Campeggio Marinelle di Caldareĺli paolo e C.

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Campeggio Marinelle di Caldareĺli paolo e C.

Address :

Via Marinelle, 26, 86042 Campomarino CB, Italy

Phone : 📞 +987
Postal code : 86042
Categories :
City : Campomarino

Via Marinelle, 26, 86042 Campomarino CB, Italy
Rosanna Mannarelli on Google

Scusate ma come facciamo a contattare il proprietario , è possibile che non c'è un numero di telefonino ? Abbiamo dato l'acconto è non sappiamo come contattare.
Sorry but how do we contact the owner, is it possible that there is no mobile number? We have given the deposit and we don't know how to contact.
Daniel Moggi on Google

Wir waren voll zufrieden. Es ist total herzlich und familiär da. Unsere kleine Tochter konnte ab dem ersten Tag alleine rumlaufen weil jeder Bescheid wusste. Klar die Sanitäreinrichtungen müssten dringend renoviert werden. Die Preise sind völlig ok auch an der Bar. Der Weg zum Strand ist extrem kurz und der Strand auch im August nicht überlaufen und mega gut für Kinder. 20-30 Meter ins Wasser laufen und sie können immer noch stehen. Wer ein typischen süditalienischen Platz mag und nicht diese streng reglementierten Plätze mag wie im Norden der Adria ist hier richtig. Die Mitarbeiter sind So was von herzlich und die Camper auch uns wurde jederzeit und immer geholfen. Als Ausländer sollte man schon zumindest etwas Italienisch können sonst wird es etwas kompliziert. Gerne wieder.
We were completely satisfied. It is very warm and friendly. Our little daughter could run around alone from the first day because everyone knew. Of course, the sanitary facilities need to be renovated urgently. The prices are completely ok also at the bar. The way to the beach is extremely short and the beach also in August not overcrowded and super good for children. 20-30 feet into the water and they can still stand. Who likes a typical southern Italian place and does not like these strictly regulated places like in the north of the Adriatic is right here. The staff are so friendly and the campers also helped us anytime and always. As a foreigner you should at least be able to speak some Italian, otherwise it will be a bit complicated. Gladly again.
andrea gianfagna on Google

Pessimo, non adatto ai bambini, non rispondono al telefono, il wifi non funziona bar poco fornito il propetario ieri si é messo in competizione con il campeggio a fianco solo peeche un ragazzo suonava il sax e lui ha preso le casse e ha messo la musica al massimo! ?? Ha continuato nonostante i numerosi lamenti da i suoi pochi campeggiatori e dei campeggiatori del camping a fianco(il Corrado) sconsigliato andate al Corrado!!!
Bad, not suitable for children, do not answer the phone, the wifi does not work bar little supplied the propetario yesterday competed with the campsite next to only peeche a boy played the sax and he took the speakers and put the music at most! ?? He continued despite the numerous complaints from his few campers and campers next to the camp (il Corrado) advised against going to Corrado !!!
Non mettere A soqquadro on Google

Non fatevi abbindolare dal sito che da l'idea di un vero campeggio. Il proprietario é anziano e molto scortese. Arrivati alle 21 dopo aver chiamato per avvisare. Ci apre il cancello e senza darci nessuna informazione ci dice di andare dritti e di cercarci una piazzola.. Al buio .. Non perdete tempo andate altrove!
Don't be fooled by the site that gives the idea of ​​a real campsite. The owner is elderly and very rude. Arrived at 9pm after calling to alert. He opens the gate and without giving us any information he tells us to go straight and look for a pitch .. In the dark .. Don't waste your time go elsewhere!
giuseppe esposito on Google

Molto scquallido mi sembra un cantiere non parliamo poi del proprietario arrogante e scossumato state alla larga sig luigi io parlo del proprietario paolo poi sono stato vostro ospite se non si ricorda questo mi dispiace non sino nessuna spia di altri campeggi che penso non abbiano bisogno di rubarle i clienti dato che li ho visitati
Very sleazy it seems to me a construction site then let's not talk about the arrogant and shaken owner stay away sig luigi I talk about the owner paolo then I was your guest if you don't remember this I'm sorry not until no spies of other campsites that I think do not need to steal them customers since I visited them
- RolDKam - on Google

Bon accueil mais les locaux sont vétustes et peu entretenus. Sanitaires mal nettoyés, trains passants régulièrement y compris la nuit à moins de 50 mètres. Pas vraiment adapté pour une tente. Lorsque j'y suis passé ils effectuaient quelques travaux, à voir d'ici le début de saison les changements...
Good reception but the premises are old and poorly maintained. Badly cleaned sanitary facilities, trains running regularly including the night within 50 meters. Not really suitable for a tent. When I went there they did some work, to see by the beginning of the season the changes ...
Diego Buzzolan on Google

Campeggio a conduzione famigliare semplice ma a fine spiaggia perciò tranquillo e con spazi adeguati. Ottimo per tappa camper di uno due giorni se in arrivo dal Nord e diretti nel profondo sud. Servizi spartani apprezzabili solo da veri camperisti. Ferrovia vicina a basso traffico comune a tutti i camping della zona.
A simple family-run campsite at the end of the beach, therefore quiet and with adequate spaces. Excellent for a one-two-day camper stop if arriving from the North and heading to the Deep South. Spartan services that can only be appreciated by true campers. Low traffic nearby railway common to all campsites in the area.
Luigi Noviello on Google

Veramente bello, ottimo x i bambini..proprietario gentilissimo..
Really nice, great for children .. very kind owner ..

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