Camping La Giara - Via Torre di Paestum

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Camping La Giara

Address :

Via Torre di Paestum, 84047 Licinella-Torre di Paestum SA, Italy

Postal code : 84047
Categories :

Via Torre di Paestum, 84047 Licinella-Torre di Paestum SA, Italy
antonio abramo on Google

Camping con buone potenzialità ma fermato a 20 anni fa poca manutenzione e bagni vecchi con acqua non potabile , il proprietario è una persona brava e disponibile la cosa bella è sul mare con spiaggia molto grande e ha una bella pineta prezzi buoni per quello che offre . Consigliato per chi non cerca un Villaggio ma un camping semplice.
Camping with good potential but stopped 20 years ago little maintenance and old bathrooms with no drinking water, the owner is a good person and available the great thing is the sea with very large beach and has a pretty good price pine forest for what it offers. Recommended for those who are not looking for a Village but a simple campsite.
Dalmazio Pacella on Google

È un vero e proprio camping ed il proprietario don Vittorio è una persona squisitissima e sempre a disposizione.
It is a real camping and the owner Don Vittorio is a very exquisite person and always available.
Brunella Calianno on Google

Camping con accesso diretto alla spiaggia. Ideale per famiglie con figli. Quello che colpisce è l'ospitalità, la cortesia e la gentilezza del signor Vittorio. Persona squisita!
Camping with direct access to the beach. Ideal for families with children. What is striking is the hospitality, courtesy and kindness of Mr. Vittorio. Exquisite person!
nancy Cleter on Google

Campeggio tranquillo e comodo per i prezzi richiesti, non commentate inutilmente e andatevene in villaggi e alberghi e spendete il triplo dei soldi
Quiet and comfortable campsite for the prices requested, do not comment unnecessarily and go to villages and hotels and spend three times the money
Mattia on Google

Supermercato fornito dei prodotti di uso quotidiano. Camping poco accogliente, ogni sera vengono organizzate serate di intrattenimento per BAMBINI, che dopo poco risultano noiose e ripetitive. Pizza discreta.
Supermarket stocked with everyday products. Unwelcoming campsite, every evening entertainment evenings for CHILDREN are organized, which after a while are boring and repetitive. Decent pizza.
Bodo Simeth on Google

Wir waren Anfang September für ca. 1 Woche auf diesem Platz. Da meine Partnerin sich den Fuß gebrochen hat, brauchten wir ebenen, möglichst nahen Zugang zum Meer, und den haben wir hier bekommen. Meer und Strand waren sehr sauber, was allerdings nicht am Campingplatz lag. Das war' s dann aber schon auch. Uns war klar, dass die Plätze hier anderen Standard haben, als man es sonst so gewohnt ist, aber dieser Platz würde wirklich gut in ein Entwicklungsland passen, wirklich alles runtergekommen, verranzt und dreckig. Auf dem Hauptzugangsweg, lag z. B. 4 Tage lang eine tote Taube, um die der Hausl, der nebenbei gesagt so langsam war, dass er in Normalgeschwindigkeit gefilmt bei SloMo-Wiedergabe ein Standbild ergibt, aussen herum zusammen gekehrt hat. Die Putzfrau hat geratscht oder geraucht, aber putzen sahen wir sie nie. An einem Ding, das sie hier wohl für einen Handtuchhalter hielten, klebte bei der Ankunft ein alter Klebestreifen, 7 Tage später war er immer noch da. Ausserdem war es von den umliegenden Kneipen am Lido extrem laut. Das Personal am Empfang war allerdings sehr freundlich, wie die meisten Menschen hier und es waren nur noch wenige andere Gäste da, aber zur Hauptsaison, wenn auch noch alles voll ist, muss das eher Dantes Inferno, als Camping sein.
We stayed at this place for about 1 week at the beginning of September. Since my partner broke her foot, we needed level access to the sea that was as close as possible, and we got it here. The sea and the beach were very clean, but that wasn't because of the campsite. But that's about it. It was clear to us that the standard of the courses here is different from what you are used to, but this course would fit really well in a developing country, everything really run down, worn out and dirty. On the main access route, z. B. for 4 days a dead pigeon, around which the house, who by the way was so slow that he filmed at normal speed with SloMo playback results in a still picture, swept around the outside. The cleaning lady chatted or smoked, but we never saw her cleaning. On arrival, an old adhesive tape stuck to what they probably took to be a towel holder, 7 days later it was still there. In addition, it was extremely loud from the surrounding bars on the Lido. The reception staff was very friendly, like most of the people here and there were only a few other guests, but in the main season, when everything is still full, it must be more Dante's inferno than camping.
Ugo Chirico on Google

Il camping è Veramente Pessimo. I bungalow sono sporchissimi e fatiscenti, pieni di insetti, ragni, zanzare, bestie varie e perfino blatte. Il mare è pulito e la spiaggia è bella, ma preferiresti dormire in spiaggia piuttosto che in quei bungalow in mezzo agli insetti. Meglio dormire in tenda.
The camping is Really Bad. The bungalows are very dirty and dilapidated, full of insects, spiders, mosquitoes, various beasts and even cockroaches. The sea is clean and the beach is beautiful, but you'd rather sleep on the beach than in those bungalows surrounded by insects. Better to sleep in a tent.
Roberto marra on Google

La coerenza nel fare una recensione non esiste. Io ho trovato un abiente tranquillo . Il bungalow anche se non da 5 stelle , sono confortevoli.... il mare e spiaggia pulitissimi , Quindi per il prezzo richiesto e giustissimo. Poi ci sono persone che vogliono pagare per campeggio e cercano il lusso. Non funziona così. Paga 1700€ una settimana e avrai tutti i servizi . che chiedi
Consistency in reviewing doesn't exist. I have found a quiet place. The bungalow, even if not 5-star, are comfortable .... the sea and beach are spotless, So for the asking price and quite right. Then there are people who want to pay for camping and are looking for luxury. It does not work like that. Pay 1700 € a week and you will have all the services. you ask

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