
4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiuso

Address :

Via Famagosta, 12, 00192 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Categories :
City : Roma

Via Famagosta, 12, 00192 Roma RM, Italy
Salvatore Cataldo on Google

Fernando è un biker professionista e un meccanico super competente. Mi ha salvato il cicloviaggio da milano a Napoli chiudendo il suo negozio piu tardi per aggiustarmi il forcellino della bici che mi si era rotto per una caduta. Persona competente e davvero disponibilissima. Il negozio è stupendo e ha davvero tutto. Consigliatissimo!
Fernando is a professional biker and a super competent mechanic. He saved me the cycle trip from Milan to Naples by closing his shop later to fix the dropout of my bike that had broken due to a fall. Competent and very helpful person. The shop is gorgeous and really has it all. Highly recommended!
Aureliano Capri on Google

Fernando è l’angelo custode (senza ali, rigorosamente in bicicletta) di Via Famagosta! Sono capitato nel suo negozio per gonfiare le ruote di una vecchia bici, e sono uscito qualche settimana dopo in sella alla fantastica bici da città mista a gravel allegata in foto. Fernando ha capito all’istante le mie esigenze, le mie abitudini da ciclista urbano e ha trovato la bici perfetta per me. Il suo punto di forza principale è nella personalizzazione a mio avviso. Partendo da una bici strutturata, si impegna a più non posso per ottimizzare gli accessori in base al tuo corpo e alla tua ergonomia. Ha una grande passione per le bici e l’ha trasmessa anche a me, facendomi capire cosa stessi andando ad acquistare. E facendomi anche affezionare di più al mio acquisto! E poi, sarò sincero: ho passato anni a cambiare ciclista di fiducia perché ogni volta trovavo persone un po’ troppo burbere, poco accoglienti. Fernando e Elisabetta sono due belle persone, sorridenti, accoglienti e professionali… e montan/riparano bici da paura!
Fernando is the guardian angel (without wings, strictly on a bicycle) of Via Famagosta! I came to his shop to inflate the wheels of an old bike, and went out a few weeks later on the fantastic mixed gravel city bike attached in the photo. Fernando instantly understood my needs, my urban cycling habits and found the perfect bike for me. Its main strength is in customization in my opinion. Starting with a structured bike, he works hard to optimize the accessories according to your body and your ergonomics. He has a great passion for bikes and he passed it on to me too, making me understand what I was going to buy. And making me even more fond of my purchase! And then, I'll be honest: I spent years changing trusted cyclists because every time I found people who were a little too gruff, unwelcoming. Fernando and Elisabetta are two beautiful people, smiling, welcoming and professional… and mountain / repair bikes that are terrifying!
Herik Gachet on Google

5 stelle sono troppo poche per questo stupendo negozio di bici. Ne vorrei poter aggiungere molte altre per le bellissime persone che ci lavorano e per i loro amici che ho avuto l'occasione di conoscere, per la professionalità con cui mi hanno seguito e consigliato, per la pazienza dimostrata e per la passione per le 2 ruote che ti avvolge appena entri nel negozio. Un grande grazie per avermi preparato una compagna di viaggio stupenda e indistruttibile che mi ha permesso di realizzare un sogno che da tempo inseguivo: Via Francigena ma al contrario (Roma-Aosta) Siete dei Grandi.....
5 stars is too low for this amazing bike shop. I would like to be able to add many others for the beautiful people who work there and for their friends that I had the opportunity to meet, for the professionalism with which they followed and advised me, for the patience shown and for the passion for 2 wheels. that envelops you as soon as you enter the store. A big thank you for having prepared me a wonderful and indestructible travel companion who allowed me to realize a dream that I have been chasing for a long time: Via Francigena but on the contrary (Rome-Aosta) You are great .....
Tibor Tolveth on Google

Friendly, helpful staff, fast pick up and drop off. Good bicycle with lights, helmet. Price is also ok. All good. Highly recommended. Thank you!
MiK on Google

Competent & friendly Service. Normal cross bike rental for two persons costs 25€,- for one day (10am to 19pm) and includes helmets, locks, basket & puncture spray. You can take the bike inside the metro and go for a ride on Via Appia for example. Recommended.
Gabriele Di Vita on Google

best store for renting and repairing bicycles in Rome. I brought Elizabeth 2 old and badly made bicycles to try to get a decent one out. Its realization was a real jewel, practical, clean, elegant and new, a true miracle. Super cheap price. I recommend this store 100% to anyone who needs a bicycle. Gabriele
Maeve Ryan on Google

I just bought an electric bike here, I am extremely happy with it. The service and assistant I received from the first time I went to the shop was excellent. The staff were extremely helpful in insuring that I got the product that matched my needs. I was able to make adjustments and alterations to the bike without any issues. Would highly recommend this small local business.
Danilo Đokić on Google

Great service and friendly staff! They don't speak English but we got around that somehow ? Three e-bikes for 60€ for the entire day. Also, that would probably be the best way to explore Roma!

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