Chiesa del Purgatorio - già Cappella San Martino

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Contact Chiesa del Purgatorio - già Cappella San Martino

Address :

Via Mulini, 4, 70044 Polignano a Mare BA, Italy

Postal code : 70044
Categories :
City : Polignano A Mare

Via Mulini, 4, 70044 Polignano a Mare BA, Italy
Gi Gi on Google

Qualcosa per staccare dalle rocce a poco sul mare.
Something to detach from the rocks a little on the sea.
Mariarosa Carone on Google

Bellissimo anche se piccolo prezioso angolino
Beautiful even if small precious corner
Pato on Google

Muy cerca de las vistas al mar, en una pequeña callejuela, encontramos esta iglesia, ligada al cementerio de San Martin, en el que curiosamente, eran enterrados los difuntos más pobres que no tenían acceso a la sepultura de la iglesia en el S.XV. Fue en el S.XVII cuando se erigió esta iglesia barroca del purgatorio, que ejercía una gran labor de beneficencia.
Very close to the sea view, in a small alley, we find this church, linked to the cemetery of San Martin, in which, curiously, the poorest deceased who had no access to the burial of the church in the 15th century were buried . It was in the 17th century when this baroque church of purgatory was erected, which exerted a great work of beneficence.
Patricia Naranjo on Google

Iglesia barroca en el centro histórico de Polignano.
Baroque church in the historic center of Polignano.
Tomasz Mularczyk on Google

Pierwszy kościół w tym miejscu powstał w XV wieku. W latach 1714-1767 zbudowano kolejny w stylu barokowym, ma fasadę podzieloną na dwa rzędy wysokim belkowaniem zgodnym z zakrzywionym kierunkiem ściany. Po prawej stronie elewacji wznosi się szczyt dzwonu. Kościół składa się z jednej nawy przykrytej sklepieniem kolebkowym.
The first church in this place was built in the 15th century. In the years 1714-1767 another baroque style was built, it has a facade divided into two rows with high entablature in line with the curved direction of the wall. The top of the bell rises to the right of the façade. The church consists of one nave covered with a barrel vault.
Art Del Muscio on Google

La chiesa sorge sulla preesistente chiesa di san Martino e relativo camposanto. usata soprwtutto per i riti funebri e la messa suffraganea per i defunti, ha un bell'imoianto barocco con pavimento in maiolica e belle tele. In facciata, caratteristico, la decorazione con scheletri e teschi. Necessiterebbe di un accurato restauro.
The church stands on the existing church of San Martino and its cemetery. used above all for funeral rites and the suffragan mass for the dead, it has a beautiful baroque ceiling with majolica flooring and beautiful canvases. The façade is decorated with skeletons and skulls. It would need careful restoration.

Peccato fosse chiusa. Particolare la facciata.
Too bad it was closed. Particular the facade.
Carmela Papappicco on Google

La Chiesa del Purgatorio, è un'altra spettacolare meraviglia di Polignano a mare, ed è ubicata nelle prossimità più avanzate del Centro Storico. La Chiesa, costruita su di un precedente luogo sacro dedicato a San Martino,, racchiuso in seguito come Sacrestia, in tempi remoti, confinava con l'Ospedale dell'Annunziata, e fungeva da cimitero per la sepoltura di persone povere, tra le quali, numerosi bambini. Sul fronte opposto della Chiesa, sino ai primi decenni dell'800,erano attivi i Mulini per macinare il grano,e si trovavano sotto la Muraglia di San Martino. Questa Chiesa, in elegante stile Barocco, presenta una facciata divisa in due ordini da un'alta parte superiore che segue il modello ricurvo della parete. Un altissimo Campanile svetta trionfante sul lato destro della Chiesa. L'interno, ha un'unica strabiliante Navata con volta a botte, e una cupola sull'alto. Ai lati si trovano invece, due Cappelle con Altari in marmo: la Cappella di sinistra, é dedicata a San Francesco da Paola, mentre quella di destra all'Immacolata Concezione. L'Altare maggiore, è dedicato a San Martino. Ha,inoltre, tele dipinte, e pavimentazione in piastrelle di maiolica di notevole prestigio. É una Chiesa questa, la quale, visitando il Centro Storico di Polignano a mare, é impossibile non avvertirne il richiamo ad entrarvi al suo interno, per divenirne un tutt'uno con le sue bellezze!
The Church of Purgatory, is another spectacular wonder of Polignano a Mare, and is located in the most advanced close to the Historical Center. The church, built on a previous sacred place dedicated to St. Martin ,, enclosed later as Sacristy, in ancient times, bordered on the Annunziata Hospital, and served as a cemetery for the burial of poor people, including, numerous children. On the opposite side of the Church, until the first decades of the 1800s, the Mills were active for grinding wheat, and they were under the Wall of San Martino. This Church, in elegant Baroque style, has a façade divided into two orders by a high top which follows the curved wall template. A very tall bell tower stands triumphant on the right side of the church. The interior has a single nave with a barrel vault amazing, and on the high dome. On the sides there are two chapels with marble altars: the chapel on the left is dedicated to St. Francis of Paola, while the one on the right to the Immaculate Conception. The altar is dedicated to St. Martin. He also painted canvases, and paving of considerable prestige majolica tiles. It is a Church this, which, visiting the Historic Center of Polignano a Mare, is impossible not to feel its call to enter inside it, to become one with its beauties!

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