Cantine Merinum

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cantine Merinum

Address :

Località Pasquarella All'interno di Tenuta Padre Pio, 71019 Vieste FG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Postal code : 71019
Website :
Categories :
City : Vieste

Località Pasquarella All'interno di Tenuta Padre Pio, 71019 Vieste FG, Italy
Clarissa Puccioni on Google

Oggi io e la mia famiglia abbiamo degustato la passione e l'impegno di Cinzia nei vini da lei creati! Degustazione con ottimi prodotti locali e bellissimo agriturismo. Da provare davvero!
Today my family and I tasted Cinzia's passion and commitment in the wines she created! Tasting with excellent local products and beautiful farmhouse. To really try!
Alessia Cirilli on Google

Ci hanno regalato una degustazione di vino e prodotti tipici atti ad esaltare i vini prodotti. L'esperienza comprendeva anche una visita guidata al vigneto e alla cantina. La titolare, Cinzia, ci ha accolto cordialmente e ci ha guidato con gentilezza e competenza nel nostro viaggio di gusti e sapori. La qualità dei vini e degli abbinamenti era ottima. Esperienza consigliata!
They gave us a tasting of wine and typical products to enhance the wines produced. The experience also included a guided tour of the vineyard and cellar. The owner, Cinzia, welcomed us warmly and guided us with kindness and competence in our journey of tastes and flavors. The quality of the wines and pairings was excellent. Recommended experience!
Carla Zimanglini on Google

Degustazione e locale ottimi, pieni di significato e storia. Cantina ben organizzata e gestita con tanta esperienza da una proprietaria giovane e capace. Consiglio vivamente di visitarla.
Great tasting and venue, full of meaning and history. Well organized winery managed with a lot of experience by a young and capable owner. I highly recommend visiting it.
Arianna Abbondanza on Google

Esperienza fantastica, originale ed interessante. Si comincia con una degustazione di tutti i vini dell'azienda abbinati a degli ottimi stuzzichini, successivamente la visita in vigna con storie non solo di vino ma anche di vita, di idee e di ricordi... A dir poco emozionante. Infine tour in cantina. Una visita sicuramente consigliata, unica nel suo genere! Prezzo piú che onesto, ne vale la pena. Grazie!
Fantastic, original and interesting experience. It begins with a tasting of all the company's wines paired with excellent snacks, then a visit to the vineyard with stories not only of wine but also of life, ideas and memories ... To say the least exciting. Finally, tour in the cellar. Definitely a recommended visit, one of a kind! Price more than fair, it's worth it. Thanks!
Elfje Willemsen on Google

Delicious wines brewed with a lot of passion and knowledge!
stav diamant on Google

Elfje Willemsen on Google

Where to begin! Cynthia is very passionate about her vineyard (her little baby) and she should be! The wines are delicious! We loved the tour on the vineyard with all the extra information and had a beautiful sunset on top of it! You can feel the love and passion for the grapes that Cynthia has. You can taste the wines are made with love, knowledge and perfect timing! Also Cynthia has a lot of information about the wines, which makes the tasting a lot more interesting. We booked the golden tasting, with the food, which is delicious as well! Would definatly recommend to do the wine tasting and take the tour on the vineyard!
marie möller on Google

We had a great wine Tour. First you Take a Trip to the wineyard followed by a Taste of the wine with perfecty paired local snacks - great value and wonderful Story! Worth a trip!

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