Chiesa della Trinità o del Martyrium - 40125

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Contact Chiesa della Trinità o del Martyrium

Address :

Piazza Santo Stefano, 40125, BO, Italy

Categories :

Piazza Santo Stefano, 40125, BO, Italy
Pingolino on Google

Stefano Benatti on Google

Fabrizio Zanlucchi on Google

Un capolavoro!
A masterpiece!
Andrea Credaro on Google

Una delle "sette Chiese", in origine doveva essere edificata in forma di basilica a 5 navate, con abside antistante il santo giardino (cortile di Pilato) e la facciata verso est, esattamente com'era in origine il Santo Sepolcro a Gerusalemme voluto da Constantino. Probabilmente per mancanza di fondi, Petronio non riuscì a portare a termine l'edificio che rimase incompiuto. Attualmente accoglie il grande gruppo ligneo dell'Adorazione dei Magi, con statue a grandezza d'uomo. Si tratta del più antico presepio conosciuto al mondo composto da statue a tutto tondo. L'ultima cappelletta a destra è stata dedicata, in tempi recenti, ai Bersaglieri, ma è priva di contenuti artistici
One of the "seven churches", originally had to be built in the form of a basilica with 5 naves, with an apse in front of the holy garden (Pilate's courtyard) and the facade facing east, exactly as it was originally the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem wanted by Constantino. Probably due to lack of funds, Petronius was unable to complete the building which remained unfinished. It currently houses the large wooden group of the Adoration of the Magi, with life-size statues. It is the oldest known nativity scene in the world made up of statues in the round. The last chapel on the right was recently dedicated to the Bersaglieri, but is devoid of artistic content
Guillaume Leray on Google

Dans la cour dite du Pilato se trouve une grande vasque de pierre qui représente celle utilisée par Pilate se lavant les mains après la mort du Christ. En réalité sa fonction première fut celle de collecter les offrandes des fidèles Lombards au VIII siècle. En face se trouve l’église Del Martyrium appelée aussi du Calvaire. C’est l’église la plus ancienne du site, datée du paléochrétien entre le IIIe et le VIe siècle. Elle fut certainement composée à l’origine de trois chœurs surmontés d’une coupole et fut la première à être consacrée aux deux martyrs. Aujourd’hui il ne reste de cette église qu’un long transept composé de cinq nefs. L’une d’entre elles abrite une très ancienne crèche sculptée de 1270 dite l’Adoration Dei Magi et peinte par Simone de’Crocifissi.
In the so-called Pilato courtyard is a large stone basin that represents the one used by Pilate washing his hands after the death of Christ. In reality, its primary function was to collect the offerings of the faithful Lombards in the 8th century. Opposite is the church Del Martyrium also called Calvary. It is the oldest church of the site, dating from the paleochristian between the third and the sixth century. It was originally composed of three choirs surmounted by a dome and was the first to be dedicated to the two martyrs. Today there remains only one long transept of five naves. One of them houses a very old carved crib of 1270 called Adoration Dei Magi and painted by Simone de'Crocifissi.
Gernot Berndt on Google

Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite des Hofes Cortile di Pilato steht die Chiesa della Trinita o del Martyrium, die Kirche der Dreifaltigkeit oder des Martyriums, aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. In ihrer berühmten Kapelle steht eine Gruppe geschnitzter Statuen in der Darstellung der „Anbetung der Weisen“. Es wird angenommen, dass dies weltweit die ältesten Statuen mit Szenen der Geburt Christi sind.
On the opposite side of the Cortile di Pilato courtyard is the Chiesa della Trinita o del Martyrium, the Church of the Trinity or Martyrdom, from the 13th century. In her famous chapel there is a group of carved statues depicting the "Adoration of the Magi". It is believed that these are the world's oldest statues depicting scenes of the Nativity.
João Jaques on Google

Chiamata anche Chiesa della Santa Croce o del Calvario o della Trinità, è l'edificio con la storia più incerta e la funzione più mutevole nel corso dei secoli, come testimoniano anche i diversi nomi. Intorno al IV-V secolo era presente forse un sacellum per il culto dei martiri qui sepolti. Secondo un'ipotesi, nel V secolo venne edificata da Petronio in forma di basilica a cinque navate, con abside rivolta ad ovest verso il santo giardino (cortile di Pilato) e la facciata verso est, esattamente com'era in origine il Santo Sepolcro a Gerusalemme voluto da Costantino. Secondo un'altra ipotesi era invece parte di un complesso che comprendeva il Santo Sepolcro attuale (anastasis), il deambulatorio corrispondente all'attuale Cortile di Pilato e la basilica orientata da ovest ad est come quella attuale, ma che il progetto voleva in realtà estendere ben oltre le due attuali campate. Probabilmente Petronio non riuscì a portare a termine l'edificio che rimase incompiuto. Successivamente, con l'avvento dei Longobardi, sarebbe divenuto Battistero e modificato ancora dai Franchi. Agli inizi del Mille, durante le ricostruzioni operate dai Benedettini, ci furono parecchie incertezze su come terminare l'opera, considerando che anche l'originale Santo Sepolcro era stato pesantemente alterato e proprio in quegli anni il califfo fatimita al-Hakim ne operava la distruzione. Così avendo perso i riferimenti storici di com'era in origine, i benedettini non riuscirono a completarlo. La forma attuale oggi visibile grazie alle ristrutturazioni tardo-ottocentesche che hanno rimosso le aggiunte successive è simile alla chiesa lasciata dai Franchi. L'interno della chiesa con le sue cinque navate e due sole campate Attualmente si presenta divisa in cinque navate e due sole campate voltate a crociera, con la facciata antistante il Cortile di Pilato e le absidi-cappella rivolte a est, entrambe costruite in stile neoromanico sul modello del Santo Sepolcro edificato dai crociati. Le cappelle laterali sono quadrate mentre quella centale ha forma di mini-basilica con navatella unica profonda, piccolo transetto sporgente ed absidiola. Tra la cappella centrale e le due laterali sono presenti due nicchie per lato. Dal tempo delle Crociate e fino al 1950, nella cappella centrale era custodita una reliquia della Santa Croce. Di grande interesse, nella cappella di sinistra, è sistemato permanentemente il grande gruppo ligneo dell'Adorazione dei Magi, con statue a grandezza d'uomo. Si tratta del più antico presepio conosciuto al mondo composto da statue a tutto tondo.
Also called the Church of the Holy Cross or of Calvary or of the Trinity, it is the building with the most uncertain history and the most changing function over the centuries, as evidenced by the different names. Around the 4th-5th century there was perhaps a sacellum for the cult of the martyrs buried here. According to one hypothesis, in the fifth century it was built by Petronius in the form of a basilica with five naves, with an apse facing west towards the holy garden (Pilate's courtyard) and the facade towards the east, exactly as it was originally the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem wanted by Constantine. According to another hypothesis, it was instead part of a complex that included the current Holy Sepulcher (anastasis), the ambulatory corresponding to the current Pilate's Courtyard and the basilica oriented from west to east like the current one, but which the project actually wanted to extend well beyond the two current spans. Probably Petronius was unable to complete the building which remained unfinished. Subsequently, with the advent of the Lombards, it would become a Baptistery and modified again by the Franks. At the beginning of the year 1000, during the reconstructions carried out by the Benedictines, there were many uncertainties about how to finish the work, considering that even the original Holy Sepulcher had been heavily altered and precisely in those years the Fatimite caliph al-Hakim carried out its destruction . Thus having lost the historical references of how it was originally, the Benedictines were unable to complete it. The current form visible today thanks to the late nineteenth-century renovations that removed the subsequent additions is similar to the church left by the Franks. The interior of the church with its five naves and only two bays Currently it is divided into five naves and only two cross-vaulted spans, with the facade in front of the Pilate's courtyard and the apses-chapel facing east, both built in neo-Romanesque style on the model of the Holy Sepulcher built by the Crusaders. The side chapels are square while the central one has the shape of a mini-basilica with a single deep nave, a small protruding transept and apsidiole. Between the central chapel and the two lateral ones there are two niches on each side. From the time of the Crusades until 1950, a relic of the Holy Cross was kept in the central chapel. Of great interest, in the chapel on the left, is the large wooden group of the Adoration of the Magi, with man-sized statues. It is the oldest known nativity scene in the world made up of statues in the round.
Julia Boechat on Google

One of the "Sette Chiese", Italian for seven churches, since there are several churches inside one, like Russian nesting dolls.

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