Chiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie, Ortona

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie, Ortona

Address :

Piazza S. Francesco, 5, 66026 Ortona CH, Italy

Postal code : 66026
Categories :
City : Ortona

Piazza S. Francesco, 5, 66026 Ortona CH, Italy
Rita Naccarella on Google

Una chiesa che da pace e serenità
A church that gives peace and serenity
Luigi Di Nunzio on Google

Bellissima chiesa da visitare e frequentare
Beautiful church to visit and attend
Matteo di Nardo on Google

Don Graziano numero 1!
Don Graziano number 1!
Avventure e Ignoranza on Google

Bella chiesa storica, con i resti del beato Lorenzo. Da lì a Pasqua parte una processione molto rinomata nella zona soprattutto per l esecuzione del miserere
Beautiful historic church, with the remains of Blessed Lorenzo. From there, on Easter, a procession leaves the area well known especially for the execution of the miserere
Assunta Tenaglia on Google

Da sempre la chiesa che preferisco e ad ogni avvicendamento di sacerdoti c'è da imparare cose molto stimolanti per rinnovare la fede
It has always been the church of my choice and with each rotation of priests there is to learn very stimulating things to renew the faith
Sabrina on Google

Chiesa molto bella. Soprattutto la sera che rende tutto più magico.
Very nice church. Especially in the evening which makes everything more magical.
nicola on Google

Luogo di culto fra i più amati dagli ortonesi, si trova nella piazza di San Francesco, santo al quale è dedicata una statua situata al centro di un accogliente giardino. La chiesa è ricca di affreschi e pitture sacre.
A place of worship among the most loved by the people of Ortona, it is located in the square of San Francesco, a saint to whom a statue is located in the center of a welcoming garden. The church is rich in frescoes and sacred paintings.
Martin V Mathew on Google

A very beautiful and historic church in the name of Our Lady of Grace. An ancient Franciscan convent founded on site of an 8th Century place of worship. A church with a lot of Franciscan feasts and traditions having the relics of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Antony of Padua. The mortal remains of Blessed Lawrence of Villamagna is exposed here for veneration... It had been a convent of Franciscan monks who flourished the community. Later the convent and the parish were handed over to the Priests of the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament from India. A memorial for the Canadian soldiers of world war is found on the ancient walls of the Church.

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