Casera Crosetta - Casera Crosetta

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casera Crosetta

Address :

32010 Chies BL, Italy

Postal code : 32010
Categories :
City : Chies

32010 Chies BL, Italy
Laura Ghioni on Google

Splendida giornata con gli amici in mezzo alla natura È possibile affittare la casera anche per un solo giorno o per un paio di notti Punto di partenza ideale per escursioni sulle principali vette dell'Alpago
Wonderful day with friends in the midst of nature It is possible to rent the casera even for a single day or for a couple of nights Ideal starting point for excursions to the main peaks of the Alpago
Paolo Piva on Google

Posto ottimale per parcheggiare l'auto (a gratis) per poi partire con le escursioni sui monti circostanti (Crep Nudo, Venal e Teverone).
Optimal place to park the car (for free) and then leave for excursions to the surrounding mountains (Crep Nudo, Venal and Teverone).
Claudio Zordan on Google

Ottima base di partenza, raggiungibile in auto, per alcune escursioni ai monti Fagoreit, Crep Nudo e per il percorso in cresta sulle Rocce Bianche
Excellent starting point, reachable by car, for some excursions to the Fagoreit mountains, Crep Nudo and for the ridge route on the White Rocks
Andrea Favret on Google

Parcheggio ottimo per iniziare un'escursione verso il Crep Nudo (oltre 1000 metri di dislivello). La casera è solitamente chiusa, ma è tenuta veramente bene. La strada per raggiungerla è quasi tutta asfaltata tranne che gli ultimi 500 metri.
Excellent parking to start an excursion towards the Crep Nudo (over 1000 meters in altitude). The dairy is usually closed, but it is really well kept. The road to reach it is almost entirely paved except for the last 500 meters.
Elvi D'Inca on Google

Luogo di partenza per alcuni begli itinerari ?per chi viene da fuori , prenotando, è possibile soggiornare
Starting point for some beautiful itineraries ?for those coming from outside, by booking, it is possible to stay
KEGOSSEN on Google

Bel panorama
Michael Hanneken on Google

Beautiful and quiet
Jan Vrba on Google

Its located on the mountain. There are no shops around, but there is a woman offering some basic food and drinks.. beer, sodas.. We stayed here with the help of AirBnB When we arrived she was pretty rude. I asked where are the toilets and she said that if I wanted a toilet I should stay at the hotel in the nearest town. She loves nature so be aware and act like you love everything around, maybe I looked too urbany:)

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