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Contact Casertavecchia

Address :

Via Risorgimento, 5, 81100 Caserta Vecchia CE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 81100
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City : Caserta Vecchia

Via Risorgimento, 5, 81100 Caserta Vecchia CE, Italy
Andrea Cristofalo on Google

Bellissimo borgo medievale da visitare, possibilmente, senza il pienone di gente per apprezzare al meglio le suggestive viste di vicoli e palazzi storici. Belli i particolari, carini i pochi negozi presenti e tutto molto curato e pulito.
Beautiful medieval village to visit, if possible, without crowds to better appreciate the suggestive views of alleys and historic buildings. Beautiful details, nice the few shops present and all very nice and clean.
Salvatore Giordano on Google

Bellissimo borgo medievale situato su di una collinetta, poco distante dalla città di Caserta. Molto bello il panorama godibile, così come il duomo che domina la piazzetta. Tra i vicoletti molti sono i locali, alcuni davvero caratteristici, che offrono menù turistici. Non mancano negozietti di souvenirs.
Beautiful medieval village situated on a small hill, not far from the city of Caserta. Very enjoyable the panorama, as well as the cathedral that dominates the little square. Among the narrow streets there are many places, some really characteristic, that offer tourist menus. There is no shortage of souvenir shops.
Julia on Google

Казертавеккья❤️❤️❤️ На закуску романский собор в Казертевеккья. Этот средневековый борго расположен на высоте 400-метров на склоне Тифатинской горы. Сейчас это официально национальный монумент Италии , а когда-то городок был центром Кампании, здесь находился епископский дворец и кафедральный собор. Он был основан лонгобардами в 9 веке, хорошо сохранились сторожевые башни и замок этого времени. К этому же времени относится и собор, посвящённый Архангелу Михаилу. Он имел особое почитание у лонгобардов, практически все храмы этого времени посвящены святому войну. С ним же был связан культ воды и крещения. Ведь лонгобарды были ариане, в связи с чем крещение для них играло ключевую роль. В церкви справа сохранился баптистерий с купелью. Борго отлично сохранился, его мощные оборонительные стены, стратегическая позиция, с которой обозревается вся Кампания, превратили его в важный центр, куда бежали укрыться местные жители в случае угрозы. Как это случилось в 11 веке при нашествии сарацин. Здесь располагался и епископский престол. После лонгобардов город перешёл в руки сначала норманнов, потом Арагонской династии, при них с 15 века начинается деградация роли Старой Казерты. В 18 веке Бурбоны построят в 15-км в долине свой королевский дворец и рядом постепенно сложится новый город - просто Казерта , пыльный, индустриальный, говорят, что здесь хранят радиоактивные отходы. Но старый борго не умер, он живет своей туристической жизнью. Здесь снимают фильмы (недавно например сериал «Моя гениальная подруга»). Здесь открыты кафе и рестораны. Вообщем, живет город уже 1000 лет и делаю ему ещё столько же . ???
Casertavecchia For a snack, the Romanesque cathedral in Casertevecchia. This medieval borgo is located at an altitude of 400 meters on the slope of Tifatinskaya Mountain. Now it is officially the national monument of Italy, and once the town was the center of Campania, here was the episcopal palace and the cathedral. It was founded by the Longobards in the 9th century, and the watchtowers and castle from that time are well preserved. The cathedral dedicated to the Archangel Michael also dates back to this time. He had a special veneration among the Longobards, almost all the temples of this time are dedicated to the holy war. The cult of water and baptism was also associated with him. After all, the Longobards were Arians, in connection with which baptism played a key role for them. In the church on the right, there is a baptistery with a font. Borgo is perfectly preserved, its powerful defensive walls, a strategic position from which the whole Campania is surveyed, turned it into an important center, where local residents fled to take refuge in case of a threat. As it happened in the 11th century with the invasion of the Saracens. The episcopal throne was also located here. After the Longobards, the city passed into the hands of first the Normans, then the Aragonese dynasty, with them, from the 15th century, the degradation of the role of Old Caserta begins. In the 18th century, the Bourbons will build their royal palace 15 km away in the valley, and a new city will gradually emerge nearby - just Caserta, dusty, industrial, they say that radioactive waste is stored here. But the old borgo is not dead, he lives his tourist life. Films are shot here (recently, for example, the TV series "My Brilliant Friend"). There are cafes and restaurants here. In general, the city has been living for 1000 years and I have been doing it for the same amount. ???
Diego Esposito on Google

Caserta Vecchia è un piccolo borgo medievale situata in zona collinare sovrastante tutta la piana a sud di Caserta. Vari ristorantini, bar e negozi di souvenir impreziosiscono la visita dei turisti. Molto bello l'allestimento di alcune botteghe per il periodo natalizio. Il borgo vanta oltretutto la Cattedrale di San Michele arcangelo, le rovine del Castello Normanno-Svevo e un panorama mozzafiato che nelle belle giornate dà la possibilità di osservare dal litorale Domizio alle isole, Da Napoli al Vesuvio e oltre fino alle montagne della costiera Sorrentina. In zona ampio parcheggio economico. Merita una visita
Caserta Vecchia is a small medieval village located in a hilly area overlooking the whole plain south of Caserta. Various restaurants, bars and souvenir shops embellish the visit of tourists. The setting up of some shops for the Christmas period is very nice. The village also boasts the Cathedral of San Michele Arcangelo, the ruins of the Norman-Swabian Castle and a breathtaking view that on fine days gives the opportunity to observe from the Domizio coast to the islands, from Naples to Vesuvius and beyond to the mountains of the Sorrento coast. In the large economic parking area. Worth a visit
Francesco Radogna on Google

Suggestivo borgo medievale situato sulla sommità di una collina, sulle alture che circondano Caserta. Raggiungibile in pochi minuti. Bello il panorama, che spazia fino ai paesi vesuviani. Vista notturna eccezionale. Da visitare il duomo. Caratteristici i vicoli, si respira un'atmosfera magica.
Pietro Pesce on Google

Borgo medievale caratteristico e in cui trascorrere mezza giornata tra i suoi vicoli, la chiesa di San Michele ed il castello. Abbiamo approfittato di un appuntamento organizzato per i bambini da un'associazione culturale locale e, accompagnati da Pierluigi della Pro locob che ci ha fatto da guida, abbiamo fatto una passeggiata nel borgo. Se fosse gestita e valorizzata meglio, potrebbe offrire molto di più. Purtroppo vigono i parcheggiatori abusivi
Characteristic medieval village where you can spend half a day among its alleys, the church of San Michele and the castle. We took advantage of an appointment organized for children by a local cultural association and, accompanied by Pierluigi from the Pro locob who guided us, we took a walk in the village. If it were better managed and valued, it could offer so much more. Unfortunately, there are unauthorized parking attendants
John Murphy on Google

Great medieval atmosphere.
Mihai Hai Hui on Google

Very old and little city built like a fortress. All the little stone streets are charming. You can reach very easy from Caserta Train Station, with little bus 103. Price is just 1,10 euro for one trip and is enough buses all day long. About one hour or maximum two hour with a lunch break is enough. I trully recommend this little city if you are in area.

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