Chiaramonte Castle

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiaramonte Castle

Address :

Piazza Cavour, 92026 Favara AG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9989
Postal code : 92026
Website :
Categories :
City : Favara

Piazza Cavour, 92026 Favara AG, Italy
Anna Maria Bognanni on Google

Fuori dagli itinerari turistici di massa. Da visitare.
Off the beaten track. To visit.
Francesco Franchina on Google

Una incantevole sorpresa il castello federiciano, tenuta di caccia della famiglia Chiaramonte. Accoglienza ottima e gentile Signora come guida.
An enchanting surprise was the Federiciano castle, a hunting lodge of the Chiaramonte family. Excellent welcome and kind lady as a guide.
Katie M on Google

Zamek ciekawy sam w sobie, miejsce raczej z potencjałem na przyszłość. Można przejść się po dawnych salach ale brak jakiegokolwiek wystroju-puste mury, brak też tablic informacyjnych, ale może póki co nie ma do czego. W jednej sal makieta hipsometryczna okolicy. Dobre miejsce do schowania się przed słońcem, można złapać oddech. Z zamku można podziwiać ładny widok na PIazza Cavour.
The castle is interesting in itself, a place with potential for the future. You can walk around the former halls, but there is no decor at all - empty walls, no information boards, but maybe there is nothing for now. In one of the rooms there is a hypsometric model of the area. A good place to hide from the sun and catch your breath. From the castle you can enjoy a nice view of PIazza Cavour.
Noemi R on Google

Carino... chiuso... Ma la cosa più brutta è quella casa vecchia attaccata al castello... uno scempio da buttare giù per rivalorizzare il sito
Cute ... closed ... But the ugliest thing is that old house attached to the castle ... a mess to throw down to revalue the site
Sau Gheorghe on Google

Daniel Băcăuanu on Google

Silvia Baronio on Google

less advertised than other locations, it's to be visited. The castle quite often host's exhibitions
Tiziana Gianformaggio Chambers on Google

Good value for money, very interesting history. A member of staff gave some very useful explanations that enriched our visit.

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