Casa Torretta

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casa Torretta

Address :

Contrada Torretta, 98063 Gioiosa Marea ME, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98977
Postal code : 98063
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City : Gioiosa Marea

Contrada Torretta, 98063 Gioiosa Marea ME, Italy
Susanne Winther on Google

Hyggeligt. Men ligesom så meget andet på Sicilien, beskidt. Vores personlige oplevelse, føj, de lader duer bo/sidde i sådan nogle "hullet" i væggen, med det resultat, at værelset var så fyldt med mider, at vi måtte til lægen og få noget kløstillende. Deres idé om godtgørelse, gøre rent, ikke særlig godt, og så bare spille "not understand".
Cozy. But like so much else in Sicily, dirty. Our personal experience, add, let the pigeons stay / sit in such a "hole" in the wall, with the result that the room was so full of mites that we had to go to the doctor and get something itchy. Their idea of ​​reimbursement, clean, not very good, and then just play "not understand".
Marie Novotná on Google

Kuchyně výborná,obsluha milá,atmosféra vynikající,milá vzpomínka na Sicílii.marie
Cuisine excellent, service nice, atmosphere excellent, nice memory of Sicily.marie
Augustus Rex on Google

Wir waren vor ca. 5 Jahren dort. Die Unterkunft war gut und sauber, das Anwesen bepflanzt mit Ölbäumen. Ein paar riesige Opuntien standen in der Landschaft. Der Pool war natürlich hoch willkommen. Grundsätzlich braucht man dort ein Fahrzeug, denn sonst kommt man nirgendwo hin. Wir haben das Anwesen zum Ausgangspunkt in die verschiedensten Gegenden der Insel genutzt, und es gibt wirklich viel zu sehen auf Sizilien. Zum Abendessen sind wir nach Marina die Patti gefahren. Dort wird jeden Abend die Straße an der Uferpromenade für den Fahrzeugverkehr gesperrt, so dass dort eine Fußgängerzone entsteht. Dort gibt es eine größere Auswahl an Restaurants verschiedener Preisklassen. In der Saison ist eine Vorbestellung von Vorteil. Zum Einkaufen sind wir nach Milazzo gefahren. Dort gibt es direkt neben der Autobahnabfahrt einen Iperstore, welcher sehr gut sortiert ist und ein wirklich umfangreiches Angebot hat. Uns hat jedenfalls alles dort gefallen. Man muss natürlich bedenken, dass Sizilien lange das Armenhaus Italiens war. Den Städten sieht man das bis heute an. Die Ferienanlage aber war wirklich bestens in Schuß. Noch etwas, in dem Iperstore habe ich eine der buchstäblich schönsten Frauen der Welt gesehen. Sie war eine Sizilianerin mit etwas arabischem Einschlag und von berückender Schönheit.
We were there about 5 years ago. The accommodation was good and clean, the property planted with olive trees. A few giant opuntias stood in the landscape. The pool was of course very welcome. Basically, you need a vehicle there, because you won't get anywhere else. We have used the property as a starting point in various areas of the island, and there is really a lot to see in Sicily. For dinner we drove to Marina di Patti. There, the street on the waterfront is closed to vehicle traffic every evening, creating a pedestrian zone there. There is a larger selection of restaurants in different price ranges. Pre-booking is an advantage during the season. We went to Milazzo for shopping. There is an Iperstore right next to the motorway exit, which is very well sorted and has a really extensive range. Anyway, we liked everything there. Of course, you have to remember that Sicily has long been Italy's poor house. You can still see that in the cities today. The holiday complex was really in good shape. Something else, I saw one of the literally most beautiful women in the world in the Iperstore. She was a Sicilian woman with a bit of Arabian touch and an enchanting beauty.
Elio Albanese on Google

Alloggio molto accogliente, posizione eccellente,panorama splendido, proprietari discreti,cordiali e molto gentili. La signora Nicoletta veramente dolcissima. Elio e Lucia.
Very welcoming accommodation, excellent location, splendid panorama, discreet, friendly and very kind owners. Mrs Nicoletta really sweet. Elio and Lucia.
Romy on Google

Casa Torretta è il posto ideale per trascorrere una vacanza in totale relax lontano dalla confusione e dalla movida del centro (Patti). È ubicata in collina, la strada per arrivare è un po' angusta, ma allo stesso tempo si apprezza la campagna tipica della macchia mediterranea e una volta arrivati si dimentica solamente guardando il panorama che dall'appartamento Torretta dell'ultimo piano, è impagabile! La casa è dotata di tutti i comfort, il casale è fresco perché con mura molto spesse per cui non è stato necessario accendere i condizionatori comunque presenti. Utili le zanzariere alle finestre, anche se non sufficienti, sarebbero necessarie anche per i balconi poiché la zona conta molte zanzare. Infine la piscina è il posto ideale per trascorrere momenti in totale relax quando non si ha voglia di uscire e godersi la campagna. Luogo perfetto per una famiglia con bambini come la nostra. I proprietari molto cordiali e disponibili, ci hanno anche rispedito degli oggetti dimenticati dopo la nostra partenza. Luogo consigliatissimo 5 stelle!
Casa Torretta is the ideal place to spend a relaxing holiday away from the confusion and nightlife of the center (Patti). It is located in the hills, the road to get there is a bit narrow, but at the same time you can appreciate the typical Mediterranean countryside and once you arrive you forget just looking at the view that from the Torretta apartment on the top floor is priceless! The house is equipped with all comforts, the farmhouse is cool because it has very thick walls so it was not necessary to turn on the air conditioners in any case. Mosquito nets on the windows are useful, even if not sufficient, they would also be necessary for the balconies since the area has many mosquitoes. Finally, the swimming pool is the ideal place to spend moments in total relaxation when you don't want to go out and enjoy the countryside. Perfect place for a family with children like ours. The owners were very friendly and helpful, they even returned items forgotten after our departure. Highly recommended place 5 stars!
Giuseppe Sorrenti on Google

Il residence Casa Torretta, è l'ideale per chi cerca la tranquillità lontano dal caos cittadino. Posto in un luogo incantevole, fra cielo e mare,offre al visitatore un panorama bellissimo che va dal golfo di Patti alle Eolie. Il residence dista circa 2 Km dalle spiagge di San Giorgio di Gioiosa marea e di Patti Marina. Le camere sono arredate con gusto, poste all'interno di una casa Colonica, portano l'ospite indietro nel tempo facendogli rivivere qualcosa di antico. Immerso nel verde fra piante di ulivo, il residence e dotato di una piscina fruibile in qualsiasi momento della giornata. La gentilezza e l'affabilità dei gestori e del personale ,mettono l"ospite a proprio agio facendolo sentire come se fosse uno di famiglia, rendendola vacanza una esperienza da ripetere.
The Casa Torretta residence is ideal for those seeking tranquility away from the chaos of the city. Located in an enchanting place, between sky and sea, it offers the visitor a beautiful panorama that goes from the Gulf of Patti to the Aeolian Islands. The residence is about 2 km from the beaches of San Giorgio di Gioiosa marea and Patti Marina. The rooms are tastefully furnished, placed inside a farmhouse, take the guest back in time making him relive something ancient. Surrounded by greenery among olive trees, the residence has a swimming pool that can be used at any time of the day. The kindness and affability of the managers and staff put the guest at ease making him feel as if he were one of the family, making a holiday an experience to be repeated.
Emilio Piro on Google

Assolutamente rilassante: ho trovato quello che cercavo. Nicoletta e Achille, ovvero i proprietari, sono persone straordinarie, che è valso la pena conoscere, la loro ospitalità è stata squisita, il luogo è molto gradevole, la struttura è in ottimo stato, estremamente confortevole, il verde attorno è bellissimo, dall'appartamento al secondo piano si gode di una vista davvero spettacolare, la piscina è molto bella.
Absolutely relaxing: I found what I was looking for. Nicoletta and Achille, or the owners, are extraordinary people, who were worth knowing, their hospitality was exquisite, the place is very pleasant, the structure is in excellent condition, extremely comfortable, the greenery around is beautiful, from the second floor apartment you can enjoy a truly spectacular view, the pool is very nice.
Frankie Standish on Google

Beautiful view and swimming pool with a lovely terrace!

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