la Via dei Montanini, probablemente no destaque por su aspecto austero entre las más 60 iglesias de Siena, pero alberga obras de algunos de los pintores sieneses más importantes del siglo XV. Aunque esta iglesia aparece citada desde 1175, año en que el beato Alberto da Chiatina, más tarde arcipreste de Colle di Val d'Elsa, se habría convertido en su rector durante dos años, las referencias más seguras son a partir de 1262. Ha sufrido cambios significativos a través del tiempo. De su estructura románica original solo se conserva el ábside, ya que fue extensamente modificada en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, con la adición de pilares, arcos y bóvedas en el interior y completado en la fachada con la escalera de entrada con dos rampas. Las restauraciones llevadas a cabo en el siglo XX tenían como objetivo restaurar las formas medievales en la fachada a dos aguas, el campanario y el patio. Consta de una sola nave y su altar mayor está presidido por el políptico de la Coronación de la Virgen entre los santos Pedro y Andrés, obra que data de 1445 y cuya autoría corresponde a Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia (Siena, 1398-1482), uno de los pintores más importantes de la escuela sienesa del siglo XV. Este artista comenzó como aprendíz de Tadeo di Bartolo y en sus primeros trabajos mostraba influencia de los maestros anteriores de la escuela sienesa, pero más tarde logró un estilo más personal, caracterizado por colores fríos, ásperos y formas alargadas. En los muros laterales se conservan dos interesantes elementos de su antigua decoración pictórica. En el lado del Evangelio encontramos un fresco monocromático perteneciente al primer Quattrocento sienés, obra de Martino di Bartolomeo, en el que se representa a Santa Ana entronizada con la Virgen y el Niño, rodeada por ángeles y los santos Bartolomé y Miguel Arcángel, quienes presentan a dos monjes arrodillados a los pies del trono. El estilo de este pintor e iluminador de manuscritos (activo en Siena entre 1389 y 1434) hace suponer que también aprendió el arte pictórico en el estudio de Taddeo di Bartolo. En el lado de la Epístola, en un altar dedicado a Cristo Redentor, se observa un fresco, bastante deteriorado, cuya parte superior en forma de luneto muestra una elegante representación de Cristo rodeado por setafines. Esta obra se atribuye a la escuela de Il Sassetta, seudónimo de Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo (Cortona, hacia 1400 - Siena, 1450), quien es considerado el máximo exponente de la pintura de Siena durante la primera mitad del siglo XV.
The church of San Andres, located on Via dei Montanini, probably does not stand out for its austere appearance among the more 60 churches of Siena, but houses works by some of the most important Sienese painters of the fifteenth century. Although this church has been cited since 1175, the year that Blessed Alberto da Chiatina, later archpriest of Colle di Val d'Elsa, would have become its rector for two years, the safest references are from 1262. He has suffered significant changes over time. Of its original Romanesque structure only the apse is preserved, as it was extensively modified in the second half of the 18th century, with the addition of pillars, arches and vaults inside and completed on the facade with the entrance staircase with two ramps. The restorations carried out in the twentieth century were aimed at restoring the medieval forms on the gabled facade, the bell tower and the courtyard. It consists of a single nave and its main altar is chaired by the polyptych of the Coronation of the Virgin between the saints Peter and Andrew, a work dating from 1445 and whose authorship corresponds to Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia (Siena, 1398-1482) one of the most important painters of the sienese school of the fifteenth century. This artist began as an apprentice of Tadeo di Bartolo and in his early works showed influence from the previous teachers of the Sienna school, but later achieved a more personal style, characterized by cold, rough colors and elongated shapes. In the lateral walls two interesting elements of its old pictorial decoration are conserved. On the side of the Gospel we find a monochromatic fresco belonging to the first Sienese Quattrocento, the work of Martino di Bartolomeo, in which Santa Ana is enthroned with the Virgin and Child, surrounded by angels and saints Bartholomew and Michael Archangel, who present to two monks kneeling at the foot of the throne. The style of this painter and illuminator of manuscripts (active in Siena between 1389 and 1434) suggests that he also learned pictorial art in the studio of Taddeo di Bartolo. On the side of the Epistle, on an altar dedicated to Christ the Redeemer, there is a fresco, quite deteriorated, whose top in the form of a luneto shows an elegant representation of Christ surrounded by setaphim. This work is attributed to the school of Il Sassetta, pseudonym of Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo (Cortona, circa 1400 - Siena, 1450), who is considered the greatest exponent of Siena's painting during the first half of the fifteenth century.
Marco Olla on Google

In questa bellissima chiesa di stampo medioevale posta sulla via francigena attraversate Siena tutto è predisposto per il meglio. Il parroco don. Floriano peraltro correttore della Contrada della Tartuca è una persona piena di fede e di lungimiranza. Umile e non tracotante come qualche suo collega si dedica alla vita della parrocchia portando il conforto ai malati e bisognosi senza fare squillare la tromba come dice il santo Vangelo. Premuroso con i parrocchiani assicura con estrema tempestività lo svolgimento delle sacre funzioni compreso il sacramento della Confessione che non mi sembra, salvo errori, assicurato con sistematicità da altre parrocchie. Speriamo che il Signore ce lo conservi per tanto tempo.
In this beautiful medieval-style church located on the Via Francigena across Siena everything is prepared for the best. The parish priest don. Floriano, however, corrector of the Contrada della Tartuca is a person full of faith and foresight. Humble and not arrogant like some of his colleagues, he devotes himself to the life of the parish bringing comfort to the sick and needy without making the trumpet ring as the holy Gospel says. Attentive to the parishioners, he assures the performance of the sacred functions including the sacrament of Confession which I do not believe, except for errors, systematically assured by other parishes with extreme timeliness. We hope that the Lord will keep it for a long time.
Vladimiro Padovesi on Google

Bella piccola basilica. Io l'ho apprezzata un sacco come stile, capisco però che alcuni potrebbero addirittura definirla insulsa. Non è certo un castello oppure una di quelle basiliche che si vedono nei film.
Nice little basilica. I appreciated it a lot as a style, but I understand that some might even call it dull. It is certainly not a castle or one of those basilicas you see in movies.
Daniele Vivi on Google

La pala di altare è un capolavoro di Giovanni di Paolo del 1445. Incoronazione della Vergine con ai lati San Pietro e Sant'Andrea. È una meraviglia e merita una visita.
The altarpiece is a masterpiece by Giovanni di Paolo from 1445. Coronation of the Virgin with Saint Peter and Saint Andrew on the sides. It is a wonder and worth a visit.
Gino D'Alessio on Google

Nella chiesa, piccola, semplice, raccolta e suggestiva. Straordinario il polittico di Giovanni di Paolo.
In the church, small, simple, collected and suggestive. The polyptych by Giovanni di Paolo is extraordinary.
elvira di blasi on Google

attestata dalle fonti dal XII secolo,sorge sulla via Francigena. Nonostante i rimaneggiamenti del 700 (scale nella facciata,aggiunta di pilastri e volte all'interno) il fascino romanico permane,con un clima davvero sereno e suggestivo,e non solo grazie al restauro del 900 che ha cercato in parte di dare all'edificio una forma più simile all'originale. Non ho mai potuto vedere l'esterno dell'abside. Date un'occhiata anche alle fiancate esterne( in foto quella Sud)
attested by sources from the 12th century, it stands on the Via Francigena. Despite the remodeling of the 1700s (stairs in the façade, addition of pillars and vaults inside) the Romanesque charm remains, with a truly serene and evocative climate, and not only thanks to the restoration of the 1900s that partly tried to give to the building a shape more similar to the original. I have never been able to see the outside of the apse. Take a look also at the external sides (in the photo the South one)

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